
uiview getter nil

I am trying to get certain iVars from my view controller to my view (a subview) so drawrect will draw a shape based on user inputs. When I hard code those variables into the subview, the shape draws perfect, but when I use getters to access the custom variables from the view controller, they come back nil and the drawing is messed up. ...

Unable to load a UIView in a separate ViewController with an NSObject

Hi all, The app is a viewbased project type. I am using a NSObject in a View XIB(UIView Nib), assume this object to be the topbar of the app. MainController UIViewController loads the initial screen. it looks like this, UIViewController MainViewController Image i wanted to load a Top view(new one, call it X) Designed separately in t...

a problem when pushViewController with UIViewcontroller

my view are fill in back of Navigationbar how can i make it continuous at the buttom of it. here is my code WebViewController *webViewController = [[WebViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"WebController" bundle:nil]; [[self navigationController] pushViewController:webViewController animated:YES]; [webViewController release...

Can't get UIWEBVIEW working in any view controller other than app delegate

I've been messing around with some open source code trying to figure cocoa out. I've gotten an application with multiple views, and I want to put UIWEBVIEWS on the second, third, and fourth view controllers i've made. However for the life of me I can't seem to figure it out I can actually pull down on the touch screen a black/blank UIWE...

TabBarController switch views in TabBarItem

I have a app based off the default xcode "Tab Bar Application" template. It has 3 tabBar Items that each load their own xib FirstView.xib, SecondView.xib, and ThirdView.xib. What i would like is a UIButton on the FirstView.xib that loads the FirstAltView.xib where the FirstView.xib is. Can someone please post some sample code on how to d...

viewWillDisappear firing before UIApplicationWillTerminateNotification

If I add an observer for UIApplicationWillTerminateNotification in a UIViewController, it fires after viewWillDisappear. I have some code in the viewWillDisappear that needs to take a different action based on weather or not the application has been terminated or simply unloaded. Can anyone suggest what could be done in this situation ...

TTViewController and popupViewController method

Hello, I'm using a TTLauncherView and for that I declare a view controller as TTViewController, as is in TTCatalog tutorial app. Declare a TTLauncherView var inside that view, add items, and so on. In my app's main view is a button calling the previous view with the following code: -(void) switchToButtonOrderingView { ButtonOrderi...

viewDidAppear: not firing under certain conditions?

I have the following items in my app nib: the usual: file's owner, first responder window, delegate View Controller "a" View "b" UIScrollView "c" some other stuff in "b" In my AppDelegate applicationDidFinishLaunching, I do this: [window makeKeyAndVisible] [window addSubView:a.view]; create a view controller "d" create a naviga...

How to detect when a UIView has changed size?

Hi, I have a UIViewController that is initialised with a correct frame, however somewhere in my code the frame gets mangled and I'm having difficulty finding out where. In situations like this it is usually handy to watch a variable in the debugger, however I have no way of accessing the controller->view->frame property in my variable ...

Obtaining view controllers of tabbar control

I have a tabbar navigation controller, and I would like to set up a protocol in one view controller and set its delegate in another view controller. How would I get the view controller pointer of the delegating view controller to the delegate view controller? ...

iphone/objective c (simple) question

hi guys I'm trying to avoid the redeclaration of self, in the following picker2.peoplePickerDelegate = self; // showing the picker [self presentModalViewController:picker2 animated:YES]; Why am i not able to just go like: [picker2.peoplePickerDelegate presentModalViewController:picker2 animated:YES]; Regards ...

iPhone--passing data between views in tabbar

I am writing an Tab-Based iPhone application (3.1.2). The purpose of this application is to gather and process data from the GPS, accelerometer, etc. from one view, and then, once data collection has finished, pass this data to another view in order to graph the values. What is the best way to pass this data? Would it make sense to us...

Problem in the flow of custom back button when using UIView controller

I am new to iphone development.I have created a button in UIView controller.On clicking the button it navigates to a another UITableView controller .On clicking the row of the table leads to another UIView controller which has also another table in it.On clicking the row of this table leads to another UIWebView.I have created a custom b...

iPhone - refreshing UIView with overridden drawRect and viewDidAppear

I have a written a tab-based application, which pulls data from an NSMutableArray, and graphs it in one view of a tab-based application. This works well the first time the view is viewed, but after this, the view does not refresh when it is viewed. I have overridden the viewDidLoad method in the viewController, but it does not seem to ...

How to Unload a popped view controller?

Using a navigation based view hierarchy. I have a root view controller, and multiple view controllers that branch out from the same when a button is pressed. When a user presses the back button on the UINavigationBar, the current viewcontroller is popped and the display animates back to the rootviewcontroller. The problem is, I want th...

Set up view in code that changes with orientation

Hi, I have set up an application and used some of the basic code from "The iPhone Developer's Cookbook" to create a simple view. The application works correctly in portrait mode, but when it is rotated, the dimensions of the boxes stay the same. Here is my code: - (void)loadView { //Create the full application frame (minus the stat...

ViewController behind other ViewController in iPhone application

Hi, I'm developing a menu for a game. The menu contains four buttons; Campaign, Training, Highscore and Settings. When I click one of these buttons, a new view controller should be shown. I add the new view controller using this function: [self.view addSubview:myViewController.view]; It does show the new view controller, but I can s...

How to Load a View in viewDidLoad?

I want to load a second View at the beginning of a program. I thought, that the viewDidLoad-methode would be the right method. The problem is that it doesn't work. The reason why I want to load a view in the viewDidLoad-method is that it is possible on a new device (iPad) to load a view over the other view. How can I make it? I tried ...

What do I do if I want UINavigationController functionality without a navigation controller?

I know that a UINavigationController has good view pushing methods. But let's say that I don't want to use a UINavigationController because I don't want the bar on the top of the screen. Is there a specific way to push and pop views as I want them? Also, when should I use presentModalViewController and when shouldn't I? Thanks, Anthony...

iPhone: Flipping View like the Weather App?

Can someone advise the codes or similar codes for the iPhone weather page, when you touch the little circled (i) the right, bottom corner, it flips the page. Thanks. ...