
Tutorials/Books on using Mono to develop RESTful webservices?

Hi, anyone out there got any pointers to good links/tutorials/books on developing webservices with Mono? In more detail, I am interested in using Mono from project start on a Linux host developing in C# using Visual Studio for development, ideally with remote debugging if that is realistic developing web-services in MONO accessible i...

Flash / Actionscript wheel

Hi, I have been asked to create a wheel for navigation similar to on the Visit Provence website. However, I don't know where to start and my Googling effort have been unsuccessful - I guess that I am searching using the wrong terms. It the the way that the wheel moves and interacts with the other segments around it that interests me. ...

beginning oop php question: do constructors take the place of getter?

I'm working through this tutorial: http://www.killerphp.com/tutorials/object-oriented-php/php-objects-page-3.php At first he has you create a setter and getter method in the class: <?php class person{ var $name; function set_name($new_name){ $this->name=$new_name; } function get_name(){ return $...

Are there up-to-date Parrot language tutorials?

I'm interested in playing around with the Parrot VM, but all the tutorials (and many of the docs) seem out-of-date. There there any up-to-date tutorials out there in the interwebs? ...

Geodjango Tutorial - links in admin view aren't working

I'm new to Geodjango, and was really enjoying the tutorial at djangoproject.org. But when I got to the "Google / Geographic Admin" section I was unable to display the WorldBorders entries on a map. I can pull up http://localhost:800/admin in my browser, and I see something like this: DJANGO ADMINSTRATION SITE ADMINISTRATION Auth Group...

comprehensive beginner's tutorial for python and sqlite?

looking for a good tutorial for learning sqlite in python- with a focus on the sql, not the bindings specifically, one that assumes no prior knowledge of sql ...

looking for a good free online tutorial on sql

Looking for a good tutorial for the complete beginner on sql. I need to know how to start up a development server as well. thanks ...

Recommend a desktop and voice recording app

Hi all, Can anyone share a recommendation and their experiences with an app that I could use to create tutorials for internal use within my company. The tutorials will be of a technical nature, like HOW TOs on certain topics, like conventions we follow when creating UIs, explanations of frameworks, APIs etc. I would like the app to re...

Introduction to vectorizing in MATLAB - any good tutorials?

I'm looking for any good tutorials on vectorizing (loops) in MATLAB. I have quite simple algorithm, but it uses two for loops. I know that it should be simple to vectorize it and I would like to learn how to do it instead of asking you for the solution. But to let you know what problem I have, so you would be able to suggest best tuto...

Network Security and Encryption explained in laymen terms

Although I might pretend very well that I know a thing about networks or security and it might help me pass an interview or fix a bug, I don't really feel I'm fooling anyone. I'm looking for laymen explanation of current network security concepts and solutions. The information is scattered around and I didn't find a resource for "dummies...

Good book or tutorials on Web Spiders for Ruby on Rails applications

Hi, I have just started learning Ruby on Rails and I really want to do a project on Web Spiders. I am really looking forward for good tutorials in ruby on rails. Could you help? Thanks. ...

Tutorial: Simple WCF XML-RPC client

Update: I have provided complete code example in answer below. I have built my own little custom XML-RPC server, and since I'd like to keep things simple, on both server and client side, what I would like to accomplish is to create a simplest possible client (in C# preferably) using WCF. Let's say that Contract for service exposed via ...

wordpress adnimistration page

anyone know of a site that explains how wordpress created its appearances in wordpress (on the backend) i like how the navigation was created and i am trying to drill down to see what makes it tick but its a heck of a mess of code. has anyone launched anything online that you know of explaining how these peices were made? maybe something...

Please suggest some good books about image analysis or image processing

I wish to become a good specialist in image processing, for example I want to know how to find barcodes or car plates and so on, anything that i think about, an apple on image. And then to do something more, for example decode the barcode or just write - this is an apple. So do you know a good book or online course? ...

Android Notepadv1 Tutorial - Persistent mNoteNumber?

So I did the Notepadv1 tutorial. It worked great. No problems. I would however like some explanation on why the mNoteNumber remembers the last number of the item I created. So the class starts as follows: public class Notepadv1 extends ListActivity { private int mNoteNumber = 1; That's fine, I understand that. The only other ...

EndpointNotFoundException when working through tutorials in Learning WCF

I am working through the book Learning WCF and on the first tutorial lab HelloIndigo I am receiving the following error. Could not connect to http://localhost:8000/HelloIndigo/HelloIndigoService. TCP error code 10061: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it It appears in the Client pro...

CLIM tutorial, where?

I am thinking of using McClim for an application, where can I find a tutorial that covers buttons, keyboard/mouse I/O, drawing images, etc. STFW for mcclim tutorial and clim tutorial didn't help much. Any pointers? If such a tutorial doesn't exist, please point that out and I'll try to RTFM (maybe eventually write such a tutoriial) ...

Tutorials (example) C# step by step

Hi. Does anyone know a good C# tutorials (example) step by step? It should be not a description of libraries, foundations and the OOP concept, and so forth, but the writing of any application step by step. For example, a mail client, telephone directory, a simple graphical editor, audio player. Thanks! ...

Are there any Tutorials for Protobuf-net?

I have been reading about protobuf-net and it is amazing! Are there any tutorials that I could use? (More specifically for Dictionary<TKey,TValue> and contracts for generics) Are there any tips associated with it? Could I simply plug it into my current codebase or are there any changes I need to do? ...

Java Excercise to Improve My Java Programming Skills

I have learned basis of Java but wanna practice more. I was looking via Google and couldn't find much beginner level problems that i can solve using Java. Any suggestions??? ...