
CMD: Sleep and hit any key, at the same time?

Hello, i have this batch file, which makes constantly a loop. I want the user to be able to terminate it in the batch, not just clicking the X. This is what i need (somehow): @echo off :proc cls rem All kind of stuff... echo Hit any key to terminate... sleep 1 @pause>nul But, of course, sleep and pause can't work at the same time. ...

jQuery while loop not waiting for animation

I have a jQuery function that does a .clone() on an object, and then an .insertAfter() and a .slideDown() on the cloned object. This whole function is wrapped inside a while loop. I will keep this as short and concise as possible and show a generic example: while (statement) { // code for clone and insert ... $("#newly_created_...

Cocos2D Director Pause/Resume Issue

I am trying to play a .gif animation in cocos2D. For this i am using the library glgif. Now, to display the animation i am pausing the Director, adding a subview to show the animation and after the animation is done i am resuming the Director. However, I am not able to resume the state of the Director and it shows blank. So I tried this ...

Pause mpmovieplayercontroller programmatically - is it possible?

Pause mpmovieplayercontroller programmatically - is it possible? tnx. ...

Page redirecting before SQL has excuted - ASP.NET MVC

I have a slightly modified AccountController that should write a row into a table upon login. However, the page redirects before the DB action has completed and so nothing is inserted. I've temporarily solved this by sticking in a Thread.Sleep, but I'm looking for an alternative that makes it appear seamless. If Not String.IsNullO...

[C#] How to make Background thread pause and then continue on button click?

I have a Windows Form and a class with two simple methods that run recursively in a nondeterministic way (meaning that it's unknown which recursion will be called, both can call the other)... Now, there are some points during that recursion at which I want to pause the execution and wait for a user to click on the "Next Step" button. Onl...

JQUERY AJAX ---- Pausing for usability reasons but only when nessesary?

I have a LoadingStatus Function that has two options SHOW or HIDE. The Show triggers to display when the JQUERY POST is made, the HIDE happens after the RESPONSE comes back. The issue I'm having is that sometimes this happens so fast that it makes for a bad experience. What I thought about doing was putting in a JavaScript PAUSE, but i...

Pausing Game when someone calls/SMS you.

I want to implement this function on my apps but i cant seem to figure out how to use this line of codes. - (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application { //our app is going to loose focus since there is an incoming call [self pauseGame]; } - (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application{ //the user...

iphone sdk: pausing NSURLConnection?

Hi guys, In my app I give the user the ability to download files from a server. For that I use NSURLConnection. I would like to give the user the ability to pause and resume the download by tapping a button. I couldn't find any way to do this besides calling the cancel method and then creating a new NSURLConnection. So is there an elega...

jQuery Looping Animation pauses each time. How to keep from pausing?

I am trying to cause a block to "pulsate" between 100% opacity and some partially transparent opacity. I want to do this with the functionality that is built into the jQuery core, if possible. I would rather not add a plugin to get this effect. Here is the code that i am trying to use: $(document).ready(function() { function pulsat...

Javascript pause problem in a loop, ajax, jquery

Hi I'm trying to create a simple animation. Long story short, I've got a list of 20 small divs and one outside div. I want to display five small divs within a large div at the time. Ideally, I would get a set of next 5 divs every 5 seconds. I'm using jquery ajax function to create small divs, here's the code: $(document).ready(function...

Jquery Cycle Plugin: Event on pause / continue?

Hi, I'm using the jQuery cycle plugin and want to display the current state of the slideshow (pause / continue) in a separate span. Now I don't find an event that is triggered when the slidehow pauses or unpauses, to set the corresponding text. How can I achieve this? ...

C# How to pause/suspend a thread then continue it?

I am making an application in C# which uses a winform as the GUI and a separate thread which is running in the background automatically changing things. Ex: public void run() { while(true) { printMessageOnGui("Hey"); Thread.Sleep(2000); . . } } How would I make it pause any...

Download Content Dynamically to App through In-App

Hi Everyone, I am trying to download content dynamically to my App after an In-App purchase. This content needs to be decompressed. What is the best way to do this and to uncompress and access the data? I always want to give the user the ability to pause the download. How do you do that programmatically - the pause and resume? Than...

Using HTML5 on iPhone - cannot pause

Hey guys, I was wondering whether anyone has tried to use the new tag that comes with HTML5 on the iPhone. Specifically, I didn't manage to make the pause() command to work. Below is a portion of the page. As you can see, I'm trying to pause the video 10sec after it started. It works on Safari on a Mac btw. Has anyone managed to make t...

How to know when the MPMoviePlayerController has been paused in iPhone?

I want to add an overlay view for my video when the video is paused by the user. Is there any way to get the pause notification from MPMoviePlayerController? According to Apple Doc, there should be ways to do this but I can't find which notification should I use for this purpose. Quote: In addition to being notified when playbac...

Pausing a process?

Is there a way to pause a process (running from an executable) so that it stops the cpu load while it's paused, and waits till it's unpaused to go on with its work? Possibly in python, or in some way accessible by python. ...

android: pausing an activity until another finishes

When my app starts, it checks to see if it has stored login credentials. if it doesn't, it starts another activity to prompt the user for those credentials. My problem is, that when the prompt activity is started, the first activity continues execution and ends up with null pointers because the prompt activity has not yet returned the ne...

Is there a way to write a NSTimer so it just pauses the program for a second?

Trying to change a button pic, wait a second, then change back. Not having much luck trying to get that to work, so is there a way to just pause the program for a second, without having a timer actually executing anything, and without the program going on with the code? ...

possible to change a script when it is running?

Suppose a script has 1000 lines, and the 10 line has a command takes a long time to run and when I find it is running line 10, I find I need to change line 100, is it possible to do that without stop the script first? We can also stop a process by using command pstop, but I don't know how to let the process to re-read the script and con...