
org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence cannot be cast to javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider

Hello friends, I am developing an application using SPRING 3.0.4, JPA 2, Hibernate 3.5.5. I an trying an existing example given on link http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2010/05/jboss-42x-spring-3-jpa-hibernate.html. only difference is that I am using latest versions of libraries and JBOSS server. Following is list of my /WEB-INF/lib dire...

spring http-basic

may i know can we specify url for http-basic so that only authenticate if go to particular page? example login.jsp ? i do not want to use form login. ...

Spring Swing Integration

Spring does not play nicely with beans that are created outside of its application context. What's the best way in letting me design my forms using JFormDesigner but then using Spring to manage the actions of the components? There are a few ways of integrating Spring and Swing (eg https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/tutorials/j-spr...

spring security 2 integrate with keberos example

any spring-security 2 integration with keberos example? ...

Spring JDBCTemplate other MySQL datasource than apache commons?

I am using Spring JDBCTemplate to perform SQL operations on an apache commons datasource (org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource) and when the service is up and running to long, i end up getting this exception: org.springframework.dao.RecoverableDataAccessException: StatementCallback; SQL [SELECT * FROM vendor ORDER BY name]; The last ...

How can I get Spring to properly marshal XML value into a Java date?

I'm using Spring 3 to create some ReST services. When POSTing XML, Spring handles String fields but won't convert Date fields. Here is an example: @XmlRootElement(name = "TestObj") @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) public class TestObj { @XmlElement(type = Date.class, name = "Birthdate") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(BirthdateXmlAda...

Which password encoder for Spring Security's DaoAuthenticationProvider: MD5 or SHA-256?

Title says is it all. Is there any real difference between the two? ...

Desktop application using Spring RCP.

I am about to start a project using Spring RCP, which I have no knowledge of. I was wondering if there was any site where I can learn everything from basic to advanced techniques in this framework. ...

Java Web Application Project development for two clients

Hi, I'm developing a web-project based on Spring (MVC), Hibernate, PostgreSQL (using Maven). Now I'm trying to get a new customer who requires some differences in several parts of the application. I've read the Maven Definitive Guide from Sonatype to get a feeling about Multi-modules Maven Projects but one of my most important questions ...

I need the Spring API CSS File

Hey Folks, I am developing a project using J2EE and Spring .. I need to create JAVADOC [API] inmean time i nedd the CSS File of Spring Source API Please help me with this. ...

Why doesn't my (spring)HibernateTransactionManager work in wicket?

I tried to shorten this to what I think is relevant, I hope it's sufficient and not overwhelming. Please help! I'm converting a small wicket+databinder+hibernate web application to use wicket+spring+hibernate. I have a DAO service class, with a hibernate SessionFactory injected by Spring. I am able to do read-only operations using the s...

Compile-time weaving configuration

I am trying to convert my load-time-woven aspectj to compile-time-woven. So I removed <context:load-time-weaver/> from my spring config, and added an aspectj compiler to my pom.xml. But I don't know how to convert the info in META-INF/aop.xml. I have something like this in there: <!DOCTYPE aspectj PUBLIC "-//AspectJ//DTD//EN" ...

java/spring printing out bean property values

Hey, does anybody have a simple way of printing out bean property values ? Without complicated instrospection constructs via getting propertyDescriptors etc. I'm talking about testing and checking that all properties have correct values, during development. ...

Spring DataSourceInitializer splits trigger ins sql by ; delimiter

We use org.springframework.batch.test.DataSourceInitializer class in order to init DB on basis of .sql scripts. Init was failed,after trigger had been added to .sql. After debugging,the cause of error while was found here: try { scripts = StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray(stripComments(IOUtils.readLines(scriptResource.getInputStr...

How to use reverse engineering in my eclipse

i am using MySql workbench and My Eclipse 8.6. and making a Hibernate-spring program. Is it possible to use reverse engineering feature in my eclipse with MySql work bench in so that DAO and hbm files can be generate like Derby. How can i do this with MySql workbench. this is a URL of using reverse engineering in my eclipse. http://www.m...

<mvc:resources> type not resolved

I am trying to build the mvc-showcase example available here link. But i am getting the below error: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'resources'. Source code of servlet-context.xml is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans:beans xmlns="http://www.springf...

Spring Webflow Jsf integration war not working in Glassfishv3 server.

Spring-Webflow JSF intgration war example(http://www.springsource.org/webflow-samples/spring-booking-faces.war) file from spring site is not working in GlassfishV3 server. It works in Tomcat6.0. In Glassfish, It throws following exception Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException at javax.faces.context.FacesContext.getAttribut...

The following files have NOT been resolved when using mvn install ?

greetings all i have a web application using (spring-hibernate) frameworks and when tried to build the application with maven2 using the command mvn install i get a build successful with the following note: The following files have NOT been resolved: [INFO] The following files have NOT been resolved: [INFO] antlr:antlr:java-source:s...

Spring ldap multiple group bases in authoritiespopulator

Is there any way in Spring to set it up such that an authoritiespopulator will look in more than one location? <bean id="authoritiesPopulator" class="org.springframework.security.ldap.populator.DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator"> <constructor-arg ref="contextSource" /> <constructor-arg value="CN=Users" /> <property name="group...

Spring Framework - New object is created in DB instead of updating

I have an application written in Spring 3.0 hooked up using Hibernate to a database. I have a controller to an update form. Whenever the form is submitted, I expect the object that is shown to be updated however a new object is created with a new ID value. I've looked over the "petclinic" sample and i can't see how it is different. P...