
How can I correctly insert data containing special characters into a database field using Perl and DBI?

I have a form, not unlike the post question/comment on this site that I want to post to a field in a database. However if someone where to put special characters such as @#;"| either fails or does not insert correctly. Is there a way to insert said data into a database without Perl trying to treat certain characters as operators? ...

Clear background if content present in textarea (jQuery)

Please see this jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Wmq6f/ I have a textarea that has a background image, it is removed on 'focus' and restored on 'blur' but when the content is present in the textarea it should not show in either case, but I can't achieve that with this jQuery: $('textarea').focus(function() { var $this = $(this); $.d...

How do I let to browser to remember the input of the text area.

In case a user forgets to enter an input area or enters an invalid code, and then comes back to the page where the users was filling a form, then he/she will face that his/her textarea is empty. And won't want to fill it again. I want from the browser to remember what was written in it. How I'll do that? <textarea cols="60" name="event"...

How to make textarea to fill div block?

Check out how far have I got it here: http://client.starchat.ee/social/test.html How can I make the textarea above the green button to fill the div block? I mean, I how to make the textarea exactly the same width as the comment blocks? ...

spring mvc form textarea initial contents

How do I put initial text into a Spring form textarea? The TLD rejects PCData content inside form:textarea. The point of this form is to ask a user to edit/correct some text, so the text has to get into the form in the first place. The JSP page is pulling the text from the model and wants to put it into the textarea. ...

How do I get my textarea to preserve newlines when using jQuery and JSON?

I have an textarea for user to input comment and a button to submit using jQuery .post() and JSON. $('#submit').click(function () { var comment = {}; comment.Author = $("#author").val(); comment.Email = $("#email").val(); comment.WebSite = $("#url").val(); comment.Body = $("#comment").val(); // te...

best python lib to make the textarea safe in the web page when user submit.

i want to clean some tag like : <script> and other, so what python lib you are using to do this . thanks ...

Textarea overflow problem

I have this textarea inside a jQuery UI dialog: <div style="width:350px;height:100px;overflow:scroll;"> <textarea cols="50" rows="1000" id="txtarr" wrap="off"></textarea> </div I want to add scroll bar - to see 50 of the rows,to see the others - the user must scroll. But it doesn't work. Like I have text ,that overflows 100px and ...

Javascript/jQuery move to next field on keypress

When a user presses the down arrow key in a textarea, and it's the bottom of the textarea (i.e. the keyup has no effect), I'd like to an event handler to capture this. $("<textarea />").keyup(function (e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 40: // down // if last line or alternatively // if keypress does not chan...

Flex: TextArea attached Image

Is there any advance TextArea that can attached image(image is alligned with the text) and the image can be movable inside the text area.I know that text area can support html text and can insert image tag but it is very limited, I can't move the picture inside textArea by dragging it or even add events on it.Is there any approach or sol...

How do I stop a textarea from scrolling to the top whenever I change its value

I'm making something where a textarea gets more and more text appended. In firefox, the textarea scroll back up to the top each time. I currently have something like textarea.scrollTop=1000000; to scroll it back down each time it changes, but it still goes up to the top for a very short time. Is there any way to stop it doing so? ...

problem with html codes showing in textarea html code such as <p> and < br>

I'm doing something rather elementary - doing a <textarea cols="60" rows="35"> textarea scrollable text box.... the problem im getting is html keeps popping up regardless of whether its written in wordpress html or text mode - in text mode on wordpress, when the selected say <br> is selected, it selects all the text, so i cant delete tha...

Get selected text in textarea

I'd like to store selected text in a variable and then delete the selected text by pressing a button. Preferably with jquery but I don't mind basic javascript. Thanks in advance. UPDATE: Thanks George, I've tried the example that you pointed to stripping down the code to what I need but I can't get it to work on click for the button. ...

PHP Text area foreach line

Im trying to code a php script that will loop a process for each line in a Textarea post. I was wondering if someone can post an example. ...

Custom Textarea Control/Component

I would like to create my own irregular shaped Text area control to be place on a webpage, which would be shaped in a sort of backwards L. Would this be possible to create in something such as adobe flash or silverlight? or is this not possible at all? I have tried searching for a few hours and have found nothing if anyone has any exper...

Javascript detect scrollbar in textarea

Hi, I was wondering if anybody knows how I would go about detecting when the scrollbar appears inside a text area. I am currently using mootools for my JavaScript but I am really having issues getting it to detect a scrollbar. Any example would be useful thank you!. Jamie ...

javascript catch paste event in textarea

Hi, I currently have a textarea which I requires control over text that has been pasted in, essentially I need to be able to take whatever the user wants to paste into a textarea and place it into a variable. I will then work out the position in which they pasted the text and the size of the string to remove it from the textarea, The...

Read file containing PHP without parsing PHP

I am using a wysiwyg editor in a web app. It is FCKeditor. In order to edit a file, other than loading javascript, my web form that edits the the file looks like this: <textarea><?php include('myWebDoc.html') ?></textarea> I also tried this: <textarea><?php file_get_contents('myWebDoc.html') ?></textarea> Both attempts end up parsi...

Improve my code : Distributing the content of a textarea in two different arrays depending on markers.

Hi, I have a textarea where the user can create a feature list with a title for each block of features. The idea is to store the [title] and the features in two different MySQL tables. [Outdoor] BBQ Tennis court Swimming pool [Internal Equipment] DVD Player Plasma screen Here is what I've done so far; it works bu...

How do I put textarea data into an SQL Server database?

(This is classic ASP) I'm sure this is just a case of escaping the text, but I haven't found anything yet. I have a textarea that may contain all sorts of characters and I need to UPDATE the record with whatever is in that textarea, but I'm getting an error that breaks my SQL query, which I'm positive is related to the content of the tex...