
In Swing, what is the best listener to use in a textarea

I am trying to change the font of the text in a textarea in Swing. Which listener should I use on textarea to trigger an action that lets the program initiate the font code. All the examples have all the swing in the same class which lets you access the textarea directly, but I have multiple classes; I know I can pass the textarea in an...

Doctrine: textarea line breaks & nl2br

Hi, I'm pulling my hair out with something that should be very simple: getting line breaks to show up properly in text that's returned from the database with Doctrine 1.2 I'm saving a message: $body = [text from a form textarea]; $m = new Message(); $m->setSubject($subject); $m->setBody($body); $m->save(); Query...

Textarea for my web application

Hello ... I am developing an application web based which would let the users extend a part of an applcation using javascript via java.scripting http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/scripting/programmer_guide/index.html The problem is that the user should write only some coditions and i want if possible to colour some speci...

HTML: <textarea>-Tag: How to correctly escape HTML and JavaScript content displayed in there?

Hello, I have a HTML Tag <textarea>$FOO</textarea> and the $FOO Variable will be filled with arbitrary HTML and JavaScript Content, to be displayed and edited within the textarea. What kind of "escaping" do I neet to apply to $FOO? I first tought of escaping it HTML but this didnt work (as I will then get shown not the original HTML Co...

HTML textarea; scroll vertically to text

I have an HTML textarea: <textarea> Some text Another text in another line BOOM Hello there. </textarea> I want to be able to vertically scroll to the word BOOM so that it is visible (it doesn't matter on which line it appears). Is this possible? ...

flex textarea text attribute but still renders as html

actually i got to the cause of the issue. if you feed the textarea text attribute with an tag that has a valid src url, then for some reason flex will try to render everything as html. Eg, try this: <mx:TextArea id="textArea" width="100%" height="90%" text="<img src='http://url-to-a-valid-img"/&gt; and instead of it rendering it a...

Textarea to paragraphs

When I have to render textarea content to the front end I usually pass it thru a function that converts newlines to <br/> tags and double newlines signal paragraph tags so blocks of text get surrounded by <p> and </p> tags. To save time I usually use a ready made PHP function from the wordpress codebase. You can get the link from the ma...

java updating text area

for my application I have to build a little customized time ticker which ticks over after whatever delay I tell it to and writes the new value in my textArea. The problem is that the ticker is running fully until the termination time and then printing all the values. How can I make the text area change while the code is running. while(t...

Notepad++ -like line-selecting in textarea with jquery?

Hey Is is possible to trigger a link to select a single line inside textarea. If it is, how? Martti Laine ...

overflow:auto when textarea has content by default?

Hey This is a problem, that has annoyed me for a long time. If I have a textarea with long text in it, overflow doesn't work, even if content goes over the visible area. How to fix this? Martti Laine ...

i want easy Javascript code to change textarea value upon <select><option>

Hi please help me, I have some textarea data which needs to be changed when the user select different option from a <select>. can you please give me some javascript easy code to do that please i don't want jquery things ...

Flex TextArea leading invalid

Hi, When I set leading to 0 with Verdana (and others to) for a Flex TextArea I get strange results: fontsize -> space between baselines 8 -> 10 (125%) 10 -> 12 (120%) 12 -> 14 (117%) 14 -> 17 (121%) 16 -> 18 (113%) 18 -> 22 (122%) 20 -> 25 (125%) 25 -> 31 (124%) shouldn't all of these be the same (should only be 100%)? Or lea...

stop text-area from resizing in Safari

hi...Safari gives resize handles for text-areas. anyone knows how to stop that? thanx ...

How to set value to text are in MVC

I have a text area <%=Html.TextArea("CDescr", "", new { Class = "textarea1" })%> I want to set value to this textare from controller. How can I do that ? ...

$(...parent()).html() didn't capture the textarea content

I am generating user control according to search result. And allowing to change text inside of textarea (picture or video description) aaaaaa is default text to change. User can change textarea and when user clicked on EKLE (ADD) button, i am cloning DIV element that contains image, span, textarea elements and their value. When clic...

How to find absolute (X,Y) cursor potision in textarea?

As a user types in a textarea I'd like to be able to display an auto-complete box directly below the current cursor position. How can I determine the window X,Y coordinates of the cursor while the user types in the textarea? ...

Applying styles for custom TextArea in ActionScript 3

I have the following code to create and apply a few styles for a custom TextArea in ActionScript 3. public class MyCustomTextArea extends TextArea { override protected function createChildren():void { super.createChildren(); this.styleSheet.setStyle("sup", { display: "inline", fontFamily: "ArialSup", fontSize:"12"}); thi...

Fck Editor Multiple Editors

Hello, How would I be able to achieve something like this: have multiple textareas and only want one toolbar. What I want: <div id="Editor"> <!-- Toolbar will go here --> </div> <textarea>Some content...</textarea> <textarea>Some content...</textarea> ...

How can a Script be passed through a TextArea into a Form?

I need to make a form with a Text Area that accepts lines of script, any kind of script be it javascript, css, html, vbscript, whatever. How can the script be passed to a form post? EDIT: How can this script be modified so it can be inserted into a Database? Specifically SQL Server 2005 ...

Jeditable inserts extra spaces around the text in text area

Jeditable is inserting extra spaces around the actual text in a text area for me when I click to edit some text. How do I trim this or actually fix this? ...