
How to get polygon antialiasing to work.

I'm using these function calls: glEnable(GL_BLEND) glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE, GL_ONE) It doesn't work and wont render. glEnable(GL_BLEND) glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) It doesn't anti-alias. ...

What does ARB mean in the opengl functions?

This should be easy one, i just havent found any reference to that. ...

i cant link my opengl program to math3d.h

Hey, I was writing an opengl program and it happens that i have a problem with linking with math3d.h. I am using ubuntu and g++. The thing is that i dint install the package for the math3d coz i got the header file and a cpp file from the net with opengl superbible. So i just copied the header file and .cpp file to the local directo...

Howto compile for Windows on Linux with gcc / g++ ?

Dear developers, I have written some effects in C++ (g++) using freeglut on Linux, and I compile them with g++ -Wall -lglut part8.cpp -o part8 So I was wondering if it is possible to have g++ make static compiled Windows executables that contains everything needed? I don't have Windows, so it would be really cool, if I could do that...

Do i have to use glDeleteTextures() in the end of the program?

Saw that in some example codes, but ive never used it, unless im dynamically opening new different sized textures etc. So does my OS or something take care of freeing the texture memory when my app is terminated? Or do i have to free it myself ? ...

Lines do not render on an offscreen frame buffer with a completely black texture

If I have a frame buffer which has a textured binded to it which is simply black with full alpha and I try to draw a line to it, even if the line has full alpha it wont render. I'm not stupid, so the lines definitely aren't black. If the texture is white instead the line suddenly render correctly as if the colour of the texture behind it...

Site on OpenGL call performance

I'm searching for reliable data on OpenGL's functions performance. A site that could for example: ...answer me how much more efficient is using glInterleavedArrays compared to gl*Pointer based implementation with strides, or without them. If applicable, show the comparisions on nVidia vs. ATI cards vs. embedded systems. ...answer me ho...

Enforcing File Integrity

Hi everyone, I've been working on a project in C++ using openGL and am looking to save the current scene to a text file. Something simple along the lines of, cube at x,y,z and its color etc. My question is about how to make sure that the file has not been changed by a user. I thought about calculating a checksum of the string and inclu...

If I build and link an OpenGL application using only OpenGL ES 1.x calls, will it still work?

I am writing an OpenGL game which will hopefuflly be for both linux and iphoneOS, I basically want to be able to build using the OpenGL ES 1.5 headers and run it on my linux desktop. Can I do this? IE, I want to only use the subset of API calls common between OpenGL and OpenGL-ES. Doing the above and linking with normal libGL.a from my ...

GtkGLExt - (cross) building troubles

Hello, I want to (cross) build from source the "GtkGLExt" library (the OpenGL extension to GTK+). I am in Linux and I want to build the "Windows" version of that library (for cross-compiling I use "MinGW"). So I downloaded the source code from "", extracted it and then run: ...

Lightmap with multitexturing, disabling lighting for one of the textures?

How i can disable lighting for only one of the textures in this multitexturing scheme? I tried to use glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) and glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) but it doesnt remember the settings when i render the quad. Here is the code snippet: glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB); glDisable(GL_TEXTU...

OpenGL Texture Loading

Evening everyone, I'm going around in circles here but I think I'm looking in the wrong places. My question is how would I go about loading an image and applying it to a primative in openGL. For example loading a bmp or jpg and applying it to a glutsolidsphere. Would the solution be limited to one platform or could it work across all?...

Deploying OpenGL Applications on Windows Mobile

What is involved with deploying OpenGL applications on a Windows Mobile device? Obviously we can't assume that all the devices have existing OpenGL drivers. Are there any best practices? Would it be reasonable to expect to be able to use this for something other than hobby type applications? ...

Blending two FBOs on iPhone gives strange result?

I am programming a small drawing app on the iphone and ran into a problem. When i merge two fbos the color becomes white instead merging. Look at the picture: Here the left is rendered as a normal mac program and the right is rendered on the iPhone platform with almost the same code except for u...

Making a draw/paint app

I'd like to include a simple draw feature on my app. A friend told me I can't use canvas because I need to control the frame buffer and not redraw the entire screen every for every frame. He suggested I find a openGL 2d engine. I've searched around and I've only found Rokon which doesn't have any documentation and the examples aren't qui...

OpenGL on MacOSX

I'm writing an app that heavily uses OpenGL; either on the Mac or on Linux. I've heard of various rumors of Apple having buggy OpenGL drivers (and a reluctance to fix them). Can anyone confirm/deny this? If you've developed on OpenGL on both Mac and Linux, how do they compare? Thanks! ...

polygon tessellation in opengl shader

want 20k+ 2D polygons to be rendered in opengl with outline & fill some polygons are concave is it possible to do this using shaders? thx! ...

OpenGL context inside Emacs buffer

I'm looking for a way to render an opengl scene inside an emacs buffer. Is there a best-practice way of doing this? ...

Moving objects on screen by per pixel basis with glRasterPos()

I have the following code to render text in my app, first i get the mouse coordinates in the world, then use those coordinates to place my text in the world, so it will follow my mouse position: Edit: added buildfont() function in code example: GLvoid BuildFont(GLvoid) // Build Our Bitmap Font { HFONT...

Callback to non-static method

I have this weird issue. Think of your basic openGL programs. They simply run from a main method and contain callbacks like `glutMouseFunc(MouseButton) where MouseButton is the name of a method. What I have done is I have encapsulated the main file into a class, so that MouseButton is no longer a static function but has an instance. But...