
.Net: Do you know a complete downloadable Exception Handling tutorial or Resource ?

hi Do you know a complete Exception Handling tutorial which just focuses on it and talks about it in detail? EDIT: I prefer download-able resource. ...

Good Powershell References

I am looking for a book or a site or something which will hit on the powershell scripting. NOT in command line. I have a couple of scripts I need to write, writing an application is overboard, but the language is confusing. Programming conventions I am used to from php and C# seem to be thrown out the window on some things, like if stat...

Android interacting with HTML5 tutorial?

I've been looking at using a WebView to display an HTML5 webpage, where the novel features of the mobile device (GPS, compass, accelerometer, camera, etc) can be fed back into the web page. I was wondering if there were any good tutorials showing these functions interacting with the webview. So far I've found ways for the WebView to se...

RIA Services and silverlight applications

Hi, I'm new to silverlight, and always when reading silverlight tutorials they talk about RIA services. I know that silverlight is a client application and talks to servers via services that have valid binding for silverlight(BasicHttpBinding...) So what are RIA services? and what is the difference between RIA services and the normal...

UIAccelerometer reference

Hi all, Can anybody suggest to me some good applications that make use of UIAccelerometer Class and some references too ? ...

Top stories in RSS reader

How do you know what are the top stories or hot topics just in RSS feed aggregator NewsNow for example?? Could you please explain? I am new to Ruby on Rails. I want to build a RSS reader in Ruby on Rails. Could you suggest me some good tutorials or links?? Thanks Gautam ...

New to Rails. Doubt in Big URL Routing

Hi, I have just started learning ruby on rails. I have a doubt wrt routing. Default Routing in Rails is :controller/:action/:id It works really fine for the example lets say example.com/publisher/author/book_name Could you tell me how do you work with something very big like this site http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues...

Where to start with writing MSIL

Where can I look to get started with writing MSIL in c#? ...

Start to Finish Advanced Project Tutorials

Can anyone recommend some start to finish project tutorials that really emphasize good design principles and best practices. I am looking for things that demonstrate and emphasize any or all of these: Domain Driven Design Unit Testing Inversion of Control Separation of Concerns Use of interfaces Object Relational Mapping Preferably ASP...

Build a JPA application with Netbean 6.8 and Glassfish v3

I am trying to learn JPA, and Sun tutorial on JPA ("order" application) is hard to understand. The tutorial does not show me how the mapping between JPA and the actual Datasource, and does not explain various annotation they used in the tutorial. I did some google search and I did not find any thing good and basic. Does any of you know a...

Best, free, online Python tutorials and references for an experienced programmer?

I have been doing Java, and C# for many years. Starting on my first big Python program now. I have written a few, very small, text processing scripts in Python years ago. I would like to know what is the best, free, online Python tutorial for experienced programmers. Python in general, but then also web programming with Python. Will be ...

Best tutorial for learning Wordpress plugin development?

I'm new to wordpress. Can any one suggest me a best tutorial for learning wordpress plugin development and some simple examples? I've done some searches in google and got some informations. ...

What is the good resource to learn OpenGL ES for non phone developer without experience with OpenGL?

What is the good resource to learn OpenGL ES (2.0) for someone who didn't have exposure to OpenGL or any other graphics API before? Note that I'm not interested at phone programming. My main goal is to gather some experience and knowledge of basic concepts which I could latter apply to phones, desktop gaming, WebGL or whatever, without ...

Are there any complete cakePHP tutorials online?

Besides the tutorial on the cakephp site, are there any other sites that offer tutorials? There are lots of "install cakephp" tutorials, but I am looking for more "this is how you do this in cakephp" and "here is a sample blog site in cakephp" tutorials. ...

HelloWebView Sample: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial

Hey Folks, I am trying to get the HelloWebView Sample up and running (as is, with no cuustomizations) found at http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/hello-webview.html I continue to get java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial despite all efforts. In my mind this has got to be some fundamental lack of understa...

Dependency Injection, IoC and Mocking finally explained in a simple and understandable way!

I've been banging my head against the wall trying to understand these concepts for a week now. I was really surprised when I came across with a very understandable and simple explanations of these concepts in the ASP.NET MVC NerdDinner application tutorial. I suggest this to anyone struggling to have that 'aha' moment. http://nerddinner...

Coming up to speed in Adobe Cocomo

I have a project that uses Adobe's Cocomo service on the backend, with Flash files on the browser. Reviewing the documentation confuses me a bit - there's a nice library documentation, but there doesn't seem to be a straightforward tutorial out there readily visible. Most official tutorials seem to be videos, which are not very good to c...

What's the best reading to start JavaScript?

Possible Duplicates: Best resources to learn JavaScript A Beginners' Guide to Learning JavaScript? Where to start to learn JavaScript (especially developing node.js+JQuery applications) from zero to expert level (having good C# and some PHP5 experience)? Can you recommend any must-read books and/or cool articles/blogs? ...

HelloWebView Sample: now using SDK 3 and getting killed

Hey Folks, Updated: I have now included the logcat file below. Looking at it it appears I am still having a permission problems (06-05 14:10:36.593) - I am guessing the same problem I am having with SDK 7 Well I was trying to get the HelloWebview example working with SDK 7 with no success (see HelloWebView Sample: java.lang.SecurityE...

Where can an absolute beginner of Kohana PHP go to learn how to use it from the ground up?

Hi guys! I have a month of free time and I've decided to launch my own website. It's going to be big and have dymanic content where different users with different roles can perform modifications to the site. Place comments, rate stores, list items, etc. This sound like a perfect opportunity for me to expand my horizons and learn a PHP ...