
Facebook.php Changed ?

I am making my first Facebook App and nothing is working as stated in the documentation. As an example, I have facebook.php on my server and am calling this line: $friends = $facebook->api_client->friends_get(); but I get a "call to undefined function friends_get()" I see that there is no "friends_get()" function in the facebook.php...

Simple tutorial to build a chat application in Flash?

Hi, I'm interested in building a chat application in Flash. Can anyone point me to a tutorial, or related documentation that might help me. I'm not sure where to begin. ...

JGraphX (JGraph 6) tutorial

Hey, I'm looking for good tutorial or any other resources about JGraph X library. ...

Win32 scrolling examples

Could anyone point me to (or provide?) some nice, clear examples of how to implement scrolling in Win32? Google brings up a lot of stuff, obviously, but most examples seem either too simple or too complicated for me to be sure that they demonstrate the right way of doing things. I use LispWorks CAPI (cross-platform Common Lisp GUI lib) i...

Android - Where to start

I love to build applications for mobile phones. Hope Android is one good platform to fulfill. Please guide me with all the necessary stuffs needed. ...

F# for C#/Haskell programmer

What is recommended tutorial of F# for Haskell programmer? F# seems to borrow a lot from Haskell but there are little traps which makes hard to write. Generally I need walkthrough the F# which would not explain what is the difference between mutable data and immutable (Haskell is much more strict in this area) etc. I know C# a little s...

How to identify deadlock conditions in a third-party application?

I am using a third-party application to handle batch CD audio extraction via multiple FireWire attached devices, but the application frequently (though non-deterministically) hangs during the extraction. I suspect that the multithreaded application is deadlocking over some shared resource. The developer, however, suspects the problem lie...

Does Google provide any Android tutorials that teach how to implement a Service?

I apologize in advance for the "newbie" nature of this question. Here is my predicament: I'm brand new to android and developing in general. I'm using android's SDK with eclipse Galileo. I've followed several tutorials to create different layouts. I've even learned recently how to use radio buttons and verify which ones were selected. N...

Own CMS or Blog

I'm trying t build a somekind a clone to wordpress and have some problems understanding the functions that are used there. But that's not the problem.. The thing I'm looking for is good book that detailed explains what aspects to be aware of during the creation of the cms and some code snippets or something in that direction.. With best...

Android : Hello, Views > Google Map View Tuorial

Hi, I'm trying to complete the Android MapView tutorial @ www.developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/hello-mapview.html I think I've done the entire thing correctly but I'm getting an error message in Eclipse. I'm sure why. The problematic line of code is private ArrayList<OverlayItem> mOverlays = new ArrayList<OverlayItem>(...

W3Schools tutorial example not working with Coda on Mac

I am following a JavaScript tutorial on the W3Schools website and I have the following code: <html> <head> <title>Hello!</title> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> function confirmShow { var r = confirm("Press one...") if (r == true) { alert("Button pressed == OK") } if (r == false) { ...

Where can I find a good tutorial for using the BeginAcceptTcpClient method of a TcpListener?

I'm confused on how to use BeginAcceptTcpClient and how to set up my AsyncCallback and the state object. MSDN doesn't provide a comprehensive enough example for using this for me. How do you get the TcpClient object using this methodology? ...

Any good tutorials/books on GNU Tool Chain & Gnu Build System?

Hello, I'm looking for good tutorials/books on Gnu Tool Chain and Gnu Build System. To be more specific, I am looking for information that starts with just the source code & gradually adds build files & uses Gnu Tool Chain step by step. In other words looking for an example which shows how to construct/build a project from the scratc...

Looking for resources for learning SharePoint Foundation on the Internet

Hello. While I am quite comfortable with the .Net world, I am a baby as far as SharePoint technologies are concerned. With the advent of SharePoint 2010 (Foundation especially), I'd like to directly learn the new version. However, I am not getting enough resources on the Internet that can be helpful. Besides knowing to maneuver a ShareP...

Gnome screensaver

Hi, After many years of Windows development in C/C++ i've decided to make a move to linux, and see if i can put together a simple screen saver. The code is an SDL based OpenGL particle engine affair, nothing too complex. I've got the code running ok as a stand-alone app, but i have been having some trouble finding out how to build ...

When learning C, should one only refer to resources published from 2007 onward?

I ask this question because the international standardization subcommittee for programming languages, or ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 Programming languages, states on this page: http://www.open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG14/www/standards that Technical Corrigendum 3, the latest one, was published in 2007. Now I take it that this means the C language it...

Git tutorial: Understanding git pull and branches (using a specific example repo)

Backround: Suppose I have the following Git URLs (hosted on github) http://github.com/mikl/drupal.git git://github.com/mikl/drupal.git (Git read-only) I am interested in having a local copy of this repository so I can pratice working with branches in git and see how my local working tree can change depending on which branch I am w...

What is the most easy way to get in advanced Type Theory.

Of course, by 'advanced' I mean here just something beyond what every programmer does know. I'm currently more-or-less comfortable with the basics and want to understand the most important, most elegant and most practically applicable achievements of modern type theory. I just do not have much time, desire and mental powers to study all...

CSS Line Graph: Multiple lines?

I'm following this tutorial for a project at work, and I was wondering if there is a way to create several lines on the same graph? At the moment I can;t do this without moving the other line along. ...

I'm following Qt Tutorials and got a simple question

If I want to create my own class MyWidget which inherits from QWidget Tutorial tells me to write constructor like this... MyWidget::MyWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent){....} I'm wondering what is the role of : QWidget(parent) Does it mean explicit call for QWidget's constructor? ...