
Creating pdf file using php

Hi all, Can someone suggest me which tutorial I can follow to get thorough knowledge about creating pdf files using php? Thanks ...

cahoots - zend framework application is not running

hello everyone, I downloaded cahoots from sourceforge.net. It is a zend framework application. Very nicely done and I must say that it should be a nice tutorial for everyone who is struggling to learn Zend framework. But my problem is that even after reading the instructions this application is still not running. The application just d...

is there any resources how to learn visual studio T4 templates so i can start generate my own code

i wanted to learn about T4 templates but i need a resource to read about them. so anyone knows any blogs or tutorials about T4 templates? thanks ...

Dozer Example Tutorial

Hi, Are there any good tutorials on Dozer Mapper? ...

Are there any tutorials on Web Service creation with PHP 5?

I mean I want to understrand how to generate WSDL from my code So I've rote <?php $soap = new SoapServer(null, array('uri' => 'http://php.hoshmand.org/')); $soap->addFunction('add'); $soap->handle(); function add($a, $b) { return $a + $b; } ?> How to call it like a WSDL now? ...

Facebook Link attachment example in Ruby on Rails

How do you attach a link in ruby on rails similar to facebook link attachment where you get the title and the description of the link attached.? Could you help me with the code? Is there a good RoR tutorial? Could you help me with the link? Looking forward for your help. ...

What would the git analog of hginit.com be?

Is there an introduction to the world of git that has a similar style and structure as Hg Init? ...

Ruby on Rails questionnaire tutorial?

Can't find any tutorial for creating a simple questionnaire system on RoR (without using Finite State Machines). I think the Model is simple: Quizzes (have many Questions) Questions (belong to Quizzes, have many Choices, have one Answer) Choices (belong to Questions) Responses (belong to Users, belong to Questions) Users (have many ...

Tutorials for .NET database app using SQLite

I have some MS Access experience, and had a class on console c++ apps, now I am trying to develop my first program. It's a little C# db app. I have the db tables and columns planned and keyed into VS, but that's where I'm stuck. I'm needing C#/VS tutorials that will guide me on configuring relationships, datatyping, etc, on the db so I...

Where to find Python CouchDB tutorials?

I've been hunting around for a Python CouchDB tutorial and haven't been able to find anything very thorough. The only thing I've really found is this site, which I haven't gotten to work because I keep getting a 'connection refused' error when I try to create a database. Does anyone know where I would look for a tutorial to help me with...

Hashtable implementation tutorial

Does anyone know a good website for learning how to create and implement hash tables for beginners in java? ...

Best tutorials or sites for Actionscript 3.

This is semi-redudant, but the other entries on here didn't yield anything. I know a bit of AS3, but only from copying segments and attempting to figure it out. Is there any online resources for going through from the beginning and UNDERSTANDING everything, allowing me to more creatively interpret and learn it? Anything is appreciated...

Good tutorials for learning c# for Windows Phone 7 development

Hi, I have downloaded the Visual Studio 2010 CTP along with Phone 7 emulator, but am finding writing code a little counter intuative (coming from a c++ background). Can someone direct me to some good intermediate-level resources / tutorials? ...

Where can I find an introduction to using PDO?

I know my SQL safety isn't up to par. I've read on this site that PHP PDO would be a good first step, and while I did take a look at the PDO Manual it's a bit daunting. Is there somewhere I can find a tutorial on the basics of using PDO rather then straight MySQL calls? ...

Algorithm video tutorial

There are quite a few algorithm lectures on the web, but what I'm looking for is a video tutorial where I can watch somebody coding on screen, going from a blank document to an algorithm that solves a problem. Language doesn't really matter. There are lots of video tutorials like this about a certain language, but is there one that teach...

Tutorial or book for fantasy sport app design

There are a lot of sites out there that have online fantasy applications. There is also a lot of design that goes into making one of these sites. Does anyone know of a good tutorial or book that covers the basics and gives readers suggestions on how to handle major design patterns. As I work through trying to make one of these apps ...

How to integrate Doctrine 2 (alpha release) and Zend Framework

Hi, I want to integrate doctrine 2 with zend framework 1.9. Please give me some link or some tutorial to integrate doctrine 2. I have worked doctrine 1.1. But now I want to integrate doctrine 2. I think which have some different approach to add doctrine 2. Thanks Raju Mazumder ...

Spring MVC Web PetClinic Tutorial?

Is there a tutorial that goes along with the PetClinic application? I have been trying to find one, but google is not helping me today. Specifically, I dont understand things like: @Autowired - what does that even mean? @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) public String setupForm(@RequestParam("petId") int petId, ModelMap model...

How do you handle key down events on Android? I am having issues making it work.

For an Android program, I am having trouble handling key down and key up events, and the problem I am having with them can almost certainly be generalized to any sort of user input event. I am using Lunar Lander as one of my main learning devices as I make my first meaningful program, and I noticed that it was using onKeyDown as an over...

.Net developer trying to get into developing Adobe Air apps and feeling a bit lost

So I've installed Aptana, looked around at a few tutorials, but let's just say I'm not quite feeling the love yet, the penny hasn't quite dropped as to where I should get started. So pointers in the right direction for a complete Air beginner but seasoned .Net/Html/JavaScript/Css developer would be much appreciated Thanks ...