
windows internet explorer stack overflow at line :2803

windows internet explorer shows a message as : windows internet explorer stack overflow at line :2803 and this message pops up after each cancellation . what do i do of this error message and why does this occur ?? please help.. thanks ...

Best way to handle Integer overflow in C#?

Handling integer overflow is a common task, but what's the best way to handle it in C#? Is there some syntactic sugar to make it simpler than with other languages? Or is this really the best way? int x = foo(); int test = x * common; if(test / common != x) Console.WriteLine("oh noes!"); else Console.WriteLine("safe!"); ...

python and overflowing byte?

Hi all, I need to make a variable with similar behaviour like in C lanquage. I need byte or unsigned char with range 0-255. This variable should overflow, that means... myVar = 255 myVar += 1 print myVar #!!myVar = 0!! ...

In Firefox 2, usage of overflow:hidden makes other divs overlap current div

Hi, When I use overflow:hidden for div which is positioned absolute (for menu), other div overlaps. Here is the code. It works fine in FF3. Any help appreciated. Please note that html should be as it is. Also if you can provide solution, just by changing styles of menu div (the div which contains menu text) it is more helpful for me. Tha...

Overflow exception while performing parallel factorization using the .NET Task Parallel Library (TPL)

Hello, I'm trying to write a not so smart factorization program and trying to do it in parallel using TPL. However, after about 15 minutes of running on a core 2 duo machine, I am getting an aggregate exception with an overflow exception inside it. All the entries in the stack trace are part of the .NET framework, the overflow does not c...

How does Java handle integer underflows and overflows and how would you check for it?

How does Java handle integer underflows and overflows? Leading on from that, how would you check/test that this is occurring? ...

Specify horizontal overflow for PDF reports in Eclipse Birt

Cheers, we are having the following problem while generating PDF reports with the Birt framework - when the content is a table that has many rows in it then the rows get stacked together. We'd like to split the content into more pages. When we set the PDFRenderOption's PAGE_OVERFLOW to OUTPUT_TO_MULTIPLE_PAGES we can only see that the ...

Getting overflow-y:scroll to work with fixed positioning html & css

I have a Jquery tools scrollable thats set to be fixed to the bottom of the browser window. All I want to happen is for the page to be able to scroll vertically when the browser is less then 700px high. (so no content gets hidden, as its all fixed place). This feels like it should be simple but its causing me huge headaches. js solutio...

VERY strange stack overflow in C++ program

Hello, I wrote a program some time ago (Mac OS X, C++, SDL, FMOD) and it perfomed rather good. But lately I wanted to extend its functionality and added some more code to it. And now, when I run it and try to test the new functionality, the program crashes with SIGABRT. Looking into debugger, on function stack I see: _kill kill$UNIX2...

Does overflow:hidden applied to <body> work on iPhone Safari?

Does overflow:hidden applied to work on iPhone Safari? it seems not. i cant create a wrapper on the whole website to achieve that... do you know the solution? Example: i have a long page, and simply i want to hide the content the goes underneath the "fold". and it shoudl work on iPhone/iPad THANKS ...

Twitter Website Widget Breaks out of CSS Overflow in IE7

I am working the Twitter Widget which you can get from their web site. I currently have a container div which holds a div that has the widget inside. At this point I have both divs with a specified height shorter than the widget with the overflow of hidden and the widget breaks out of this in IE7 and IE8 COmpatibility. (I have not tes...

Brainfart: How to make overflow content in a div

I cant even come up with a proper subject for this one... Basically I have a box div, that when click expands to a rectangle and shows content in the new expanded area. The problem I'm having is that when I animate out the div's width, the browser wants to render the content as the box is stretching, rather than just have it placed wher...

Make overflow hidden when shrinking div

I have a div with an image in it, and the image is too large for the div. I have solved the overflow problem with the obvious CSS overflow:hidden trick. But, the problem is that when the div's parent resizes (shrinks), the div holding the image won't shrink because of the image in it. Is there a way to have a resizable div with an imag...

Making a vertically scrolling parent div which does not cause overflow of children

I have something as follows: <div style="float: left; height: 20px; overflow-y: scroll"> <div>hello this is a test</div> <div>hello this is another test</div> <div>t1</div> <div>t2</div> <div>t3</div> </div> The parent div grows to the appropriate width to fit the largest child (which is what I want). However, the vertical ...

Negative padding-top, fixed height, overflow hidden

Hello, how can I show only 200px (height) of my div, and skip the first 30px (top) ? <div style="height:200px; overflow:hidden; padding-top:-30px"> A<br>B<br>C<br>D<br>E<br>F<br>G<br> H<br>I<br>J<br>K<br>L<br>M<br>N<br> O<br>P<br>Q<br>R<br>S<br>T<br>U<br> V<br>W<br>X<br>Y<br>Z </div> ...

Expand div when the content overflows.

I have div with height="400px" and width="25px".How to expand div when the content overflows? ...

Windows Forms Designer Float overflow

I'm not sure what's changed, but for some reason I'm getting a problem with Visual Studio 2008 Windows Forms Designer: C++ CodeDOM parser error: Line: 1978, Column: 80 --- Float overflow The call stack doesn't seem to point to any of my code either: at Microsoft.VisualC.CppCodeParser.OnMethodPopulateStatements(Object sender, Even...

Button Text dissapears using overflow:visible within IE7

In Internet Explorer, there is unnecessary padding that occurs to the left and right within the button when the button name is large. As a result of this, the known solution is to add "width: auto" and "overflow:visible" to the button style, but doing so will inadvertently make the text in the button disappear when the user scrolls the p...

Suggest another method of achieving this "word stack" which resolves the known issues my method is a victim of.

I am trying to transform a set of two radio buttons in a stack of two labels, one blue and on gray representing, respectively, the selected radio and the unselected one. Clicking on this stack will change which of the labels is blue (and which of the radio buttons is checked). It works well but it breaks down in an ugly manner when the t...

easy slider overflow problem on first load (again same problem)

I am having a strange problem, i am using easy slider 1.5 for slides. Everything works fine but when i load the page for the first time, right side overflows, then after refreshing the page once, everything goes to fine......... here is the link for the main page link text Okay here is my CSS part of the code, i think that i dont know ...