
In actionscript 3.0/flex, how to maintain the individual text format of the characters from one text box to another?

I have two text areas in adobe flex - an original and a target text area. The original text area has text in it and some of the words are in bold (the user has the option to bold whatever selection in the text they want via a bold button). What is the easiest way to maintain this text formatting when copying it over to the target text ...

problems with scrolling a java TextArea

All, I am running into an issue using JTextArea and JScrollPane. For some reason the scroll pane appears to not recognize the last line in the document, and will only scroll down to the line before it. The scroll bar does not even change to a state where I can slide it until the lines in the document are two greater than the number of l...

Styling a textarea with JavaScript

Hi guys! I'm absolutely new to JavaScript and would like to modify a textarea of a form (which is generated by an external script) as follows: 1.) Textarea on start: Labeled 'Your message here' in color 'rgb(136, 136, 136)' 2.) Textarea on focus: Label removed and color set to 'rgb(0, 0, 0)' 3.) Textarea on blur: Color of user input s...

how to show rich formatted text in textarea

hello, I have a form that uses Richtexteditor of Flex3 to write in their reply. The reply is then posted to a textarea, where all of the formatting is lost! I have embedded the font since I was doing some tweeening on the text boxes. I need to find out how keep the formatting intact in the textarea from richtexteditor! has anybody an id...

how to embed html text in Flex TextArea

hello, Flex 3 (actionscript 3) I have another problem now, I have a panel on which I have put fadeIn show effect. first, the effect was only applied to the panel. The text would just appear without the fadeIn effect. Then someone here told me to embed the fonts, which worked like a charm but now I have another problem. I get the te...

Does posting data with a textarea automatically add slashes to (escape) the text?

Ok, so I'm having a problem with a simple textarea. I'm using a kind of hidden page to easily encode some data using JSON. However, all of my text input is automatically being escaped somewhere and I don't know where. All of my $_POST variables are automatically run through the htmlentities() function when the script starts up, as seen b...

Flex text selection: does it have to be white on black?

When you select text in a Text or Label or TextArea (or other) control in a Flex application, the selection is shown in white text on a black background. Always. I have a request to change that — and it seems to be a simple enough thing to want — but I can't find a style (or property) anywhere that permits that. Any ideas out there abou...

htmltext of TextArea in Flex 3 disappears when embedding fonts!

hello, I have textArea which gets the text through user input in runtime. User input comes through Richtexteditor so it is html I save the html text from Richtexteditor to textArea's htmltext property. everything seems to be fine! till I try to embed fonts!! (I need to embed fonts because I apply a fade effect to the TextArea.) With em...

jquery write protection in textarea for wildcards

Hi everybody. Does anyone know a possibilty to protect a string-wildcard from changing in a textarea? HTML: <textarea name="mail_text" id="mail_text"> {salutation} {recipient}, thanks for your email. Regards {username} </textarea> I would like to catch when someone tries to change one of the wildcards: {salutation},*{recipient}* and...

Why jquery.animate on a textarea make the blinking cursor disapears?

Hello everyone. I have the following code $(document).ready(function() { $("#myTextArea").focus(function() { $("#myTextArea").animate({ "height": "75px"}, "normal"); return false; }); to expand a textbox when it gets focus. The expand occurs, however the blinking cursor disapears, at least in Firefox! Edited:...

avoid textarea rows/cols error?

I am using a few page validation tools one problem i have is they tell me textarea must have rows and cols attribute. If i am setting this in CSS or using display:none (and using it to hold raw text data) can i do something to skip? it seems like the only answer is rows="0" cols="0" each time i use it. But i have a feeling that is not a ...

flex chat/telnet application send/receive same window in TextArea

Hi there, Just wanting to know if anybody has seen an example of a telnet/chat or other console like FLEX application where you can use the same TextArea as input/ouput area. I've been trying to modify the app at: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/17_Networking_and_communications_8.html but so far, computer says no. All the imp...

WYSIWYG editor in texarea for Drupal configuration form

Is it possible to use a WYSIWYG editor in texarea for Drupal site configuration form (system_settings_form). This is how the configuration is coded now... $form['my_module_text_bottom'] = array( '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Some text'), '#default_value' => variable_get('my_module_text_bottom', 'This is configurable...

Preserving Tabs in POST Data

I need to preserve tab characters from a textarea through POST Data. It seems that there's no way to differentiate tabs from spaces in the $_POST array, and this is really frustrating me. I'm using a jQuery plugin from here to allow for tab and shift+tab usage within a textarea. http://teddevito.com/demos/textarea.html The jQuery plugi...

Stretch text in a TextArea control in Flex 3

I think I might be missing something really obvious here but how can I stretch the width or height of the text in a TextArea rather than just resizing the bounding box of the control ? ...

How to let a user input html into a textarea? I have problems if they try to include <textarea> inside a text area

So i have a space where users can input text/html, and it will show up on another page. Sounds pretty simple right. Well this space is a text area - again exactly what you would expect. But if the user tries to enter in a tag and the tag, then the will close the textbox the next time they load the page (with the previous text inserte...

How can I create 2 Perl/TK text areas with scrollbars that when I scroll one both text areas scroll at the same time?

Is it possible using TK to create to text areas with scrollbars that when you scroll one the other moves as well? What I want to create is a text area with headers in and then text areas underneath row headings in one and data in the other. Kind of Like when you freeze panes in Excel. I have the data in a set of arrays for each line, so...

JQuery validation using is() and multiple CSS classes

Hi Folks, Trying to debug something that basically .trim()'s, .val()'s and .length's a textarea input as HTML below (truncated): <form id="Kontaktanfrage" method="post" action="tests/testform/"> ... <textarea cols="50" rows="8" id="el_12" name="FORM[Kontaktanfrage][el_12]" title="Ihre Nachricht: *" class="textarea required"></textarea> ...

Looking for a way to highlight specific words in textareas?

Hi i'm looking for a way to highlight specific words in text kind of like how a text editor might work with syntax highlighting. The highlighting will consist of the text being different colours and/or different styles such as italic, bold or regular. In order to narrow focus, how this might be achieved using Java Swing components. The...

Symfony forms: how to set default value for a textarea widget

I am using Symfony 1.3.2 on Ubuntu 9.10 I want to set the default value of a textarea widget, with data read froma adb. My code snippet in the template looks likes this: <?php $form['notes']->render(); ?> The API docs dont show how to do this - does anyone know how to do this? ...