Hi guys,
I've just finished reading about SOAP via Spring-WS in "Spring in Action", 2nd edition, by Craig Walls from Manning Publications Co. They write about Contract First, much like the Spring docs, with making a message and method XML and then transforming that to XSD and then again to WSDL, while wiring up the marshalling and servi...
I have two endpoints using annotations. I want to apply different interceptors to each of them. (one being a secure interceptor and the other not being secure) Is there a way to do this using PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping? Anyone have an idea?
According to the applicationContext-ws.xml of the airline example that comes with...
I'm trying to put together a contract-first web application using Spring-WS. I want to define an operation that the client can invoke by providing no parameters and simply get back from the server an Image that it can draw on the screen.
My guess for how to do this is to define an ImageRequest XML snippet, such as:
<ImageRequest xmlns...
I created a web service using Apache cfx and spring, and works, but I need that the response include this header
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Right now the response is like this.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns2:postEncuestaResponse xmlns:ns2="http://web...
I have a spring web application with jsp pages that calls different web services and displays the results in a jsp page. The spring web application has username/login spring security attached to it.
I am adding a call to a web service that handles security. For the WebServiceGateway, I added a security interceptor. (See below)
<bean i...
I am trying to configure web service proxying using Mule ESB.
I am attempting to do this using Mule's WSProxyService, but after stepping through the corresponding code (with the debugger), it is clear that this class replaces endpoint addresses.
The problem is Spring-WS WSDL addresses are of the style http://xxxx/xxxx.wsdl, but WSProxy...
We're trying to generate source code stubs from a series of WSDLs (each with their own XSDs). We can do this fine and works perfectly under JDK1.6, however we need it to work under JDK1.5.
We're using jaxws-maven-plugin to generate the source code, however it depends on the wsimport binary being available (this is not available in JDK1...
I have a web application sitting out there that is a repository for files. This web application provides web services that allow clients to search the repository and download any of the attachments via SOAP.
Currently I have tried to use Spring-WS 1.5.8 with MTOM to send the attachment to the client, but I keep getting out of memory err...
Is it possible to create a web service operation using primitive or basic Java types when using the Jaxb2Marschaller in spring-ws? For example a method looking like this:
@PayloadRoot(localPart = "AddTaskRequest", namespace = "http://example.com/examplews/")
public long addTask(final Task task) throws AddTaskFault {
// do som...
Is it possible to get a list of all available web services on a tomcat server?
I would like to send large files from the server to the client using MTOM and Spring WS. I realize that this isn't the best approach for this type of thing, but it's a requirement. I have MTOM set up and it works great for small files around 50mb. I am experiencing out of memory errors for larger files and by changing different heap spac...
350 Bounty and waffles to the person who can help me!
I have been struggling with Spring Web Service encryption for days and I can't figure out how to get Spring's encryption on the message body to work. Whenever I have the server encrypt the resulting message the client doesn't seem to be decrypting it before it attempts to validate i...
I've developed a web service with jax-ws and Spring using the tutorials at the jax-ws commons website. It shows you how to define and reference your service from your spring applicationContext file (https://jax-ws-commons.dev.java.net/spring/).
What is the reason for the "#" when referencing the web service? I would expect to see somet...
Now, working with Spring-WS, I sometimes miss the simplicity of working with axis, where you just call a tool on the WSDL and XSD, and it creates the java objects and marshaller configurations, an interface that represents the information in the WSDL, a complete webservice client that implements this interface, and a server stub. Within ...
I am getting some values in SOAPHeader in a Spring Webservice. I would like to retrieve those values .
I'm using soapUI to test some WebServices.
In MockService available in soapUI I get this default response
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:sch="http://www.someurl.com/schemas">
How can I add an object into the soap header of a org.springframework.ws.WebServiceMessage
This is the structure I'm looking to end up with:
<credentials xmlns="http://example.com/auth">
using Spring's DefaultWsdl11Definition class to generate a wsdl from my xsd i notice that a number of element bindings are missing from the generated WSDL such as wsdl/sch/tns/soap etc.
Is there somewhere i need to specify these namespaces?
-when i place them at the top of my .xsd they are ignored
im trying to test the spring webservice i have set up.
Im using a web debugger tool to create a request header and then posting it to the URL where my wsdl resides. I have my server running in debug so when i post the request i can see my endpoint class services being injected however an exception is then thrown before the actual busine...
I have a spring webservice for which I have the schema in a directory as:
Where sub-person.xsd is included in person.xsd that is:
in Person.xsd:
<xsd:import namespace="http://www.mynamespace.org/xml/sub-person"