
Change layout of menu to look like a treeview

Hi everybody! How is it possible to change a WPF menu control layout to look like a treeview control? Thaks in advance ...

How can I remove the border of a textArea in extJs?

Hi, I am new to extJs. I want to make the border of a textarea invisible so that it becomes just a blank white space (My purpose is to show it inside a fieldset). Hoe can I achieve this? thanks ...

nested <span> causes a new line

I have jsp page that contains<span class="requiredFieldsMessageAsterix">*</span> I use a jsp include to include this on another jsp page as here Date of Birth:<%@include file="/jsps/includes/requiredFieldsLabel.jsp"%> This works fine. No new line. However when I nest this include within another span as here : Date of Birth:<span id...

CSS styles in Silverlight

I know styling is possible in SL, but I have a large web app that has both HTML and SL so it would be really useful if they could use the same style sheet... Is it possible? Thanks. ...

Any generic CSS libraries for web development?

Hello I'm working on a web development project where i need to take care of the design and working of the application. I found it very hard to style my UI which should be compatible will all the prominent browsers. For example to align the text inside a div i gave text-align:center which worked only in IE and not in Firefox, Safari...

Eliminate the yellow highlight that Chrome do in the textfiels on html forms

Hello guys, i have a web form that when i see from Chrome it makes a yellow highlight on the text fields and i dont like it. I eliminate the border highlight with outline: none; but when i go back to my form and Chrome autocomplete the fields it makes the fields background yellow, and that is not good for my theme. This is an example of ...

Setting TabItem foreground color also sets the TabControl foreground color

I have a TabControl that I have restyled. The TabItem has a trigger that is fired when the TabItem is selected that changes the TabItem text to bold and green. The problem I have is that the text in the contents of the tab is also set to bold and green. I can work around this by setting all of my controls in the tab content to be the co...

Autosize for Text in Control Template

Hey, I am creating a template for a button. I want the text that is placed inside the button to grow and shrink with the size of the button. My style: <Style x:Key="BigRoundButtonWithNumber" TargetType="{x:Type Button}"> <Setter Property="OverridesDefaultStyle" Value="False"/> <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White" /> ...

managing user editable WPF styles.

I have some shared styles which define how my DataGrids look and i keep them in Styles.xaml I added a settings page, that will let the user change some of the colors. On that page, I have a sample grid (which automatically looks like the other grids thanks to shared resource styles). On that page, a user can use a color picker, to modi...

wpf shared ResourceDictionary file parameters?

if all Styles and Converters are stored in shared resource dictionary file (styles.xaml), and this file is used from various windows. Is it possible, to pass a parameter to that file, and propagate that parameter to the converters? I am looking for a way to pass a "origin" type parameter, so that the converters could be aware which p...

Drawing rich text on iPhone using CoreGraphics

I'm showing a Twitter feed in a UITableView on the iPhone. Scrolling performance is an issue, so I'm doing my own drawing in table cells -- that is, cells have no subviews, and they draw their content with drawRect:. In drawRect: cells draw tweets' text using the drawAtPoint:forWidth:withFont:minFontSize:actualFontSize:lineBreakMode:ba...

HTML forms / CSS - should "position" be on the enclosing DIV or the enclosed control?

Which is correct? <div class="TEdit" id="Edit1" style="position: absolute; left: 200px; top: 100px;"> <input type="text" name="Edit1" value="an edit bx"> </div> or <div class="TEdit" id="Edit1" > <input type="text" style="position: absolute; left: 200px; top: 100px;" name="Edit1" value="an edit bx"> </div> see also rela...

iPad/iphone font leading and kerning

I've searched on the Internet but can't find definite details. Is there anyway to specify leading and keening for uilabels, textfields or textviews? I could create custom fonts for each leading and keening pairing but this seems a bit overkill... Any ideas would be appreciated ...

how to smooth an embeded image in flex when its embed as a class for textinput border style

Hello my fellow stackoverflower, i'm looking for away to smooth an image of and embed png file. i'm using the embeded png as the borderskin for my textInput. i have seen some other postings about this subject but i can figure it out. Does anybody have an idea, how i can a complish this? some real solid code example wwould be nice. thi...

asp form question

hi I have this form <form action="" method="post" target="_blank"> so the asp looks like below, it opens a new window where ot says "send ok" my question is how and where can I contro/define the style of this new window i.e background fonts color etc thanks the ASP code: <%@ Language=VBScript...

styling the a specific row of flex dataGrid

Hello, I have a dataGrid component in flex. My grid has few rows. I simply want to make the last row bold. I just can't figure how to do it. I thought about an idea : create a factory that gets parameters so that i can pass the itemRenderer the total count of rows. But, i don't know how to check the current row in the itemRenderer itsel...

How to set width to 100%

I have a silverlight stackpanel and i want to set its width to 100%. i'm adding the stackpanel dynamically (C#) ...

TabControl Styling in WPF

I have a collection of objects which contains a child collection. I can get the parent collection to show properly on the tabs. But I cannot get the child collection to show in the content pane. here is my XAML: <d:DataContext> <Binding Source="{StaticResource SearchResultsViewModel}" /> </d:DataContext> <TabControl TabSt...

Work around to make table-cell CSS render properly in IE6/7?

Hey, My site is showing up fine in IE8/FF/Chrome but I can't figure out how to make it function with IE. The relevant CSS: #maincontent { display: table; } #content { display: table-cell; width: 620px; padding-left:4%; padding-right: 22px; padding-bottom:15px; } #sidebar { display: table-cell; width...

Android creating themes and styles

I would like to define a theme for my first Android app. I use Eclipse and I follow this tutorial but have problems. Steps: A. I create the values/styles.xml file with content <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <style name="default_splashScreen"> <item name="android:background">@drawable/bg</item> </style> </r...