
Where can I find a good XMPP (Jabber) tutorial?

Where can I find a good XMPP (Jabber) tutorial with detailed information on the XML that's sent to/from a Jabber client and server. I've looked at the xmpp.org website, but what they show there is confusing and doesn't help me learn. I want to write an XMPP client in C# that uses a TcpClient to connect to the server and send/receive XML...

How to create a paint app for iPhone?

I would like to develop a MS paint like app for the iPhone. Could you guys point me to some sample or tutorials on this topic? I'm new to Objective C and Xcode. Thanks ...

where can i get basic concepts of java beans?

suggest me the tutorial of java beans.. Thanks in advance. ...

Where can i find a good guide for using the java.awt package?

Where can i find a good guide for using the java.awt package? I'm relatively new to java. ...

RAII tutorial for c++

Hi. I'd like to learn how to use RAII in c++. I think I know what it is, but have no idea how to implement it in my programs. A quick google search did not show any nice tutorials. Does any one have any nice links to teach me RAII? ...

What is the typical method to separate connected letters in a word using OCR

I am very new to OCR and almost know nothing about the algorithms used to recognize words. I am just getting familiar to that. Could anybody please advise on the typical method used to recognize and separate individual characters in connected form (I mean in a word where all letters are linked together)? Forget about handwriting, suppos...

How to use crystal reports with php

Hi everybody... I need to use crystal reports with php... I googled around for a long time but was not able to find a good tutorial or book that will explain the process easily and efficiently... Can anyone point me towards a place where i can get a simple tutorial about using crystal reports with php....? Thanks a lot for your sugges...

What is the most recommended resource to learn PHP extensions?

I need to learn how to develop PHP extensions. So, I assume I have to refresh my CPP skills (or is it C?). What IDE should I use (auto-completion, object browsers etc). I plan to develop on Ubuntu 32. Is there a good book or good website I can learn from? ...

video tutorial for learning python?

Anyone knows video tutorial resource for learning Python (the one that is similar to learnvisualstudio.net for learning .NET)? ...

Good tutorial on wavelet compression?

Any web sites, books, etc, that have a good tutorial on wavelet compression? I'd be interested in two tracks... a heavyweight tutorial that plows through the math, and a "light" one that just hits some concepts and highlights. ...

SlickGrid and asp.net sample or tutorial

Hi, I am a newbie using SlickGrid. I have searched some of the sample apps out there but I am still stumped. If anyone can refer a sample or tutorial on SlickGrid using Asp.Net doing the following: Get data via JSON Implement paging, sorting, searching Pass the selected rows key to code behind for processing or call a codebehind funct...

Matlab tutorial for programmers

I'm getting some new students soon, who will be writing Matlab code. They're new to Matlab, but they have experience coding in Java and C++. I'm going to have them go through the 'Getting Started' section of the Matlab help. In addition, I want to give a small tutorial with the goal to prevent them from making some of the most common mi...

Easy to follow LaTeX tutorial on layout?

I want to layout a page using LaTeX and distribute text snippets/blocks in predefined locations. Something like this +--------------------------------------------------------+ | +-------------+ | | |bla bla bla| | | |bla bl ab lab| +-------------+ ...

iPhone zoom to userLocation

Hi, I need help making my iPhone app zoom to the users current location. I have seen this answered before on StackOverflow ( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2423236/zoom-on-userlocation )but I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to iPhone development (I make websites not iPhone apps). I need it explained extremely simply, dow...

How to read pixel values of a video?

I recently wrote C programs for image processing of BMP images, I had to read the pixel values and process them, it was very simple I followed the BMP header contents and I could get most of the information of the BMP image. Now the challenge is to process videos (Frame by Frame), how can I do it? How will I be able to read the headers ...

C - pellucid regex.h use tutorial

I need to use regular expressions in C and was looking for a clear tutorial on its use and how to capture substrings. (I'm using the regex.h library on linux) I have used regular expressions before in other languages so know how to construct the actual expressions, I am looking for a tutorial on it's implementation in C. Thanks. ...

Can anyone recommend a source control tutorial for a non-technical user based on TortoiseSVN?

Can anyone recommend a source control tutorial for a test engineer based on TortoiseSVN? It needs to cover how to check stuff out in detail; the rest can be a bit sketchy if necessary. ...

Good Actionscript or Flex website?

Hi Guys Just wondering if anyone know a good flex tutorial website besides Adobe. Appreciate the helps. ...

Machine Code tutorial for Mac

I want to learn machine code. Not for a specific reason. Just for the heck of it. I was wondering if there were any good machine code tutorials. I have a macbook with a 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor. ...

up-to-date PyGTK tutorial

The official tutorial hasn't been updated in years. Is there a more up-to-date one elsewhere? ...