
Browser Image Rendering

I am dynamically sizing a transparent .gif on my web page using JavaScript. The original image size is around 200x200 pixels and it’s typically resized to between 600x600 and 800x800. In IE8 and FF3, the resized image results in a nice looking gradient where the colors appear to be stretched. However, in older browsers such as IE7 and FF...

Forcing ending tags in HTML segments or ignoring missing ending tags

When creating an rss feed that shows a subset of a larger html doc (first x characters) I've run into an issue where some tags begin in the "first x characters" but the ending tag is outside that range. This can cause some fun problems if the consumer of the feed is trying to render the html in the feed in that it can cause unexpected r...

Firefox rendering HTML incorrect sometimes

I developed a css menu and it has worked fine across all browsers in my testing (pure html/css). When we brought the code into our development environment which is running on cakePHP, we started seeing the menu bug out sometimes in Firefox (3.5.2). It happens in no other browser. I checked the source when the bug occurs and this is what ...

ASP.NET MVC: Get an action output within another action

In ASP.NET MVC application I have an action Page() which renders a page (like a wiki page). Now, I have another action RenderPdf() which should collect the HTML output of Page() and use HTML2PDF component to create PDF version of that page. How do I collect the HTML output of one action within another action. Note: not in the view, bu...

Tool to measure Render time

Hi Folks, Is there a tool out there to measure the actual Render time of an element(s) on a page? I don't mean download time of the resources, but the actual time the browser took to render something. I know that this time would vary based on factors on the client machine, but would still be very handy in knowing what the rendering en...

On scaling tags in a tag cloud

I am implementing a tag cloud on a mobile device. The details of data-model etc, are not particularly important here. My question is about the scaling of tags: What is the 'best' expression to map tag frequency to font size? I have looked at this post discussing linear and logarithmic scaling and this answer from Adrian Kuhn sketch of ...

.net change client target to default

I have a base page class where i set client target with protected override void FrameworkInitialize() { base.FrameworkInitialize(); ClientTarget = "ie5"; } for standart rendering for all browser. I now i need to change it to it's original state (auto?) for a single page that inherits my base page class. How can i do it? ...

Funky rendering in IE for HTML + CSS is the page, and IE only is the problem. If you notice, the text at the end of "Step 2", the text "the next page" is repeated. If you highlight either of those portions of text, IE will highlight both of them. Is this a bug in IE? We've seen this happen on the same pa...

VS2010's WPF renders poorly inside a Windows7 VM?

Kevin Hoffman this morning reports that: When put under a virtual machine running Windows 7, VS2010 fails to render things, borders disappear, windows become unusable and the experience is downright awful. On the other hand, when you run VS2010 "bare metal" with no virtualization between it and your video card, everythi...

Website not rendering correctly in IE - Just cannot get it right. :(

Hi all, I have been trying to days now to get this website completed ... however, when viewing it in IE (compatibility mode) the header is all messed up. :( The website is here: This is actually the first design I've converted into a Wordpress theme, so it's been very challenging. If anyone has any suggesti...

Looking for a book or website recommendation concerning radiosity rendering.

Looking for a book or website recommendation concerning radiosity rendering. I need something that a beginner can digest but is detailed enough that the reader could then actually implement something. ...

(iphone sdk) When I use CGAffineTransform (such as CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation) does that actually "move" the frame?

Or does it just change where it's rendered? I have performed this transform and I think the object's frame's origin's y position stays the same. ...

WPF layout on a Window

I have a couple of listboxes on a WPF Windows, with Height="Auto" Width="Auto" set on the form The form sizes perfectly on different resolutions, but the problem is that when I press the maximise button a thick "Black L" is visible while the form resizes. I have seen this on quite a few WPF applications, but not had to solve the proble...

Drawing dashed borders

Imagine you are drawing a map of county borders. You are given a set of polygons, one for each boundary, and you draw each polygon. In places where two counties share a border you just end up drawing the border twice. In the absence of partial transparency effects, and with a solid pen, this is no problem. But, on maps, borders of this...

Render TIFF image in Flex?

I have TIFF images in the database, and I need to render them in Flex. Please consider server-side conversion options as falling outside the scope of this question. Client-side conversion options interest me, if anyone has anything. ...

JasperReports rendering problem

I have a very weird JasperReports rendering problem. I am using an old version of the free Java Reporting Tool JasperReports: 1.3.4. It's being heavily used on a Swing finance application. I use JasperViever class to show a preview of the report to print, and my weird problem is that the report shows perfectly fine on some computers wh...

Why can't I display slashes when using anti-alias dynamic text fields in Flash CS4.

I know what you're thinking - "Dumbass hasn't embedded his fonts" - right? Well wrong, I've told it to embedded Numerals, Punctuation and into Include these characters I have typed /£ and although it prints the pound symbol fine it skips the slash! I've tried doubling it up both in the output string and the Include these characters box...

DIV issue between firefox & chrome

Hello all, I'm still relatively new to CSS, but after lots of Stack Overflow reading, I have figured out how to add "headers" to a panel. Yay, go me. But the problem I'm running into is that one of my panels in particular won't render properly in Firefox. I've been doing all development work in Chrome, and I just now noticed this issue....

Zend_form rendering problem

Hi, I need a zend_form which will contain mostly checkboxes. I need to group them and also display a title for each group. e.g. Heading 1 Label1 Check1 Label2 Check2 Label3 Check3 Heading 2 Label4 Check4 Label5 Check5 Label6 Check6 First I don't know how to display the title ("headings")! Is there a way that you can add a label ...

Rendering large numbers of meshes (objects)

I have a project where I am looking to render a large number of meshes over a 16 square mile landscape. While the meshes are not all unique, there are a lot of them (Probably only 1000 meshes but several million usages of them) I was wondering if there were any papers or (good) resources covering the topic. I have found loads of papers ...