
How do you use guidelines to help format your code in the VS editor?

Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\9.0\10.0\Text Editor. What guideline settings do you use? ...

Tips for programming in 5 min segments?

I have a laptop and bunch of 5 min segments throughout my day. I used to think this was simply too short a time to do 'anything'. Though with a little practice and a few minor behavioral changes (like unplugging) I have realized that I can get something done in each segment. So now I am reaching out to all you quick-draw-programmers out ...

quick way to add default method permissions for all EJBs specified in ejb-jar.xml

Like the title says, I have a valid ejb-jar.xml. However, for it to be JEE compliant, method permissions need to be present for all beans specified in the file. There are about a couple of hundred beans (I know!, don't even ask) so this is going to be horrible to do manually. Anyone out there have a neat way of doing this (automaticall...

Effective C# tips

Possible Duplicates: Is there a site that emails out daily C# tips and tricks? What are your C# Commandments? A little background: I have skimmed through Effective C# by Bill Wagner. I know that my opinion on a book like that is too insignificant. But, still just for record I plan to read and re-read the books for years to co...

Regex Performance Optimization Tips and Tricks

After reading a pretty good article on regex optimization in java I was wondering what are the other good tips for creating fast and efficient regular expressions? ...

Tricks for quickly turning DB table into html markup for aspx page?

Does anyone have any tricks for quickly laying out the html markup for a specific database table? For example, say I have a table "Company", and I just want to render a textbox for all the columns. One trick that I thought I saw and confirmed to work was to do some markup like so: <p><label for="zzzz">zzzz</label><asp:TextBo...

Intellij IDEA way of editing multiple lines

I've seen this done in TextMate and I was wondering if there's a way to do it in IDEA. Say I have the following code: leaseLabel = "Lease"; leaseLabelPlural = "Leases"; portfolioLabel = "Portfolio"; portfolioLabelPlural = "Portfolios"; buildingLabel = "Building"; What is the best way to append '+ "foo"' to every line? Column mod...

In VIM, how do I break one really long line into multiple lines?

Say I have a super long line in the VIM editor (say around 300+ characters). How would I break that up into multiple lines so that the word boundaries roughly break at 80 characters? Example: This is a really long line This is a really long line This is a really long line This is a really long line This is a really long line This is a...

synchronize projects on different development computers

What do you use to synchronize development on different computers/laptops? Eg at work I might use a PC, then I jump on the train and use my laptop, at home I use another laptop. On each of them I might use linux or windows. edit: source control is a must but for synchronizing a bit limited in that you need a connection to a repository. ...

How to get Visual Studio to generate the override stub for an event declared in a base type?

I'm trying to override an event handler in a subclass - how can i get VS2008 to generate the stub? For that matter can it generate the code for a method override? Is there a trick? ...

Rules of Thumb in GDI+

I have been working on some GDI+ code in .NET and have been learning my lessons the hard way. Simple things like: What looks good on screen may not look nice on paper and vice versa Caching too many objects can result in an OutOfMemoryException Floats aren't exact ...and so on. I'm sure there is a lot more that experienced folk can a...

What is the most useful R trick?

In order to share some more tips and tricks for R, what is your single-most useful feature or trick? Clever vectorization? Data input/output? Visualization and graphics? Statistical analysis? Special functions? The interactive environment itself? One item per post, and we will see if we get a winner by means of votes. [Edit 25-A...

How to copy to clipboard with GWT?

Couldn't find anything on this with a Google Search. Does anyone know how to copy some text to the clipboard through GWT Java code? I'd like to avoid the raw javascript injection solution. Any help or pointers appreciated. ...

Dirty Coding Tricks to Deliver Project on Time

Just read a good article about dirty coding hacks used by game developers to get a game out the door: Has anyone here had to pull a quick and dirty trick to save a project? ...

What are some Objective-c debugging tips?

I'm still haven't properly learned how to use the Xcode debugger, but I was wondering if anyone has some favourite debugging tips, things you can quickly insert into code to see the state of objects. Anything which would help me get more of a grasp on the internals of Objective-c. Mostly I rely on NSLog(@"%@", myObject) to see what's ha...

Using TortoiseGit, can I commit and svn dcommit in one step?

I am using TortoiseGit and am working with an svn repository using git-svn. Sometimes I want to make a one line change and dcommit it to the svn repo immediately (so the CI server will pick up the change). Currently I have to git commit, then dcommit. It's an extra step for something I want to do would be nice if I could j...

objective-c getters/setters & variable/property declarations--an easier way?

hopefully this is an easy one. I'm coding in objective-c and i'm wondering if there are any tools/tricks (anything) that you use for this annoyance (see below). Is there an easier way to declare variable/properties within the header and implementation files? e.g., I'm not a big fan of typing this in the header: NSString *commercial...

Deep dark secrets of Emacs?

Possible Duplicate: The single most useful Emacs feature So, there is this question for Vim users that keeps popping up in my feed reader, but I'm an Emacs person. So, what are some of the cool little hacks and tricks you've come up with using Emacs? And like the Vim thread, I'm talking about the things that only a very few ...

Working at home for a junior developer...

I just recently got my first development job, and consider myself lucky to be working from home. However, I need advice... What should I be doing in order to make sure I get the most out of my new job, how can I make sure that I succeed, and what are some particular pitfalls I might run across? I have already set aside a distraction f...

Top pragmatic tips

I guess most of you have read The Pragmatic Programmer. What are the most important tips for you? They all are good, but what are the most actual for you, that you use every day. ...