
Any comprehensive tutorial on qizmt ?

I don't like their quickstart guide, it's too complicated. ...

Good resources for flash and actionscript tutorials

My brother just learned flash and a little of action script, now he want to know good resources to improve his skills more and more. He want to know some good tutorials to learn from. Note: He learned flash to help him in my web design, and add a new skill plus the web design skills he knows such as CSS, HTML, photoshop and a little pr...

Is there some ExtJs Sample Application with open code?

Do you know of any sample application written in ExtJs which source code is open to the public? I'd like to see how code is modularized because I'm having some problems in organizing my own app. ...

Spring framework issues

i am newly with spring framework a lot of problems with spring like as which cotroller when it used and and what method i should implement and when. Any one can share video tutorials or or a trining Spring video . I am really in trouble..... i work with hibernate on lot of project but not used with spring Any help or suggesstion ..........

C# Tutorial Videos

I am starting out learning C# for Windows programming. Are there any good sites with tutorial videos? I have no programming background but I am currently learning SQL Server 2005 and was told another good thing to learn is C#. Thanks ...

Example program with some simple functions in C++

I am new to C++ and I would like to know how can I do a simple program where some functions are available. For example: mypg.exe function1 string1 mypg.exe function1 textfile1 Takes the text from the str/file and shows or prints. And then: mypg.exe function2 string1 mypg.exe function2 textfile1 Uses the text for a different thing...

Are there any tutorials on using sockets for client/server connection with Google App Engine for Java services?

Are there any tutorials on using sockets for client/server connection with Google App Engine for Java services? ...

Recommendations for good description of Fourier Theory & DFT?

Does anyone have a favorite "go-to" paper, web site, etc., for explaining the basics behind Fourier theory / discrete Fourier transforms? I am not overly inclined mathematically, and while I know this particular domain requires some math skills I'm hoping for documentation that eases me into it so I have some understanding of intent by ...

Programming Videos (C/C++/Datastructures)???

Please let me know if you encounter any good programming (C/C++/Datastructures) video tutorials. This is something I found which has quite a good compilation http://freescienceonline.blogspot.com/2007/09/programming-language-video-lectures.html ~ Sam (The more I give the more I receive) ...

Graph theory tutorial in PHP

Do you know a good online tutorial detailing solving graph problems using PHP, I'm also very interested in optimal graph data type representation in PHP (I assume that would be multidimensional arrays)? I'm talking about mathematical graph theory (yes, vertices and edges). Google spits out loads of stuff, just not the PHP implementation...

Using PHP to call a script to manipulate files or ssh?

Hi, I've been told that this is possible to do with PHP. I have my website and there is a selection box. I would like the options to be populated from the contents of a folder on an sftp server. Then upon click I would like to get the associated files and move them to my local machine. Are there any good tutorials on how to do this? I...

Best soap tutorials

I am looking to start a project that will involve the use of soap quite extensively. However... I know nothing about it! I was wondering if the community here could point me towards a few of the choicer tutorials on the net instead of having to wade through countless sub-par search results. And when I say I know nothing about it, I mean ...

Android ActivityTesting Tutorial maybe bug in example

I'm flowing with tutorial for Android. Right now I try to made implementation of Activity Test with tutorial. I find out in my code that the testSpinnerUI test no make sense. On the line 233 in the file SpinnerActivityTest.java the test pass but tested value doesn't reflect the current status of control. Looks like the test try to get in...

Looking for a Java server tutorial

I'm planning out a Java application that needs to generate HTML pages for a web server. I have never worked with servers before so I'm looking for a tutorial I to follow. Based on my research, it seems like I should use a servlet. It's going to be a pretty lightweight application so I want to distribute the whole thing as a Java Web S...

Datalog language

Hello! Does somebodoy know query language DataLog ? Where I can find something about it ?I can'h find any tutorial on net :/ ...

pthreads’ manpages really don’t cover very much; where can I find more info?

The pthread_* manpages are really, really sparse in lots of areas; for instance, for all I can tell, the various pthread_attr_set* are completely undocumented — that is, I can’t figure out what each of the various types of attributes actually do! The only other useful sources of information I’ve found, than the manpages, are the famous ...

aspectJ in IntelliJ

Hi, I want to write simple example using aspectJ in intelliJ. And... i can't. I can't find any tutorial that shows step by step what and how i should do. I can't find any example with working code. Can someone help me with this? Any link, or simple how to? One class with main, and one aspect. intellij 9.0.2, with aspectj weaver...

Developing java web services in eclipse

Anyone knows a good tutorial about web services implementation on the eclipse? ...

MVC Music Store tutorial in VB?

Hi, I'm working through the MVC Music Store in Visual Basic (mvcmusicstore.codeplex.com), trying to convert things as I go. I'm heving trouble with some of the lambda expressions in the Views, however. Specifically, on page 53 when the Album editor template is used, I am not seeing my editor template when I use the following code: Orig...

The quickest way to learn C# language for experienced programmer

Possible Duplicate: Best C# Book For An Experienced Programmer Hi, I was asked by experienced programmer (c,c++) what is the quickest way to learn C#. Are there any special resources that point differences and give some useful examples? I know a lot of great tutorials for 'junior programmers' but I think they take too much t...