
Get logged on user on external Sharepoint Web Part

Lots of places use sharepoint. How can we securely retrieve the logged on sharepoint user when they view our app inside a web part? ...

How does Infopath forms routing work (ie an Expense Approval form)? Is a PKI required?

I don't have an understanding on how the whole InfoPath product works. I know it can save data to Sharepoint. But here are a few bits of information I'm confused about: If someone saves an Infopath form to SPS, is the entire form saved, or just the data? How would an approval scenario work? My employer wants to use as little code ...

Enabling SPAudit automatically for new files in list.

Hi... I'm working with the Audit framework in MOSS 2007, and I've programatically enabled Auditing for 2 specific lists in a bunch of sites in a site collection(meaning the sites all have their own two lists). I've only enabled the update mask, as I only want to know when something's been changed or added. However, I'm only able to log...

Displaying List Item in Workflow Task's Edit Form

I have created a workflow using Sharepoint Designer 2007 using "Collect Data from a user" activity which has created a Task Content Type and its Edit Form (ASPX file). In this ASPX file I want to show couple of fields from the List Item on which Workflow is running; which will help the user filling in the Task Edit Form. Is it possible ...

urgent: obtain domain of computer

hi, i am using a sharepoint portal over a computer. how i can obtain domain of that computer. ...

Import SharePoint 2007 Site Template into SharePoint 2010

We are moving from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010. I saved a site in SharePoint 2007 as a Site Template (SiteName.stp) and I brought it into SharePoint 2010 under "Site Settings - Galleries - Solutions" - Noticed that is where the templates get saved in 2010. But when I upload it there I cant change the Status to "Activate".... An...

SharePoint 2010 Not Showing Full Breadcrumb and Home Logo Not Working

Hi, I'm playing around trying to get the breadcrumbs working in my new 2010 site to display the complete path from the root to where ever the user navigates. At the moment when I navigate to a subsite the breadcrumb only shows the current site down so you can't easily get back to the main home page. I've tried all the settings under n...

How to add items to a wiki page library in Sharepoint via Web Services?

Well, the title says it all, There is not information around about this, the only link I found related to this problem, is: and it doesn't really helps. Any clue? Thanks in advance. ...

copy webpart page (aspx page) with web parts

I have a web part page "DocLib1.aspx" in document library "DobLib1" and it has few webparts. How can I take the same web part page and copy it to other document libraries (there are about 50+ document libraries). The web part page is named after the document library (with aspx extension). One of the web part is the list for the same doc...

Saving document to WSS gives script error

I have a custom content type with two extra columns defined in WSS 3.0. I have a document list with word documents of that content type. When I open a document on my XP client with MS Office 2003 and IE6 (company regulations :-( ) this works fine. When I make changes however and I try to save the document, I get following error: I do...

Sharepoint 2010 Foundation licenses

Hi, Quick question about SP 2010 licensing. Is it totally free? Can I install onto a web facing server without any licenses and let anybody and everybody do stuff, are there limitations?? Thx :) ...

SharePoint -customized contact form.

Hi -I am working on WSS 3.0. I am requiring to develop a custom contact form -requirements are very specific so I would like to code it. What options do I have? Could I use the Form Web Part? Thank you for your valuable help. ...

Authenticate MS-Sharepoint user using PHP

Hi all, I was told in the 'case-of-monday' meeting that I am going to integrate MS-sharepoint authentication to a existing PHP site. The idea is a MS-sharepoint user can login via the PHP site which has permission to query a sub set of the Sharepoint resources (generic documents i.e. employee manual). I need something to get started. A...

SharePoint UserField control - any way to limit selection in people dialog?

I'm using the SharePointWebControls UserField control. I know that if I use the PeopleEditor, I can limit the user selection to those in a single SharePoint group by using SharePointGroup="groupname". But for various reasons, I cannot use the PeopleEditor here. Is there similar functionality for the UserField that I'm just not finding...

Download Links behavior page refresh to have functionality

Hi, I'm building a custom webform that I'm implementing to sharepoint. It consists of 4 download links and other objects. All works good on sharepoint. The very last step I'm doing is I use MasterPageFile="~/_layouts/application.master" to reference the sharepoint master page and a content placeholder. When I implement the master page ...

sharepoint SLAM

Hi Guys I am using SLAM 1.3 with WSS3.0 I have 2 lists with same same from two differents sites in one site collection. How can i create 2 different tables for these two lists in the SLAM database. Used TableName and ID attributes but no luck. Please suggest ...

Sharepoint ItemAdding & ItemAdded issue

I need to retrieve an Infopath File, which is displayed and filled in on a sharepoint webpage, and save it's data to a seperate DB. There are 2 events that fire once the form is submitted. ItemAdding and ItemAdded. I know that I can not retrieve the file from the ItemAdding Event because it only gets saved after the ItemAdding Event. ...

Enabling anonymous access in SharePoint 2010 not working

CENTRAL ADMIN I have created a web application using claims based authentication. I have allowed anonymous access on the default zone. Anonymous policy is set to none in central admin for the default zone. I have added no additional users in 'User Policy'. SITE COLLECTION LEVEL Site settings -> Site Permissions -> Anonymous Access ->...

Sharepoint PublishingWebControls

Does anyone know the PublishingWebControls for a drop down I have looked on msdn but nothing really stands out ...

Hide Column in Sharepoint List

Hi Experts, I am trying to hide a column in SharePoint 2007 list based on Users. When user submit a request the status column should be hidden and the value set as pending. When Admin logged in he/she should able to edit the status. Is there any way I can achieve this with out writing CUSTOM CODE. Any help would be appreciated. ...