
jQuery validation on textarea

I have this code inside a form of mine: <textarea>Your message</textarea> The html content of the tag will be emptied on focus. I want to run some validation on this field with jQuery. First, the value of this field should not be = "". Secondly, the content of the tag should not be = "Your message". Anyone knows how I can archive...

access textarea value

I have a on a form of mine. I´m trying to reset the value (the value typed by the user) of this field on a certain event. However, I seem unable to access it both with .val() and .html(). Any advice on this? ...

Textarea to refresh using jQuery/MySQL

OK so let's say I have a textarea on the top of my browser and a text input box on the bottom. I want to connect a MySQL database and also whatever I type in the input box to appear in the text area. Sorta like a text RPG... I know PHP, MySQL, good AJAX, and little jQuery. I just want to know how this is achieved. Thank you. ...

jquery prepend to textarea text()

I have a text area. I can set the text of it with $("#mytextarea").text("foo") I can prepend to the text area like this: $("#mytextarea").prepend("foo") But I cannot prepend to the jquery text() object like this: $("#mytextarea").text().prepend("foo") The reason I want to do this is so that if my user gets me to prepend this te...

Limit text area value and cut the rest

I have a textarea which users can enter some tags. I need to limit this tags to 20 tags. Tags could be enterer this way maytag1,mytag2,mytag3 What i wrote is this function function limitTags() { var tags = $("input[type=text][name=tags]").val() var tag = $.trim(tags); var selected = new Ar...

Is it possible to use Ext.Resizable on a 'width: 100%' element?

When I apply Ext.Resizable with parameters wrap: true, handles: 's' to an Ext.form.TextArea with width: 100%, the text area loses its width. More specifically, the width is reset to sth. like default width in pixels. Is it possible to cleanly make Ext.Resizable just not touch width at all and operate on element's height only? I checke...

Prevent HTML character codes from being rendered in textarea

Is it possible to display HTML character codes stored in a text field in SQL to a textarea without rendering them as their appropriate character? i wasnt & to show up as &amp; (the way it's stored in the table). Or is their a way I should be storing the HTML so I won't need to worry about this? (site is using PHP) ...

make textarea fullscreen jquery (for use as code editor)

I have a text area in which users can type source code (html/css/js). I want to be able to let them click a "switch to fullscreen" link to make the editor fullscreen. Of course, this should work on any resolution and must also resize when a users resizes it's window. I found this plugin, http://plugins.jquery.com/project/fulltextarea, ...

Best practices: displaying text that was input via multi-line text box

I have a multi-line text box. When users simply type away, the text box wraps the text, and it's saved as a single line. It's also possible that users may enter line breaks, for example when entering a "bulleted" lists like: Here are some suggestions: - fix this - remove that - and another thing Now, the problem occurs when I try...

How do I keep <textarea> from displaying raw html?

I'm working on the comment leaving system on my blog and everything works fine except I can't get my "comments" text box to become larger. Well, I can, using the command, but it puts the raw html from the rest of the page in the text box. The page displays my form as "Name: [blank input box] Comment: [larger input box, but filled with a...

Textarea 100% height in IE

How do I get my <textarea> to have a height of 100% and work in IE7/6? height:100% works fine in all other browsers but IE just doesn't want to accept anything other than specific values. Javascript is a possible solution. ...

How can I remove the border of a textArea in extJs?

Hi, I am new to extJs. I want to make the border of a textarea invisible so that it becomes just a blank white space (My purpose is to show it inside a fieldset). Hoe can I achieve this? thanks ...

ExtJs textarea multiline issue

How can I assign text containing \r\n to an ExtJs textarea and get to see line breaks instead of the actual \r\n characters? When I manually press the Enter key and check Firebug, I can see \r\n getting inserted. But if I assign a string containing \r\n to the textarea, it renders as-is. Any hints would be helpful. ...

JQuery. Why can't I insert an html img tag in a textarea?

TextArea looks like: <textarea id="MessageContent" name="MessageContent"></textarea> JQuery looks like: $("#insert").live("click", function () { var t = "<img width='" + result.width + "' height='" + result.height + "' alt='" + result.descr + "' src='/Images/" + result.message + "' />"; $("#MessageContent")...

Textarea background image scrolls when text exceeds the height.

Hi all! I am trying to resolve an issue in IE7. My text area has a background image behind it which then scrolls with the text when the text exceeds the height of the text area and begins to scroll with the text. Anyone know why this is happening and what the solution this would be? Thanks, James ...

How to check for and remove a newline (\n) in the first line of a text field in actionscript?

In the script, sometimes a newline is added in the beginning of the text field (am using a textArea in adobe flex 3), and later on that newline might need to be removed (after other text has been added). I was wondering how to check if there is a newline at the beginning of the text field and then how to remove it. Thanks in advance. ...

jQuery - google chrome won't get updated textarea value

Hi, I have a textarea with default text 'write comment...'. when a user updates the textarea and clicks 'add comment' Google chrome does not get the new text. heres my code; function add_comment( token, loader ){ $('textarea.n-c-i').focus(function(){ if( $(this).html() == 'write a comment...' ) { $(this).html(''); } }...

Check if certain row in textarea is empty

How to check if certain row in textarea is empty? ...

How to check if certain row in textarea is empty?

How to check if certain row in textarea is empty with javascript? <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).bind('keydown',function (e) { if(e.which==13) { function isRowEmpty( idOfTextArea , row ){ return $("#" + idOfTextArea )[0].value.split("\n")[row-1] == ""; } alert(isR...

Formatting populated textarea, carriage returns, newlines, and HAML

When i populate a textarea with text using \r\n (carriage return - newline) the text is formatted improperly [UPDATE: \r\n is what is generated when filling out a textarea, i'm simply pulling from a database what was previously filled in. Also to note, in the production environment i don't seem to have this problem. END UPDATE] For examp...