How to use springsource tool suite for spring web service development?
How to use springsource tool suite for spring web service development? quick start of how link/guidance is required ...
How to use springsource tool suite for spring web service development? quick start of how link/guidance is required ...
We use Spring-WS as the basis for implementing a web service (with the WSDL generated by the framework). As well as a WAR file our build produces a client side JAR (for use by our Java clients and our own end-to-end functional tests) consisting of schema generated DTOs and stubs for the web service methods. These are generated using wsim...
Hey guys, I've built a simple Spring WS (1.5.9) and I'm trying to deploy it to Glassfish v3. Unfortunately the deployment fails for the above reason. I've struggled to resolve the issue myself but it clearly not able to resolve the "bean" element. Heres me spring-ws-servlet.xml (bean definitions): <beans xmlns="http://www.springframew...
Hey guys, I've implemented an EJB3/JPA web service without any major problems, and now I've moved on a Spring-WS/JPA web service. Both are being deployed to Glassfish. My understanding of JPA is limited, but by default transactions are container managed? How do you change this? With EJB3 things were straight forward as I could just inj...
Hello ! I have a Spring Webservice based on AbstractJDomPayloadEndpoint. This service works fine, except that my client needs the HTTP header Content-Type to be set to the right charset (utf-8 in my case). I cant find where I can configure that. I tried writing a simple servlet Filter : chain.doFilter(request, response); HttpServletRe...
I'm trying to make a very simple web service and am having some difficulties making spring generate the correct wsdl. I've done my best to copy the example from this spring tutorial. If anyone has a clue about what I'm doing wrong I'd really appreciate the help. In essence, there is a single EndPoint called IncidentHeaderEndpoint (which...
How can I access HTTP headers in Spring-ws endpoint? My code looks like this: public class MyEndpoint extends AbstractMarshallingPayloadEndpoint { protected Object invokeInternal(Object arg) throws Exception { MyReq request = (MyReq) arg; // need to access some HTTP headers here return createMyResp(); } } invoke...
I am calling a SOAP webservice with Spring-WS. The webservice in question requires me to pass some information in the SOAP header as shown here: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""> <soapenv:Header> <CustomHeaderElement> <clientID>xyz</clientID> <wsdlVersion>1.0</wsd...
I'm trying to make work WebServices in Spring in next way: WS managed by Weblogic. Autowiring WS in Spring as described in Spring Reference. Having WS included in same WebApplication All application requests match Acegi, Hibernate and Struts2 web.xml filters with pattern "/*". To isolate WebService requests I've included an implement...
Hi, im trying to understand how the AxiomSoapMessageFactory handles request (the body & attachment) but i dont understand some points (or they are maybe features) i 'm using AxioSoapMessageFactory like this : <bean id="messageFactory" class=""> <property name="payloadCaching"...