
Quick Reference Guide for Sharepoint Site Settings?

Is there a "quick reference" guide or "cheat sheet" type document for each of the available options within the "Site Settings" page in Sharepoint 2007 ? The settings page that I'm talking about is shown in this image: and is the one accessed via the "Site Actions" drop-down on the right-hand side of the...

Go To Report action in SSRS 2008, Sharepoint Integrated mode doesn't do anything

I've created two reports in the same project, and the first report has an Action "Go To Report" in a tablix cell, to take it to this subreport I'll call SecondRpt.rdl. When I run it in BIDS, the action works fine. I deploy the reports to Sharepoint, and when I click on the cell, nothing happens, no err message or anything. I've read t...

Sharepoint Calculated Column Substring

Hi all Need help with a Calculated column issue in SharePoint 2007 Basically, I'm trying to take the value from the [Contact E-Mail Address] column and remove the mailto: part infront which Sharepoint automatically created. Original Column Value : mailto:[email protected] Calculated column required value: [email protected] This is what i've go...

Login to Sharepoint from ASP.NET site

I have a preexisting site that uses forms authentication. I am setting up a Sharepoint 2007 site on the same box. I would like to use my existing site authentication and once logged in provide a link to the sharepoint site that has the user auto-logged in. It doesn't matter to me if Windows or Forms auth is used. I tr...

How do I find all activity in a certain time span for entire site collection, such as last 24 hours?

I'm trying to compile a list of all the activity for an entire site collection for a span time of, say the last 60 minutes or last 24 hours. Activity being anything that has been modified/created/rated, etc. and what user did it. One way is to brute force traverse down all of the webs, then lists, then items and find what has changed o...

Response.End terminating page events within a sharepoint page

article This article explains how to fix a bug in Sharepoint where the page would go dead after a save dialog is prompted. It states to add in my case where the link button is under the page where the link button resides exportButton.OnClientClick = "document.getElementsByTagName(\'form\')[0].onsubmit = function() {return true;}"; Iv...

How to categorize and/or use keywords in Sharepoint Foundation 2010 wikis?

Hi, We just installed Sharepoint Foundation 2010 and we're preparing to set it up for our knowledge management project. I'm reading a lot over the Web and there seems to be options to categorize Wiki pages in Sharepoint, with the use of keywords and/or something called a "Term Store". The problem is I can't find any of this in our ins...

Sharepoint synchrounous event receivers

Hi all I have a question about the synchrounous event receivers in Sharepoint 2007. As example, lets look at the event ItemUpdating: Is it safe to assume that the update operation will succeed if I don't cancel it manually? I know the event could be cancelled by another event receiver. But assume that there is no other event receiver a...

Sharepoint: Going into Authoring mode when visiting a page

Given a the URL of a sharepoint page (eg: http://localhost/Pages/somepage.aspx), how can I visit that page and automatically go into authoring mode? I'm hoping there's a way by seting a query string variable (eg: http://localhost/pages/somepage.aspx?mode=authoring). I'm okay with modifying the code-behind of the page if necessary. ...

Issue in accessing Sharepoint service from Flex

Hi All, I am trying to access getListItems method of the Lists service of Sharepoint from Flex using WebService. It is working fine when I omit the query and the viewFields nodes in the request xml. But if I add any query or FieldRef in Viewfields it is throwing error from the service. Below is the code. <mx:WebService id="ws2" wsdl...

How can I find regional translations of built-in SharePoint list names?

There are PublishingWeb.PagesList and PublishingWeb.PagesListName properties, but other list's urls also vary by site language. Those that I found are translated are: Documents Images Pages Workflow Tasks There is additional API in SP2010, but how can I handle this in 2007? ...

How do you search against a managed property in MOSS that is setup as a date using the querystring parameters?

I have setup a custom managed property in MOSS and mapped it to a crawled property. The managed property is a date. How can I search "Earlier than this date" in the query string. This does not seem to work, so does anybody know what does? ...Results.aspx?k=thekeywords&createddate=<10/10/2010 I'd want to bring back results where the...

Sharepoint RSS pubDate used Created On instead of Modified On

I'm running Sharepoint 2010 and it appears as though the RSS Feeds emoted from there are using the Created On date instead of the Modified Date on that particular list. Any way to modify this behavior known? ...

Can SharePoint 2010 Word Automation Services worker process have a frequency of less than 1 minute?

I'm considering using the Word Automation Services feature of SharePoint 2010 for a project. I will be converting single documents and my users will be waiting on the conversion so it needs to be as close to realtime as possible. The worse case of my users having to wait 1 minute before their document conversion is even started by the ...

Impersonation NOT working - Network Share

I have created a virtual Directory (IIS 7.0), which points to a network share. This virtual directory resides under my web application root. I tried using anonymous access with domain credentials. Also, I tried using impersonation as below... <identity impersonate="true" userName="<supplied username>" password="<supplied password>" /> ...

Sharepoint 2010 WebPart: Users in Site Members Group can't save property of web part

I've created some custom property for my web part with Personalizable(PersonalizationScope.User) attribute. I changing this property in EditorPartClass in ApplyChanges() Method only. The main problem is user with contribute permission for a site can't save this property when editing personalized view of a page. Changing property applies ...

SPSite contructor returns cached instance.

Using the SPSite contructor (new SPSite(mySiteId)) returns a cached entry, even though site no longer exists. How can I prevent this? ...

How to pull a Sharepoint List with a Rails app?

I would like to enable a rails app to pull from a sharepoint list in order to update a model. Has anybody meshed up these two things? ...

Career for fresher as sharepoint developer

Hello Every one, I have Completed mu BE(IT) and i also pursued a course in am currently working as webdesigner for last 6 months.I also have some knowledge in PHP.I want to move in developing field.Is it ok to start my career in sahrepoint as I am studying it.Please help with proper guidance. ...

Is there a bug in SharePoint that copies a custom column?

I created a custom Revision column in one of my document libraries and required data to be put into it. The document library had some documents in it and I tried uploading a file. I put the data in Name and Revision, but it gave me an error that I was missing information. So I checked the columns in site settings and found 2 Revision ...