
Pause effects

Is it possible to pause all effects? So when I need I can just resume them from state where they were paused. ...

How do I fade out 1 div and fade in 2 divs, then after 10 seconds of inactivity, fade in the 1st div again, and fade the 2 divs out?

This is my code currently: $(function() { $('#header_left').click(function(){ $('#header_left_info').fadeOut('fast'); $('#header_left').fadeOut('fast'); $('#header_left_back').delay(250).fadeIn('fast'); }); }); (the 250 millisecond delay is so that the fades don't conflict)...

What is the difference between scheduler's standby() and pauseAll()?

I'm using Quartz Scheduler v.1.8.0. What's the difference between scheduler.standby() and scheduler.pauseAll()? standby() - Temporarily halts the Scheduler's firing of Triggers. pauseAll() - Pause all triggers - similar to calling pauseTriggerGroup(group) on every group, however, after using this ...

How to freeze a PHP script for a few seconds?

Hi there! I would like to make my PHP script freeze at a screen for at least 5 seconds before loading into the next script. I have tried "Sleep()" however that is not the function I am looking for as it only pause the script that is "going" to be loaded. Here are my codes: echo "Welcome ",$_SESSION['username']."<br>"; echo "Click h...

Pause NSOperation

I have NSOperationQueue with some NSOperations in it (NSInvocationOperations, in particular). This operations do some calculations and change states of UI elements accordingly (of course, via performSelectorOnMainThread:...), often with use of animations. My UI has UINavigationViewController and some buttons for navigation to another vi...

python doctest: stop example execution and use the resulting context in some shell

i think there was some directive i could enter in the test that would allow me to run some commands interactively at the point of the directive and then continue the example, but i dont remember what it was... ...

Find all instances in a currentFrame (AS 3.0)

I have a movie with several imported videos which are instances of FLVPlayback. I want to make some Pause and Play buttons. Thus I need to know which video should I refer the stop() method to when I'm in a certain Frame. I believe it is something related to finding all existing instances in this.currentFrame and stopping the found instan...

How do I create a pause/wait function using QT

Hello, I'm playing around with QT and I want to create a simple pause between two commands. However it won't seem to let me use Sleep(int mili); and I can't find any obvious wait functions. I am basically just making a console app to test some class code which will later be included in a proper QT GUI, so for now I'm not bothered about...

How to pause a Thread's Message Queue in Android?

I am queuing up a bunch of runnables into a thread via a I would like the ability to send a note to that thread that it should pause. By pause I mean, finish the runnable or message you are currently working on, but don't go to the next message or runnable in your message queue until I tell you to continue. ...

easiest way to pause a command-line python program?

Let's say I have a python program that is spitting out lines of text, such as: while 1: print "This is a line" What's the easiest way to allow one to press a key on the keyboard to pause the loop, then to resume if pressed again---but if nothing is pressed it should just continue on automatically? I'm hoping I don't have to go into...

Can you repro this 64-bit .NET 4 GC bug?

Update: Microsoft have now reproduced the bug and are working on a fix. Whilst evaluating the viability of the .NET platform for low latency software development, we have discovered a serious bug in the .NET 4 concurrent workstation garbage collector that can cause applications to hang for up to several minutes at a time. On three of o...

Setting Xcode breakpoint by code? (like pause() function)

I'm finding a way pausing program execution by code on Xcode As an example, I can stop execution with abort() C function. This pops Xcode debugger up. However, this exits program completely, so I'm finding a way to pause execution. So I can resume execution after checking execution states. This is required for handling light-weight err...