I'm part of a team which is evaluating frameworks for developing portlets for WebSphere Portal 6.1.5 (and 7, once we get it).
A rough outline of our requirements for the framework are (as many of the following as possible):
Support development of JSR-286 compliant portlet applications
Should support custom portlet modes
AJAX support ...
is it possible to implement IPC with GWT2 Portlets? Preferably i'd like to use the JSR286 Event mechanism, but would have to do so out of the GWT Portlets. I am using a Liferay 6 Portal. Has anyone any experience with this kind of environment?
thanks for your help,
i'm building a portlet style site with tabs using jquery 1.4.2, and jquery ui 1.8.2. the portlets were easy to get working with the sortable plugin. tabs were easy as well. the problem i'm having is in trying to drag portlets BETWEEN tabs. since the same containers that the portlets are sortable to (columns) are present in all tabs, ...
Hi there,
I'm a little bit stuck in a problem right now: I've got a JBoss Portal which runs on a JBoss AS 4.2.3. There are running some webapps on the machine which provide some portlets to users. Now I need a centralized solution:
Every time an user logs in I want to create a session bean where some user information is hold. I'm using...
Hi there,
I'm trying to inject a portletrequest in my aspect class
@Autowired(required = true)
private PortletRequest request;
@Before("execution(* de.ac.mis.dao.*.getSessionFactory())")
public void setUsername() {
System.out.println("Now I'm setting the username " + this.request);
Only gives me an
Caused by: org.springframew...
Is there a way to develop portlets with spring without using the DispatcherPortlet? I want to use other technologies for the UI, mainly Vaadin. Spring is used for DI and other stuff. Is there something similar to ContextLoaderListener class in the Portlet side?
What are the best practices in CSRF-proofing a Liferay 5.2.3 based site? OWASP recommends (http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_(CSRF)_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet#General_Recommendation:_Synchronizer_Token_Pattern) using the Synchronizer token pattern, but doing this manually seems to be tedious, especially sharing the to...
any link where I could find a hello world portlet example for Gridsphere 3.1?
How do I add an jQuery UI Portlet to an existing set of Portlets?
(Check: http://jqueryui.com/demos/sortable/portlets.html)
How to add a portlet after loading?
In my personal project I implemented portlets: http://www.soliman.nl/test/jqueryui/ui_2.php
and I would like to make a button to append a portlet. I tried appending it to .col...
How can I programatically determine what the background color of my portlet will be before it's rendered? (ie in the init() or doview() functions).
I want to make an embedded flash movie look transparent-ish by having it's background color (which I can set programatically) match the background color of the portlet... but the portlet's b...
I have a custom portlet that I added to Liferay. I am looking for a way to duplicate the portlet, make some very little changes on it and use it on another community i.e. I want to be able to see the two portlets when I login as super admin and click on the add application link. Does anyone know an easy way of doing this?
I've got a basic file download action that is working in the standalone version of my Struts2 webapp, but when I try to use it in the portlet version (using struts2-portlet-plugin), I'm having troubles.
First it said it didn't support "text/plain", so I added that to my portlet.xml supports section. Now it's saying
I'm trying to write a simple portlet using Spring 3 to run in Liferay. It's two pages - you can view an ordered list of items (they are just strings), and if you go to the edit page, you can change the order of the items in the list. On the edit page, you can either move an item up or down, one level at a time. So for example, when you c...
I have a portlet which has many rendering and action methods:
public class CartController {
@RenderMapping() // default render method
public String defaultRender(RenderRequest req, RenderResponse res, Model model) throws PortalException, SystemException {
I have a login portlet up and running that's based on this tutorial. It works just fine, however, if there is an error with the login form the error messages are displayed within the portlet and they aren't very prominent.
The portlet follows:
class UserLogin extends Portlet
public $title='Login';
protected function rende...
I am using def liferay_portlet_private_session_attributes = false in grails portlet for liferay .
This i was using to share session values with other portlet .
session.getAttribute("orgid", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE)
I was getting this error when build,deployed each time refresh the url.
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastExc...
i'm stuck with a problem which involved Weblogic Portal, an Struts 1.3 Portlet and a Download Operation.
Normally a download operation can be triggered by:
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=file.csv");
response.setHeader("Content-Length", Str...
is there a way to provide my spring portlets a default state which is resolved if a unavailable expcetion occurs?
I recieve this exception
10:24:53,187 ERROR [517: org.jboss.portal.portlet.impl.jsr168.PortletContainerImpl] The portlet threw an exception
javax.portlet.UnavailableException: No matching handler method found for portl...
I have a custom portlet manager, and I'd like to blacklist (aka block) context (aka parent) portlets by default. I've found a couple of methods but they either require a specific location (so not sitewide) or will only work if I'm in a different package to where the portlet manager is defined (setuphanders.py is run before portlets.xml i...
I have a legacy web application that I want to enhance by adding a message board. Is is possible to add the message board portlet of liferay into this external application.
I am a newbie so pardon my naivity if I've overlooked something obvious.
Many Thanks