
Organizing interfaces

I am just reading Agile Principles, Patterns and Practices in C# by R. Martin and M. Martin and they suggest in their book, to keep all your interfaces in a separate project, eg. Interfaces. As an example, if I have a Gui project, that contains all my custom Gui classes, I will keep their interfaces in the Interfaces project. Specifica...

Recommended ways to split some functionality into functions, modules and packages?

There comes a point where, in a relatively large sized project, one need to think about splitting the functionality into various functions, and then various modules, and then various packages. Sometimes across different source distributions (eg: extracting a common utility, such as optparser, into a separate project). The question - how...

Should a programmer try to list their "Next Actions"?

David Allen's "Getting Things Done" recommends keeping a "Next Action" list to organize your work, where a "Next Action" is the next physical action you will do to make progress towards an objective. In programming, determining what to do next is often almost as hard as doing it (sounds like the halting problem). Most of the work is exa...

get organized with the command line: a command library

we all create/discover new and useful commands every day (I do...) but I forget them the day after, above all those complicated command pipes.. I use history | grep but that's not enough. I'd like a program to save and categorize my favorite commands, that lets you search them and execute them easily. If you know any, that'd be cool if...

Xcode - Using #pragma mark

I'm pretty sure this isn't a duplicate. Do you use #pragma mark? I've seen multiple ways, which is correct? #pragma mark - #pragma mark === Actions === #pragma mark - #pragma mark - #pragma mark === Actions === #pragma mark - === Actions === #pragma mark Actions ? What is the way you do it? How do you suggest dividing it up? What d...

Drupal: Staying Organized with Module Changes

The deeper I get with Drupal the more I have to make changes to code within other people's modules. These are usually small changes, and so far it doesn't make sense to rewrite the module's functionality for my own needs. I'm trying not to make any modifications to Drupal core since that just seems like asking for trouble. But sooner ...

How to handle images during software development

For software development one often needs images. But when I start working on an image I very fast end up with dozens of versions, like so Start with a nice large scale image, let's say a photo from my camera(x.nef) I do some adjustments on exposure correction and white balance, convert it to a x.jpg start to add some little stuff by co...

how to locate a program to desktop by C#

hi i want to do a program that like daily organizer or agenda. i want that program runs on desktop like a wallpaper but as transparantly. (like the clock on vista). how can achieve this by c#. i only ask to locate program on desktop. thanks. ...

Code organization in Python: Where is a good place to put obscure methods?

I have a class called Path for which there are defined about 10 methods, in a dedicated module Recently I had a need to write 5 more methods for Path, however these new methods are quite obscure and technical and 90% of the time they are irrelevant. Where would be a good place to put them so their context is clear? Of course I ...

Naming and organizing images

What's the general rule of thumb while naming dynamic / user-uploaded images. For instance, profile pictures. Is there a benefit for filenames to be human-readable (joshmason_profile.jpg) and not something random (sjdir2311.jpg)? And how do you organize them? All in a single folder with filenames in database? or dynamically generated f...

What kind of software development process should a lone developer have?

I work as a lone developer in a very small company. My work is quite chaotic and I'm looking for ways to make it more organized. One problem is that my projects have practically no management. Rarely anyone asks me what I'm doing, or if I have any problems. At some point there was talk about weekly status meetings, but that's some time ...

Code organization style for C?

I know some higher level languages, all web based (PHP, javascript, some python). I've finally decided to learn a lower level language, and I've decided to go with C. The problem is that all the languages I use are based heavily on OOP. Seeing as (based on the research I did) C doesn't have classes or inheritance. As a result, I ask y...

Separating Code To Be Organized

I'm building a zipper application, but it has a declaration that I want to separate it in another file (compress-file.m), but only when I separate the files I got an error when compiling with a variable, see it: [ubuntu@eeepc:~/Desktop] make This is gnustep-make 2.0.2. Type 'make print-gnustep-make-help' for help. Making all for app Lea...

How to organizeand catolog a Small Library

I have a small library that includes hardback and softback books, research papers, newpaper clippngs, magazine articles, maps and census papers. I have no clue how to organize and catalog all these things. The common denominator is they all have to do with my county from 1860's through today. Everything is folders and are labelled and ...

How do you organize your work?

How do you work? More specifically, how do you keep your programming tasks organized. When I do Mac development at home I use software called an outliner to organize, keep notes and prioritize the tasks I need to do. I started out using a program called Deep Notes which is a nice simple free tool. But now I use The Hit List. I’ve be...

Group commonly used solution items by function VS add-in

I am working i a big solution with much projects and items. It would come in very handy if there was an add-in in visual studio where i can group some items together according to their function. that way when i work on a specific functional task i can immediately see all items that i need. Simple example: I have a MVC project with -Cus...

Python organizing data with multiple dictionaries

I am trying to create a small server type application and have a question regarding organizing data with dicts. Right now I am grouping the data using the connection socket (mainly to verify where it's coming from and for sending data back out). Something like this: connected[socket] = account_data. Basically, each connected person will ...

Best Practice: Organize Unit Tests.

Hello there, I have solution with >270 projects, it contains various folders and etc. Imagine each project have Unit Tests, what do you think what is the best way to organize them? Should each project have Unit Tests near by, or I should create special folder for them, or even different solution for just unit tests. How do you organi...

Xcode organising files and folders (core data model objects - iPhone)

I am developing for the iPhone and the prevailing advice on auto-generating files from entities, when using Core Data, is to select the *.xcdatamodel file and the create the new file(s) etc. This creates the *.m and *.h files in the Resources directory. These are then moved to the Classes directory or a subdirectory of Classes. Howeve...

How to organize css files?

When my site depends on many css files, I realize it is a mess. It means, I use different css files from another team, and I put them together with mine. Hmm, many files then!. I get stuck with organizing them. Anybody has a good solution? ...