
How to start with AJAX/JSON in Zend?

I am working on some projects as a developer(PHP,MySQL) in which AJAX and jQuery is already implemented. But now I want to learn implementation of AJAX and jQuery stuff. Can anyone tell me the exact steps with explanation? I have created a project in Zend. There is only one controller(IndexController) and two actions(a and b) in my proj...

How to stop C++ console application from exiting immediately?

Hello everybody. Lately, I've been trying to learn C++ from this website. Unfortunately whenever I try to run one of the code samples, I see that program open for about a half second and then immediately close. Is there any way to stop the program from closing immediately so that I can see the fruits of my effort? Thanks in advance. ...

What's a good tutorial for creating a gem with RSpec?

I've been searching around for ways to create a gem with RSpec, but haven't found descriptive tutorials. I started out with Ryan Bates' Making a gem, but I'm looking for a tutorial that discusses creating an acts_as style gem with RSpec. By acts_as, I mean to say that the gem adds certain methods to an existing class in Rails. Why is t...

How do I implement a collection in Scala 2.8?

In trying to write an API I'm struggling with Scala's collections in 2.8(.0-beta1). Basically what I need is to write something that: adds functionality to immutable sets of a certain type where all methods like filter and map return a collection of the same type without having to override everything (which is why I went for 2.8 in th...

A simple scenario using wait() and notify() in java

Can I get a complete simple scenario i.e. tutorial that suggest how this should be used, specifically with a Queue? ...

PostMessage tutorial

Hi I am looking for some tutorial regarding the PostMessage functionality in Windows SDK. I have been googling a while but no luck. Is there a site which elaborates on this operation? Thanks. ...

yii model tbl_* createds TblUserController and tblUser View

I am trying to follow loosely I might add the blog tutorial It is probably because I am working of the svn trunk. I call the sql tables tbl_user tbl_role etc as described in the tutorial but the controller ends up to be TblUserController and the view folder is called tblUser tblRole. In the tutorial only the models take the table prefix...

Does an updated 'vimtutor' exist?

vim comes with a nice built-in interactive tutorial. You can access this tutorial by just running: $ vimtutor It is very easy to use because it creates working cases for basic commands. Is there a more advanced tutorial? Has any one though to build one to help uses take their VIM skills to the next level. Most tutorial and cheat-s...

How to learn geometry for programming?

What's the best way to learn the essentials of geometry (and other types of math) used in drawing/graphics programming - e.g. curves (like bezier curves), transformations, matrices, etc.? ...

Maven Tutorial that Covers a Complete Project Lifecycle

Can anyone point to a maven tutorial / how-to that covers everything that is normally required during an OSS project: project creation, sources, build, test, integration in SCM, etc, deployment to one's own repository, release creation and upload? I have been able to gather all this information from ten different sources, but it is not ...

Learning Recommendations? Classroom? Tutorials?

Does anyone have any recommendations for a class (online) or tutorial that teaches android programing for dummies? It's frustrating knowing exactly what you want to do and no idea how to do it. Something that uses basic language and explains each line in detail to help a person remember how to do it later. Any suggestions would be gre...

download iphone sample code from apple

the iphone sdk documentation has links to sample code, but you have to download them individually from the web. Is there a bundle you can download all at once from apple ? For example, reading the first iphone tutorial at switchonthecode, the first new word I came across was UIApplication. There are 5 samples on the web... ...

The Community-Driven GDB Primer

I was reading this question and realized it might be helpful for entry- and pro-level developers alike (including myself) to have a common reference for best practices in using gdb. Many questions asked on Stack Overflow could easily be solved by taking some time to step some code in a debugger, and it would be good to have a community-...

Learning Visual C++ 2008 and C++ at the same time? Any resources to recommend?

Hey guys, I am trying to learn Visual C++ 2008 and C++ at the same time to get involved with sourcemod, a server side modding tool for valve games. However I have never touched Visual C++ or C++ in general, and doing some preliminary research I am quite confused on these different versions of C++ (mfc, cli, win32), and why a lot of peop...

Error when following along with the tutorial on the Django website

I am following the django tutorial here. I have copied everything exactly. After the part where you enter the python manage.py sql polls command, it returns: Error:App with the label polls could not be found. Are you sure yuor INSTALLED_APPS setting is correct? I have the site installed in /home/kevin/crossen/crossen, and the dir lis...

how to learn Drools or another rule engine fast

Hi All, We're embarking on a module which will generate some recommendations based on some criteria. The criteria will be in the form of set of Business Rules and hence I was considering using a Business Rule Engine like Drools(open source and java :-) ) we need to learn Drools fast (2-3 weeks) and be able to implement rules using JBos...

Plain-English tutorial on artificial neural networks?

I've Googled, StackOverflowed, everything, and I cannot seem to find a tutorial I can understand. I understand the concept of genetic algorithms, and how to implement them, (Though I haven't tried) but I cannot grasp the concept of neural networks. I know vaguely how they work... And that's about it. Could someone direct me to a tutor...

Thinking about using Bluej to learn Java

I would like to start learning Java, but there are so many resources out there... I am having a hard time deciding which path to take. I saw a neat book, Objects First with Java, and I tested out Bluej and some tutorials. Anyone use this and have comments? ...

Writing SDK documentation, need useful beginner tutorials

I'm currently writing SDK documentation for one of our products, but for obvious reasons I don't want to talk about the essentials of OOP. Does anyone know any good online teaching material that explain (aimed at absolute beginners) concepts such as classes, inheritance, constructors, instances etc.? Preferably urls that are likely to su...

Knowing the fundamentals of Java what is the right approach to learn Groovy?

As my question already implies I want to learn a new language and have read several articles about groovy and its more pragmatic syntax. SO I have choosen Groovy as the language of my choice. What is a good way to learn a new language like Groovy when I already know the fundamentals of Java. When I understand correctly Groovy will be r...