
How to Create a custom Application Page with webparts for sharepoint in VS2010?

Hello, I am very new to Sharepoint, and I am not 100% sure if this is the correct way to do this bit here it goes. I have a very bare master page that I want to have a custom application page load up in. On that application page I want to have 2 web parts. I would like to be able to create and edit this application page inside of vs2010 ...

Help with Font or Span tags in Sharepoint

I am using the source editor for the Quote of the Day in SharePoint: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">F</span> This provides me with a daily quote from However, I want to underline "Quote of the Day" by using Font or Span tags around the bolded text above. How do I do that? Basically, Sharepoint has a layout for ...

sharepoint calendar security

How can I display a calendar in SharePoint that behaves like my Outlook calendar? I know I can link the calendar to outlook, but anyone can make changes to my calendar in Sharepoint. How can the Sharepoint calendar enforce security on the calendar so that nobody can override my changes? ...

How to set permissions so users can add, edit, and delete list/lib items, but cannot edit web part pages or delete web part pages? (SharePoint)

I need the ability for users to add, edit, and delete lists/libraries but not have the ability to edit web part pages or delete web part pages. I am boggled that the Edit Items permission allows for editing and deleting web part pages. The alternative I see at the moment is setting Read permissions across the entire site, and then settin...

SharePoint 2007 and it's underlying operating systems

We have a MOSS 2007 Standard farm, running on 2 Web Front End (WFE) and 1 Indexing server all running on 64 bit Windows Server 2003 servers. We need to upgrade our servers to Windows Server 2008, and wanted to know if you can run 1 WFE on Windows 2008 and 1 WFE on Windows 2003, while we are in the process of upgrading our individual ser...

Sharepoint: How to prevent a user from closing a webpart

I see that the close or hidden options can be set for a webpart, but it seems anyone can edit those settings when in edit mode. Do you use item level security? If so, what are the specific steps to accomplish this in 2010? ...

Sharepoint date manipulation and filtering

I'm having a real problem trying to filter a sharepoint list by date. I want to produce a list of months/years where for each entry there is a count from the list, where the counts include dates that are greater than or equal to the 15th of that month, or less than the 15th of the following month. I can do this fine for any month excep...

Problem when grouping with spgridview

hi, I have a problem when trying to group item in my spgridview : The gridview take the groupfield to create group but only one item go into each group so i have : Group A : item 1 Group B : item 2 Group A : item 3 and i want this (wich ...

Programatically accessing a PKI sharepoint portal.

I am having trouble doing something simple like the following using (SPSite site = new SPSite(topLevelSite)) { SPWeb rootWeb = site.OpenWeb(); SPWeb newWeb = rootWeb.Webs.Add(siteName, "abc", "abc",1033,template,false,false); } But the catch I am trying to add a site to a PKI enabled sharepoint site: This code works fine when i...

Disregarding updates on non-checked-in entries in a sharepoint list (SPAudit)

Hey guys. Okay, this is a little hard to explain, as the title might suggest. I have an event receiver on ItemUpdated and ItemCheckedIn, which both writes custom SPAuditEntries. When CheckedIn occurs though - it comes with two update entries as well (one for added file, and one for a simple update to the list item I suspect). I'd love...

InfoPath: Submit to SharePoint List via XML with attachment

I have a working form that creates a new item in a SharePoint list using CAML XML document. I have read how to include attachments and I want to include the entire InfoPath form as an attachment on the List item. Can I still do this with the CAML XML by including the file as an encoded string? I'm having trouble setting up the CAML XM...

SharePoint -force MasterPage check out

Hi -I know how to force check out for Lists Libraries. But I am not finding a way to force check out for other files (including MasterPages). I am using WSS 3.0. Thank you for your help. ...

MissingRequiredFields property on SPListItem always returning true after intial validation

Hi, I am updating some list items through code. Here is an example of what I am trying to do SPListItem item = GetListItem(); item["Field1"] = GetField1ValueFromControl(); item["Field2"] = GetField2ValueFromControl(); item.Update(); if (!item.MissingRequiredFields) { SuccessRedirect(); } else { Error("Fields missing"); } In th...

Setting the value of a textarea in jQuery

I am trying to set the default value for a form field in SharePoint and am having a bit of trouble getting the code to work in IE. I have tested Firefox and Chrome successfully. Any ideas why IE would not be setting the value? <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/sc...

WSS site and page permission

Hi, I have a simple requirement where a user can input some details using a form.I have created a List and using sharepoint designer generated a customized new entry form which can submit data into list.There are two types of users one end user and second admin. The problem is ,I have to give permission to the list for end users so tha...

How to merge two meeting sites into one SharePoint Meeting Workspace

We have a meeting workspace that has two pages off the default page. One contains meetings from 2007-2008 and the other contains 2009 forward. Each page has its own "quick launch" area with the related meetings. The QuickLaunch entries work properly in that they bring up the correct meeting information when clicked. We have two ques...

Having issues doing a lookup on an external list (while building a simple workflow) SharePoint 2010

I have a SQL Server table in an external list (via External Content Type). I also have a SharePoint calendar that has an additional column called Project Manager. My goal is to create a simple workflow that populates the Project Manager column when a calendar item is created. In the past, I have just hardcoded the Project Manager using t...

Install Visual Studio Extensions for Windows Sharepoint Services 1.3 on XP

Hi, I'm trying to setup an enviroment to develop in SharePoint. I have XP with Visual Studio 2008 Profesional, on XP I have a virtual Windows Server 2003 where I install Share Point Services 3.0. On XP I want to install Visual Studio Extensions for Windows Sharepoint Services 1.3, I have already modified the registry like http://fernan...

Validating special column types in SharePoint 2010

How do I validate special column types, e.g. phone, e-mail etc in SharePoint 2010? I guess I could use an ASP.NET RegularExpressionValidator but surely there must be a simpler way? ...

SharePoint Batch Update Auto Increment Field Value

Hello All, I am making use of SharePoint List Batch Updating methodology in order to update the items in bulk. I build the query dynamically for each and every item using StringBuilder and process the data ultimately using 'ProcessBatchData' Method. Now, I have a requirement where I have to increment a particular field value in the que...