
Client-side Twitter API method using XMLHttpRequest?

Does (or did) Twitter ever have a method in their API that allowed client-side HTTP requests without producing any cross-domain issues? I have a site that used the following url: It once worked, but now it doesn't. Is there something else I shou...

Twitter RSS pubDate format

In a twitter RSS feed the pubDate is published as Sat, Jun 5, 2010 19:20 Using PHP, whats the best way to convert this into the time lasped since published. For eaxmple, posted 4 minutes ago posted 1 hour ago posted 4 hours ago posted 1 day ago posted 2 days ago posted 1 month ago posted 2 months ago You help much appreciated ...

how to put api key when sharing with twitter

I wrote a code in objective c for sharing on twitter, I pass in to the api the username & password and it runs successfully. I have registered a twitter api key for my application but I don't know how I can pass it in the twitter api. Could you plz help me? Sorry for my english. ...

Nothing happen when refreshing the main Frame (JAVA)

Hello everyone, I try to show a ( Logged in ) message when a user is succefully connected but nothing happen when a do a repaint(). you can take a look to the code : public class MainFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final int FRAME_HEIGHT = 400; ...

Twitter, JavaScript & OAuth: failed to validate oauth signature and token

Hi, Im trying to implement OAuth using JavaScript, but when I make my request to I am getting the above message in the response ("failed to validate oauth signature and token"). As far as I can tell I'm including all the correct parameters, both in the encoding of the signature base: bases...

Twitter oauth problem with frindship/create in api

Hi, I am using Google Data API sample touch application, which is available at I am having a problem can any one help. Please tell me if I am doing some thing wrong. The user who has loged in has to follow some person XYZ (just using XYZ for security purpose). I am using the URL urlStr = @"

RSS Feed to Twitpic

I'm curious to what is required to translate an xml feed of images to TwitPic. Is it possible? Can it be done with Ruby on Rails? Is it against TwitPic's Terms of Service? What is the best method of getting pictures on twitter automatically? (Established services like TwitPic, yFrog, etc are preferred because most twitter apps display th...

Twitter authentication without authorization

I wish to get the tweeter usename of a visitor to my site. I do not wish to post statuses or access any other information. I'd be happy to use OAuth, possibly with a 'Sign in with Twitter' button, but this then takes the user to a page which requests authorization for the application, that I wish to avoid. Is there a way to get the ...

HTML Character Identities in Twitter

I'm developing a twitter app, and when I submit a new tweet from php with abrahams twitteroauth and with any special character it submits it to twitter as the HTML identity. I've tried all the html_entity_decode() and the htmlspecialchars_decode() but nothings working. Thank you :) edit: heres some code as by request (after logging in w...

How to count retweets

Hi, I am trying to create a flash retweet button, and i want to know how to count the retweets for a specific status. Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance, Alex ...

Why is my JavaScript Twitter feed not working in Internet Explorer?

We're rolling out a redesign of, and we've implemented a Twitter feed in the footer. (I'm the design & front end guy, my coworker is the scripting & backend guy). All is well with the Twitter feed in all major browsers except internet explorer, version 8 and later. However we have no clue why IE is not pulling the feed...

Why does the OAuth Unauthorized Error (401) happen?

Sometimes an Twitter OAuth is successfully executed, but an unauthorized error is thrown. I get about 50 of these on a daily basis. It is worrying, because I have no idea how that might be reproduced. What are the different cases where this error happens, and how can this be fixed or prevented? ...

How to get expected url

I have developed a website, using Twitter API. Now a little but important problem I am facing is expected URL. There will be users on my site who are going to get details with their user name. My site url right now is : It also works on : and : Now what I want is us...

Generating cache file for Twitter rss feed

I'm working on a site with a simple php-generated twitter box with user timeline tweets pulled from the user_timeline rss feed, and cached to a local file to cut down on loads, and as backup for when twitter goes down. I based the caching on this: It all seemed to be working well yesterday, ...

iPhone Twitter Integration: Validating login.

Update: Using the following gets back an XML response. Used NSXMLParser to check for "errors" element. Not the cleanest method but gets the job done. I am open for suggestions. NSURLResponse *response; NSError *error; NSData* result = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&error]; NSString ...

Twitter friends timeline not returning full history

I am using twitter4J to get a user's friends timeline, but it is not returning the full available history. I know there are pagination limits (200 per request and 3200 total as per and I am well within those. I make a request like so: private static final int MAX_COUNT = 200; private List<Status> getAllStatuses(lo...

got 417 reponse in twitter

Hi , in my server i have enabled the CURL , Even am using some contact grabber and paypal , and so many application with curl , But i dont know why this Twitter showing response as 417 this is my snippet , $host = "".urlencode(stripslashes(urldecode($message))); $ch = c...

Integrating Twitter Oauth AND Facebook Connect for login on a rails app

I'm developing a rails app where the user needs to be able to create an account & login with either facebook OR twitter. It seems pretty straightforward if I want to do one or the other, but implementing both looks like it could present some difficulty. Does anybody else have any experience with implementing both Twitter's oauth and Fa...

Geotagging in xml can't be use in c#

I'm new in twitter api and now i try to get the geotagging from xml data of twitter my code for get geo code is XmlNode eNode = xn.SelectSingleNode("coordinates/georss:point"); error is XPathException was unhandle by user code -Namespace Manager or XsltContext needed. This query has a prefix, variable, or user-defined function. bu...

DELETE tweet in twitter using twitter API

Hi , I know , Posting twit into twitter using API , But is it possible to delete posted tweet using api , Please advise me , Thanks ...