
'Tried to pop to a view controller that doesn't exist.'

I am getting this error when I call my method dismissView. Here is the method stub: -(IBAction)dismissView { RootViewController *rootController = [[RootViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"RootViewController" bundle:nil]; [self.navigationController popToViewController:rootController animated:YES]; } That should work, and I'...

Delegate not being called

I have a ContactsViewController which -whenever a row is selected- MessageViewController is opened (using pushViewController). Both the ContactsViewController and the MessageViewController 'register' to receive DatastoreDelegate messages. The weird thing is it all works fine upon loading of my application, but once I navigate to the Mess...

Why is pushing a new view controller moving my current subviews?

I'm developing an application with a UINavigationBar which by default shows a particular view controller. There's a button in the nav bar that links to an outlet that pushes another xib using: - (IBAction) settingsBtnClicked:(id)sender { SettingsViewController *settingsController = [[SettingsViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"S...

Disabling autorotate for a single UIView

Okay, this seems like it should be relatively simple, but I've been Googling for the better part of an hour, and can't seem to find what I need. I have a view controller that has a few different parts: a background view, a header view, and a few buttons. Now, I want the header and buttons to autorotate properly (they do, when I return Y...

What is a UIViewController

I know what a UIView is but not a UIViewController. I just want to know what I could use it for, and what it is compared to a UIView ...

Simple menu in iPhone game

I am developing a puzzle game for the iPhone using core graphics implementing drawrect in a single UIView. I would like to add a menu which is opened from a UIButton event handler. I am not sure if I should do this via code e.g. have a menuopen flag and adjust the drawing routines and tap event handlers (manual implementation) or to go...

Viewcontroller question in iPhone SDK

Hi, I'm a iPhone App newbie. I have a viewcontroller and want to load a different viewcontroller directly after the first one is initialized. Any help would be appreaciated. :) Cheers Sebastian ...

Share UIWebView between multiple views?

What I'm trying to do is transfer the contents of a UIWebView from one view controller to another. I could just copy the URL and reload the page, but that would take quite a bit of time. Is there any way I could copy the UIWebView instance and then render it on an entirely different view? (I've tried making the UIWebView object on the se...

How to Instantiate and Call UIView Subclasses Without Using a Nib

Without using Interface builder or xib files, what is the correct way to instantiate two classes which inherit from UIView such that they can switch between themselves using UIButtons located on the views themselves? I think this involves setting up a UIViewController from the app delegate and adding two instances of my classes which im...

UINavigationController: When Does a Pushed View Receive the Dealloc Message?

I would expect that after I push a view controller I then need to release my ownership of the view controller like I did below. CustomViewController *nextViewController = [[CustomViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"CustomView" bundle:nil]; [[self navigationController] pushViewController:nextViewController animated:YES]; [nextViewCo...

how to associate uicontroller to custom uiview programmatically

Hi, I have a custom UIview which is created diagrammatically. How to associate to it a custom UIViewController (diagrammatically as well) Thanks and regards, ...

UINavigationcontroller - Changing the State of a UIViewController on the Stack

I have a navigation controller that displays viewcontroller A. There is a right button (labelled "B") that leads to viewcontroller B. Now, when the user makes an important change in (the view managed by) viewcontroller B, viewcontroller B's usefulness has ended. From then on, VC A should lead to a new VC, viewcontroller C. This is th...

Two UITableView in one UIViewController problem

I considered to use two UITableView in one UIViewController which is also do data source for them but encountered the problem that while both tables visit numberOfRowsInSection only one visit cellForRowAtIndexPath at the start and both tables contain empty rows. Do someone know why this happens? ...

How do I call methods in a view controller on the press of a button in it's parent view controller?

I have an iPhone app which has a tabBarController as the root view controller in mainwindow.xib. One of the tabs has a class of UINavigationController and its View is loaded from an external Nib file currently called secondView.xib How can I get a UIBarButtonItem which is on the NavigationController in the mainwindow.xib file to trig...

Flipping within a TableCell - like utility application.

Hello ! every one. I have some query regarding tableViewCell. Let me explain the situation. There are many values added in an array for the table cells / rows. Now, each cell has info button as static. Each element of an array has dictionary and it has these two values = cellvalue & detail value. Now, when user clicks on info butt...

Custom UIView subclass as a UIViewController property.

Hello. I had thought I actually had a pretty good handle on the whole view controller model, but something just doesn't seem to making much sense for me. My main issue is with adding a custom UIView subclass as a property of a UIViewController subclass. Whenever I assign a valid instance of a UIView subclass to that property, nothing h...

UIViewController Memory Warning issues

Hi All, Something odd is happening with my view controllers. When an applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning is posted, it removes all views from the stack other than the visible view (a second level view) which is expected behaviour. However, if I then navigate back to the root view, it also has a back button that navigates back to itself. ...

pushViewController with tableViewController in viewController

I have an UIViewController, this controller is contained in a navigationController. I add an UITableViewController in this viewController. I would like to call a pushViewController method when I press on a cell of my tableView. I tried this : UITableViewController - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NS...

Adding instruction label on UIpickerviewcontroller editing view

Hello, I've seen in the Facebook app the ability to have instructions on the image edit view when selecting a picture, on the bottom of their(fb) view it says, "use two fingers to draw crop area", i want to add that to my crop instructions but can't find it. Thanks Michael ...

iPhone: Presenting Modal View Shifts Views of Calling ViewController

I have two view controllers myViewControllerA and myViewControllerB. myViewControllerA has modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal. Then I call presentModalViewController:animated: to load myViewControllerB. After calling dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:, suddenly all the views of myViewControllerA display shift...