
Are REST request headers encrypted by SSL?

I'm developing a client/server app that will communicate via rest. Some custom request data will be stored in the header of the request. Both the server sending the request and the receiving server have an SSL certificate - will the headers be encrypted, or just the content? ...


Is REST a better approach to doing Web Services or is SOAP? Or are they different tools for different problems? Or is it a nuanced issue - that is, is one slightly better in certain arenas than another, etc? ...

JAX-RS Frameworks

I've been doing some work with the JAX-RS reference implementation (Jersey). I know of at least two other frameworks (Restlet & Apache CXF). My question is: Has anyone did some comparison between those frameworks and if so, which framework do you recommend and why? ...

What's the best way to learn server RESTful code?

I'm an experienced client application developer (C++/C#), but need to come up to speed quickly on writing server side code to perform RESTful interactions. Specifically, I need to learn how to exchange data with OpenSocial containers via the RESTful API. ...

Mocking WebResponse's from a WebRequest

I have finally started messing around with creating some apps that work with RESTful web interfaces, however, I am concerned that I am hammering their servers every time I hit F5 to run a series of tests.. Basically, I need to get a series of web responses so I can test I am parsing the varying responses correctly, rather than hit their...

What's the best way to serialize a HashTable for SOAP/XML?

What's the best way to serialize a HashTable (or a data best navigated through a string indexer) with SOAP/XML? Let's say I have an Foo that has an property Bar[] Bars. A Bar object has a key and a value. By default, this serializes to the following XML: <Foo> <Bars> <Bar key="key0" value="value0"/> ... </Bars> </Foo...

Why would one use REST instead of Web services?

Attended an interesting demo on REST today, however, I couldn't think of a single reason (nor was one presented) why REST is in anyway better or simpler to use and implement than a Web Services stack. What are some of the reasons Why anyone in the "real world" use REST instead of the Web Services? ...

WCF REST Caching - Client Side & Server Side

I have wirtten a RESTful WCF Service. Incorporating E-Tags, expires headers. The caching works great when using it from a browser. However how does the caching work when calling it from a WCF Channel Factory or .NET Web Request Objects? So in the scenario where I have my website calling the WCF restful service when a 304 not modifi...

(Security) Should I reject URLS longer than N?

I am trying to write an application that uses pretty URLS or REST (still learning what this entails). Anyway my urls look like I can be sure a url will never exceed N characters. Should I validate the url length with every request in order to protect against buffer overflow/injection atta...

oAuth REST and C# What's the missing piece

I found a library that makes it easy to get my oAuth_token and oAuth_token_secret with c#. If I'm trying to make a POST to a RESTful web service (ie. how are those two keys leveraged to varify authentication. A C# example would be awesome! ...

Is there a more user friendly alternative to Net::HTTP for interacting with REST APIs?

Net::HTTP can be rather cumbersome for the standard use case! ...

Get Form request with Seam/JSF

I have a query form that I would like to submit as a GET request so the result page may be bookmarked and otherwise RESTful. It's your classical text field with a submit button. How do I induce Seam/JSF to use GET and include the query expression as a parameter rather than POST, the default? ...

Performance of SOAP vs. XML-RPC or REST

The arguments about the simplicity of solutions using XML-RPC or REST are easy to understand and hard to argue with. I have often also heard arguments that the increased overhead of SOAP may significantly impact used bandwidth and possibly even latency. I would like to see the results of a test that quantifies the impact. Any one know...

Weather web service for Europe?

We are looking for a reliable "current weather" web service for Europe, with city resolution. We only need the current weather. Since it is for a commercial web site, we don't mind paying a reasonable fee for the service. What are our options? What service would you recommend or avoid based on previous experience? Note: SOAP Web Serv...

Batching in REST

With web services it is considered a good practice to batch several service calls into one message to reduce a number of remote calls. Is there any way to do this with RESTful services? ...

SOAP or REST based Geotargetting service?

Is anyone aware of a (preferablly free) webservice that would accept a SOAP or REST request. This request would contain an IP address, and the service would return an approximation of that IP's location. EDIT: I need resolution down to the city of possible. ...

Long-lived RESTful interactions

We have a discussion going on in my team at the moment, and I'd be interested in other views. Suppose we have a RESTful web service whose role is to annotate documents by applying a variety of analysis algorithms and services. The basic interaction in clear: we have a resource which is the document collection; the client POSTs a new doc...

When do transactions start when using (restful) rails

Is it the case that the entire restful verb is under a single all encompassing transaction? That is to say, if I raise a Error in the validation or callbacks at any point in the handling of a UPDATE, DELETE, or CREATE operation, is every database operation that I may have performed in previous callbacks also rolled back? Succinctly, does...

How to map a Servlet to get extra path information with getPathInfo()

I am having an issue where Tomcat is treating extra path information as part of the servlet name. This is breaking a bunch of RESTFul functionality in our webapp (we use extra path info rather than ?name=value pairs for crawler friendly links). It was working correctly before, but it broke after adding explicit mappings and removing th...

Should a web app use its own public API to display data?

I'm starting to build a site that as most do, displays data in various ways from a database. I'm building a public REST API as part of this project, and will be designing this in parallel with the main site, as I believe that it's an integral feature. Should the site itself use the public API when retrieving data, or should it use a dif...