
Sharepoint: Access SQL sharepoint files

I have the Sharepoint Intranet server on the same nework as the Internet PHP Web server. I would like to know if via PHP SQL code I can access a collection list of PDF files from the intranet so it can be viewed on the Internet site. ...

Performing join between document library and list

Hi, I have a document library where i have columns called Title and Category(is a lookup field) and User.Also,I have a list where i am just storing categories. I would like to join both document library and list so that i can dispaly all categories and the documents associated with it. once i get everything i would like to perform filte...

Navigation menu URLs customization

Hi, I have existing Sharepoint 2010 website with the below code in master page for navigation menu: <PublishingNavigation:PortalSiteMapDataSource ID="topSiteMap" runat="server" EnableViewState="false" SiteMapProvider="CombinedNavSiteMapProvider" StartFromCurrentNode="...

Is there a way in SharePoint to open a pdf and keep the top navigation bar frame?

I would like to be able to keep the top navigation bar on my sharepoint site and I was wondering if this is possible. Thanks. ...

Data view web part sorting within Group by

Hi, I have a DVWP and in that I am group the data by Category and when i try to sort and filtering the web part is trying to sort complete data. but i would like to have sorting for each group by.Please help me in resolving this. Thanks, Neelima ...

EnsureUser not returning valid User

I am trying to get a user back in SharePoint Client OM using EnsureUser. My code is: ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(siteUrl); User spUser = clientContext.Web.EnsureUser(user); Where siteUrl and user are both strings set as appropriate. The result is spUser is the shell of a User object but all its properties (for exa...

IIS7 redirection to SharePoint Site problem ?

Hi all I have a sharepoint site hosted on windows server 2008 r2 and iis7. the sharepoint site is hosted on port 80. when I browse the site by typing the IP of the machine I receive a login window asking for credentials to connect the Machine. after providing credentials another login window asks for credentials to connect to the shar...

Should I store serialized (to xml) object in SharePoint list?

A requirement of my website is that I pull down data from external sources. To pull down the data, I have created a timer job (SPJobDefinition). In this job, I need to store the external data somewhere. First I was thinking I would just store it in cache, but then I was thinking I might want to have the data around longer (plus, I don't ...

How to retrieve the sum of items from a sharepoint list

Is there any way to get the sum of items based on some filters from sharepoint list? I was trying to access the GetListItems method. But this returns all the items in the list. That makes the data heavy. My requirement is to get only the sum of items. For example items created in a specific year. I am trying to populate a chart in fle...

exception when update userprofile sharepoint 2010 using webservice

hello everyone, i update userprofile using the code below using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace UserProfileWebServiceApp { class Program { public static localhost.UserProfileService myService = new localhost.UserProfileService(); UserProfileWebService.localh...

How do I fix a blinking dropdown menu when it overlaps div in SharePoint?

I am opening a pdf in an div object in a Content Editor Web Part. Some parts of my dropdown menu overlap the div and causes the menu to "blink" (hides under the pdf then shows on top) as you scroll over it. I am using IE6 and I was able to try this page in Chrome, and the menu gets hidden behind the pdf div. Is there any way to fix ...

How would I create a theme setting event receiver for Sharepoint 2010?

Currently we have a custom theme applied to Sharepoint 2010 main page. When a new site is created, it has the default theme. We would like all newly created sites on this Web Application to use a specific theme that we specify. I would like to create an event receive for Sharepoint 2010 that sets a specific theme when a new site is prov...

Sharepoint Web Service search: Specifying number of results returned

I've spent the past few days at the school of hard knocks learning how to search Sharepoint via the http://{servername}/_vti_bin/spsearch.asmx Web Service. The remaining issue to overcome is that when I perform a search, only the first 10 results are returned. In the returned XML I can see: <StartAt>1</StartAt> <Count>10</Count> <Total...

How to rename the column Item Child Count in a list (SharePoint)

I have a document library with an OOTB column called Item Child Count. Is there anyway I can change the name of this column? Or at least create an alias? ...

How to include dynamic information in Sharepoint master page?

We are creating several (19) sites to be hosted in Sharepoint 2007 and want to use Google Analytics. The first bit was easy, simply putting the Google Analytics javascript in the Sharepoint master page and all worked as expected. However, we want each of the 19 sites to generate seperate statistics and this is done by having a different...

Template item in simple SharePoint list

We don't do any SharePoint development, but I was wondering if there's a way in the web UI to create the ability to copy an existing list item as if it were a template. ...

SharePoint crawling - Windows authentication failing for STS4?

In a Sharepoint 2010 installation, we are trying to crawl the content of a small, single-node SharePoint installation. The crawling is partially successful. We are able to retrieve data delivered from the web services (_vti_bin/sitedata.asmx), but when the crawler tries to access the full page contents, it fails. The error message shown ...

sharepoint installation windows 7 64 bit

i want to know that on which windows 7 64 version ms share point 2010 server can be installed . i installed it on ultimate but it is not supporting it. it is saying to install windows server 2008. i heard from the video that share point 2010 can be installed on 64 bit windows 7 ...

Why do you need to pass in an SPField Collection?

When i am creating SPFields the constructor states that you must pass in a collection of fields. Can anyone enlighten me on why? Thanks in advanced Truez ...

Error while accessing list with SharePoint WebService

Hi All, I am trying to access the SharePoint List with web service and I need to update the same via web service accordingly. Following is the sample code that I am using Lists Testlist = new Lists(); Testlist.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials; Testlist.PreAuthenticate = true...