
prevent empty submissions in <textarea>

I have set up a <textarea> and functions that will pick up keystrokes. I have it set up where if the user presses Enter, the text typed in the text area will be submitted to a database. However, I want to prevent from submitting empty text, just pressing Enter and submitting. I also noticed that when Enter, a new line is created, so I c...

Indicate word wrap in textarea.

I have textarea with rows="50" and cols="15". I want when it's going to wrap the words to simulate enter pressing,because I check when the user goes to new row with keydown and e.which==13 ,but the word wrap prevents me to check this. edit: Because I want to try to make something like online editor ,and I dynamicly count the rows like Be...

Absolute positioning of a GWT TextArea in IE?

TextArea textarea1 = TextArea.wrap(DOM.getElementById("t")); In onModuleLoad() I wrote 2 lines given below: textAreaStyle = "position:absolute;top:0px;"; textarea1.getElement().setAttribute("style", textAreaStyle); In Firefox and Chrome, the textarea is placed in absolute position and 0px from top, but in IE the textarea remains a...

Custom Textarea for right to left languages

I need a custom text area inside which when the keyboard Enetr key is pressed sould insert new from right to left. and when back space is clicked at the beginning of that line shuold remove that line. ...

Detect content in textarea (jQuery)

How do I check if there's any content in <textarea> ? I need to addClass based on that condition. Many thanks ...

Toggling background image (jQuery)

$('textarea').focus(function() { var img = $(this).css('background-image'); $(this).css('background-image', 'none'); }); $('textarea').blur(function() { $(this).css('background-image', img); }); .. doesn't seem to work. I think somethings wrong, but I can't figure out what. Many thanks for your help! ...

Clearing Textarea on Blur (jQuery)

// Clearing Textarea $('textarea').focus(function() { var $this = $(this); $.data(this, 'img', $this.css('background-image')); $this.css('background-image', 'none'); }); $('textarea').blur(function() { if($.trim($('textarea').val()).length){ $this.css('background-image', 'none'); } else { $(this).css('ba...

Automatic newline in textarea

Using jQuery, how can I make a textarea that automatically adds a new line when inserting text when the cursor is near the end. The width of the textarea is dynamically done via CSS (e.g., #myTextArea { width: 80%; }) so I can't do anything like counting the characters in each line. I don't need a non-JS solution since the content of t...

jquery autoResize breaks form validation for textareas

Here's a snippet of the jquery: $(document).ready(function() { $('textarea').autoResize(); $('#submitSurvey').click(function() { -- Skipping several lines -- $("input[id$='Buggy']:radio:checked").each(function() {// If any radio buttons are marked "Buggy" and no comment is left, require comment var parent = $(this).parent().g...

jQuery KeyPress limiting my input on TextArea

I have this code: $('#typer').keypress(function(e){ var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); if (code == '13') { $.sound.play("cr.wav",{timeout:1000}); } else if (code == '8') { $.sound.play("del.wav",{timeout:1000}); } else if (code == '27') { ...

Custom TextArea - Colors enabled (for an html editor)

I am looking for a tool/textarea that would provide a dreamweaver-like code area, or even notepad++, with code highlighting and intellisens, intelisens can be added afterward, but if its there its even better. The point is to add visual help to whoever is doing web editing with the component. Is there any kind of tool that could do this...

Searching a simple jQuery BB-code plugin

I'm searching for a jQuery plugin or function to insert bb code in a selected textarea - nothing more. I found plugins like http://markitup.jaysalvat.com/downloads/ but they add are to oversized for my project. All i want is the following function realised in jQuery: document.getElementById("bold_button").onclick = function() { form...

Save contents of textarea from external site - Any Language

Hi, I'm wondering if this is even possible, but here it goes. There's this website ok, and it lets you submit your link to a bunch of other sites and it shows a full debug and everything while its running. Only bad thing is it clears it every 100 lines using javascript, I'm wondering if it would be possible to save the contents of the ...

Rails -- Add a line break into a text area

Hi, I got a rails app where I can input a few paragraphs of text into my model. The problem is I dont know how to input any line breaks. I've tried to add " {ln}{/ln} ; {&nbsp} and {br}{/br}" but that only displays the html as text and no break. Is there anyway I can set it so the text area control will use any of the html I pla...

DB or flat file?

Hi there, Just one little question. Shall i put the HTML textarea content into a DB or a flat file? The textarea content can be very long (like an article or a project). Thanks for helping. Silvio. ...

Ckeditor update textarea

He guys, I am trying to get the ckeditor working. Ubviously it doesn't make use of the textarea so on submit the form doesn't submit the text in the editor. Beceause i make use of polymorphic associations etc. I can't make a onsubmit function to get the value of the textarea (when the form is submitted) . So I found this question: ht...

How to change width of TAB character in a Flex TextArea?

Is it possible to change the width of an insert TAB character in a Flex TextArea? I'm capturing FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE events and manually inserting a "\t" into a text area styled with an embedded monospace font. By default, the TABs are being displayed two and a half monospace characters wide... I need them to display five monospa...

Find value of current line

How can I find the value of the current line of a textarea? I know I have to find the caret position, but then find everything before it up to the last \n and everything after it to the next \n. How can I do this? ...

Implicit Folding in TEXTAREA with Javascript

Hi there, I'd like to be able to create a type of folding in xhtml textareas using Javascript/jQuery. For example, given the following text: ABC [123] DEF I'd like to have [123] reduce to [] when the cursor is not over it - i.e. for a cursor |: ABC [] DEF| AB|C [] DEF ABC [|123] DEF ABC [12|3] DEF I want the content within the br...

jQuery Textarea Caret Position to End on Focus

I have multiple textareas on a page and would like to set the position of the caret to the end of the text which changes per textarea (textareas do not contain similar length values). How would I initiate this on focus to move caret from the position they select to the end? Thanks in advance. -B ...