
tinyMCE - source code editing in a textarea

Hello I'm playing around with MCE, I was wondering if there was the possibility of letting the user enter source code into a post, much like the 101010 button in this form. Thanks Nicola Montecchio ...

Source code license block

Are there any ready-made license blocks for proprietary code? I have some part-completed code. Before I send it to anyone, I'd like to add a license block to the top of each file. I can find plenty of blocks for liberal licenses such as the MPL boilerplate, but I'd like something a little more restrictive, at least for now. Basically, ...

Do you find source code analyzers useful?

Do you use source code analyzers? If so, which ones and for which language development? Do you find them helpful in solving potential bugs in your code? Or are most of their warnings trivial? After prolonged use, do you find your code quality to be higher than before? ...

Where can I download the source of "appframework.jar" that comes with NetBeans?

I have just started to try NetBeans. I created a new Java Desktop Application project, and it automatically added the JDesktop "appframework-1.0.3.jar" library. However, whenever I try to view its source, the command fails. I tried searching for it online, but I couldn't find it. So where can I download the source code for the "Swing App...

Is there a windows utility similar to HTML Tidy for Javascript

I want to cleanup some javascript files and reformat them with nice indents, etc, Any recommendations for utilities to do this under Windows ...

How ZenTest works in detecting file save?

I read some source code of ZenTest but didn't find where it is implemented. Could you give me give some clue? Thanks in advance. ...

Automatically call visual studio "sort using directives" on save?

Visual Studio 2008 got two great features for c#, which is called "sort using directives" and "remove unused using directives". I'd like to call the "sort using directives" every time I format the code using ctrl+k,ctrl+d. Or, even better, I would like to be able to reformat all c#-source files in a project, and call "sort using direct...

How to do a presentation for your co-workers containing lots of code?

I'm supposed to do a presentation for my co-workers on a web framework I evaluated. These people are developers and hate long and boring PowerPoint stuff, so I got lots of little code snippets. I also put together a small sample application. My question is, how do I present the code so people can follow? Some things I thought of: Put ...

What is the best rails example app?

What is the best available non-trivial example app for rails with uptodate source, test suite and adherence to best practices? [I am looking for an example of a full fledged application - with complex data models and advanced views that is worth looking at to see "how it is done" by others] ...

What are the signs of too much assembly separation?

While you frequently don't want one monolithic assembly for anything more than a small project, it's possible to separate things too much. What are the signs/smells of too much assembly separation? ...

Would rich-text help comment code?

I always wondered why I have to write rich-text code comments a.k.a. pseudo code in a text editor (c'mon, bold, underline!) and come back to the IDE (integrated?) to write the actual program, not to mention ensuring these documents stay near the code. So the question is, What if IDEs allowed rich-text code comments. Would it help anyone...

Selling source code, What should I be aware of

I have received a request of buying the source code of a website I have developed and I wondered if anybody have been in the same situation and if there is anything I should specially be aware of. Anybody got some advise on how I should handle this situation? ...

Do you pseudo-code?

Do you use pseudo-code to help you program? Does it help you write your programs faster with less bug-prone code or does it simply waste time? Should it be standard practice to declare what you're going to program before being allowed to get your hands dirty writing? (See Literate Programming) Please write your opinions and the benefit...

Where is the code for "tee" in Mac OS?

Where is the code for the terminal command 'tee' located in Mac OS? [Added] Is it possible to read the exact code, that my mac is using (not the online codes)? ...

What fun games have simple source code available?

So one can play with it. ...

How can I flag source code in an MS Word document to not spell check?

Sometimes, for what ever reason, I copy source code into either a word document, or an email ... which in Outlook, I believe, is using Word. Anyway, it would be nice if I could spell check the english part of my document without having to manually ignore each and every source code token. Is there an option, or some type of style format...

How to convert C# to DLL to hide the source code?

How can I convert my C# code to DLL file in a way that the user of DLL can’t view my source code? When I make DLL in the way I always do by making a class library project, importing my classes and compiling it, the source code can still be viewed. ...

Tool to convert code source from a codepage to UTF-8?

I'm working on an open source project. The original project contains comments in russian and is using codepage 1251. I'm using codepage 1252 and the russian comments aren't displayed correctly in Visual Studio Express 2008, not nice but anyway I can't read russian. Someone using codepage 950 (traditional chinese) tried to compile the pro...

Have you ever recognized source code in a movie?

Sometimes source code is visible in a movie, have you ever recognized any? ...

Indexing and Presenting Source code

I am looking for software tools similar to lxr (open source and free if possible) ...