
Good online HTML5 tutorials

Are there any good tutorials or resources online for learning HTML5? I already know HTML I am just looking to learn about the other things in HTML5. Thanks in advance! ...

review on django book vs django tutorial

going through both the django book and tutorial, am a bit confused to the differences in approach (aren't they both written by the same people?) can anyone who has experience in both give a short review on them? i have decent python skills (largely untested though), but no experience at all in web apps and am trying to decide which one...

Good FORTRAN books/tutorials for beginners?

This may be a duplicate of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31672/learning-fortran-in-the-modern-era, but that thread went on discussing legacy code concerns. Anyway, few months ago in a bookstore sale I picked up book called FORTRAN 66 for PDP-11. I found it interesting and decided it would be nice to learn FORTRAN. So I'm looking fo...

Getting Started with UDK

I've been trying for a couple of days now to learn UDK, but I seem to be stuck at making that leap to understanding how everything works together. I understand the syntax, that's all well and good, and I pretty much get how classes and .ini files interact. As for the API, I have the entire reference as pretty decent Doxygen-style HTML ou...

load new page-Android XML

I have three xml layout pages, 1.welcome screen (with "next >>" button) and clicking on next button should bring second page 2.welcome page with ("register" button) this takes to another window/page 3. with name and other details. I have all the three pages GUI built i.e the xml file , how to put them all together and get them working. ...

How to learn to program 20 questions?

Anyone have any advice for learning to program a 20 questions game? Something that could learn in the future but doesn't necessarily need to learn right away. ...

From where i can get Flash Builder Tutorial

HI All, I want to buy Flash Builder Video Tutoria, Can any one tell me from where i can get it ? :) ...

Zend Tutorial for newcomers

Is there any good tutorial for zend except the official zend tutorial at http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/. The zend official tutorial is very scattered and not very much helpful for newcomers. ...

Visual Studio 2010 Plug-in - Adding a context-menu to the Solution Explorer

Hello! I want to add a new option in Visual Studio 2010's solution explorer's context menu for a specific file type. So for example, right clicking on a *.cs file will show the existing context menu plus "my new option". I'm wondering what the code would look like; and would love a pointer to a good reference for developing visual stud...

My mental block - struggling to learn Objective C

Hello people, this would be my first question after signing up! Anyway heres my question, I did Java at university and I was always told I am a good programmer. However I never pursued it as a career - I went into support and management instead. Im pretty much bored with my job, I have therefore started to learn Objective C so that I can...

Really basic Django E-commerce? Where do I start

I'm trying to set up a really basic e-commerce site with Django, and am trying to figure out the best place to start. I am relatively comfortable with the framework itself, but have never done any sort of e-commerce development in any language, so I want to learn about some best practices so I don't make any huge or obvious mistakes. I'...

Is there any tutorial for beginners on creating basic apache http server extension?

Is there any tutorial for beginners on creating basic apache http server extension? ...

Good Rails tutorial on How to build an RSS Feed aggregator

I have been using Feed Zirra for some time and I like it. Now, I want to build one.. I am new to rails, Are there any good tutorials to buid RSS Feed aggregator? ...

Getting started with silverlight 4

i'm interested in picking up silverlight as another tool to use when appropriate, and i'm looking to get some suggestions on the best way to get started. i have visual studio 2010, and can purchase expression blend if necessary (is it out of beta?), though i haven't quite been able to grasp the relationship between them. are there an...

Open source ASP.net webforms examples

I learning ASP.net, and am looking to create a rather straightforward WebForms ASP.net application, but I have very limited examples to work with. Is there a site that has a lot of ASP.net WebForms projects that are downloadable? Books seem to focus on narrow aspects of using Webforms, like session control, or using master pages, but I'...

Is there a free Computer Science tutorials or books?

Hi, I googled for free and complete computer science tutorials or books, but they are not in c++. Please send here any tutorial or book about computer science in C++. And also if there is a very useful non-free book please list it here. Thank you, Mohammad ...

Book to learn Winforms Controls

Hi I am a beginner with .NET and Winforms, I have a lot of experience with C++ but I would like to learn more about the individual controls available with .NET. Whats the best book that would show the use of the various controls that can be used with WinForms (like progress bar, status bar, etc) thanks to you all in advance. ...

Does there exist a humorous C++ tutorial?

I'm looking for something along the lines of Learn you a Haskell or Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby, but for C++. Does such a thing exist? Or at least something not extremely dry, and a bit more welcoming to someone new to the world of C++? ...

How do i build joomla 1.5 modules with JQuery?

I need to build a news scroller module for a website in Joomla (http://www.expedicionantioquia.org/idures/index.php) to replace the one made with flash on the right column. I was thinking on doing it with JQuery to allow the tabbed navigation, but i'm a little bit lost, partly because i haven't found a good tutorial about building joomla...

Learning GPGPU programming

My hands have been itching to learn GPGPU programming for some time. I finally have some time on my hands so I want to use it as wisely as possible. I'm really interested in your guys experience with GPGPU programming, any pointers, references to good literature, links to sites, interesting projects etc. My interests lie mainly in scie...