
How to read a txt from an Open File dialog and load the content in a textarea with javascript (jquery)?

I want to make an "Open File" button to import txt files contents into a textarea. How can I read the file contents without uploading it to the server? I want to use javascript (with jquery lib) and I want to do it without refreshing the page. ...

Java action performed when text is entered into a textarea

I'm wondering if someone can help me out. I entered a character into a text area from a button, and want to use the string entered into the textarea to retrieve words from a list. Bear in mind, there could be numerous characters entered. Is it possible for a text area to detect when text has been entered and to action it? ...

textarea doesnt return value

Im using a code editor codepress in all of my textareas, but no textarea return a value. I think the different name and id is the problem. Example: <textarea name="content_text" rows="20" cols="50" class="codepress sql" id="myCpWindow"></textarea> I have read somewhere in here to use a hidden input to transfer the textarea's value, bu...

My textarea won't accept any width attributes.

Hi, for some odd reason the text area I have in my site won't accept the width I tell it to, I've tried to select it three times in the CSS just to make sure! Here is a jsfiddle example that shows what I want, and here is the page where it doesn't want to work. I have searched through the CSS to find any conflicting textarea properties,...

Swing: Programmatically select a text

Hey everyone, I have a very simple Swing GUI with just a JTetxtArea. I am trying to programmatically select a part of text using: textArea.select(startSelection,endSelection); This work. However as soon as I add some other components to the GUI I do not see selection anymore frame.getContentPane().add(button); frame.getContentP...

How to clear textarea on click?

Given a <textarea> with a default value as follows: <textarea>Please describe why</textarea> How do you clear the default value when the user clicks to edit the field? ...

Textarea value="Value" not working onload, but will onblur.

Here is my jsfiddle example, the textarea shows no value onload, but will onblur, does textarea not accept the value attribute? ...

wrap text around image control in C#.Net

Hi, I am working on C#.DotNet windows application project, here i am using Infragistics control. In this project i want to add image over text control. This image contains two portion, 35% of image have white color another 65% of image have green color.In this image 2nd portion(green color) i have to display dynamic string , this strin...

{textarea} smarty php

Hi, further to a previous question, I have this code: <p class="required"> {err for="msg"} <!--{{label {t _inquiry_msg}:}}--> {textarea onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='Skriv her';" onfocus="if(this.value=='Skriv her') this.value='';"} {/err} </p> And I want the output to be <textarea onblur="if(this.value=='')...

Parallel scroll textarea and webpage with jquery

This is both a conceptual and how-to question: In wiki formatting, or non WYSIWYG editor scenarios, you typically have a textarea for content entry and then an ancillary preview pane to show results, just like StackOverflow. This works fairly well, except with larger amounts of text, such as full page wikis, etc. I have a concept that ...

Applying JQuery UI css to a textarea element

Hi. I'm using JQuery UI for a web based development at the University. I got some forms that I put into a dialog, so I got elements like <label for="name">ID user</label><input type="text" name="iduser" size="15" id="iduser" class="text ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" maxlength=12 /> But I got some textarea elements like <label fo...

ckeditor using ajax

I am preparing a script. I am using AJAX(load()) with jQuery. I am getting a page which includes textarea with ckeditor by load() jQuery AJAX function. Although I include ckeditor's.js file, loaded page doesn't includes javascript file and shows a normal textarea without ckeditor. How can I load file which includes textarea with ckedi...

focus after animate

i'm tring to focus a textarea after a animate effect with: $("#textarea").live("click",function(){ if ($(this).attr("class") != "textarea_clicked") { $(this).val(""); $(this).animate({ height: "+=30" }, 150, function(){ $(this).attr("class", "textare...

Detecting html textarea's change

Hi, I'd like to monitor my textarea's changes with jQuery. I can do this with the keyup event and it works perfectly. But what event I can get when a user click on the textarea (right mouse click), then choose paste? Click event occur only when the user click with the left mouse button on the textarea. How can I handle this situation...

Set focus and carret position in textarea according to mouse position, as if user had clicked

Once a page with a textarea is loaded, I want some textarea to have the focus immediatly if the mouse cursor is inside that textarea. This is the easy part because a onmousehover handler can set the focus. Now, how to I also set the position of the caret? I would like the caret to be where it would be if the user had clicked using the m...

jQuery focusin and append problem when textarea focus

Hello guys. I having problem with append() when the textbox is focus the second time. var i = 1; $('textarea').live('focusin', function(){ $(this).keydown(function(e){ var code = e.which; if(code === 13) { i++; $('#linenumbers').append('<li>' + i + '...

for a TEXTAREA, how to call a JavaScript Function on Return/Enter

I have a textarea that when a users pressed enter/return on their keyboard, I want to submit the field to a JavaScript function, just like it works on Twitter. Ideas? Thanks ...

Using JavaScript codes which is in the textarea.

I want to create a <textarea>. And I want to use JavaScript codes which is in the <textarea> as codes. How can I do it? ...

"Constrained" HTML textarea/WYSIWYG editor?

I am looking for a web-based JavaScript <textarea> editor with support for standard features like selectable font, text colour, paragraph alignment etc. However, there is one considerable constraint: Formatting should always apply to all the text, not parts of the text. That is, the user is able to colour all of his text red, or all of h...

Use JavaScript to place cursor in a Chrome text input element

I've been working on sending text to an input element in Chrome and I noticed that, unlike in IE or FF, calling .focus() does not put the cursor in the text area. So does anyone know of an alternative for placing the cursor on a Chrome input element? ...