
MSTest unit test passes by itself, fails when other tests are run

I'm having trouble with some MSTest unit tests that pass when I run them individually but fail when I run the entire unit test class. The tests test some code that SLaks helped me with earlier, and he warned me what I was doing wasn't thread-safe. However, now my code is more complicated and I don't know how to go about making it threa...

Prevent OCUnit tests from running when compilation fails

I'm using Xcode 3.2.2 and the built in OCUnit test stuff. One problem I'm running into is that every time I do a build my unit tests are run, even if the build failed. Let's say I make a syntax error in one of my tests. The test fails to compile and the last successful compilation of the unit tests are run. The same thing happens if ...

Visual Studios Team System 2008 Code Coverage Window Closes

Trying to run the code coverage tool in Visual Studios for a set of unit tests. Adam from Think First, Code Later has had the same problem: I wanted to get the code coverage metrics for the project. Naturally, I fire up the solution in Visual Studio 2008, go to the Test menu, click Edit Test Run Configurations, and click L...

junit testing with mockobjects

we are planning to bring Junit testing into our project and we just realised that to do junit testing we need to create lot of mockobjects. Can anyone suggest me a good tool or framework that can create these mockobjects for the classes that i will be performing unit testing? ...

First time unit testing (in silverlight)

Hi I've searched some other posts, but most of them assumed that people knew what they were doing in their unit testing, and frankly I don't. I see the idea behind unit testing, and I'm coding an silverlight application much in the blind right now, and I'd like to write some unit tests to kind of be sure I'm on the right path. I'd like t...

Managing logs/warnings in Python extensions

TL;DR version: What do you use for configurable (and preferably captured) logging inside your C++ bits in a Python project? Details follow. Say you have a a few compiled .so modules that may need to do some error checking and warn user of (partially) incorrect data. Currently I'm having a pretty simplistic setup where I'm using logging ...

Silverlight Unit Testing Framework running tests in external class library

I'm currently looking into different options for unit testing Silverlight applications. One of the frameworks available is the Silverlight Unit Test Framework from Microsoft (developed primary by Jeff Wilcox, http://www.jeff.wilcox.name/2010/05/sl3-utf-bits/). One of the scenarios I'm looking into is running the same tests on both Silve...

Is it a bad idea to create tests that rely on each other within a test fixture?

For example: // NUnit-like pseudo code (within a TestFixture) Ctor() { m_globalVar = getFoo(); } [Test] Create() { a(m_globalVar) } [Test] Delete() { // depends on Create being run b(m_globalVar) } … or… // NUnit-like pseudo code (within a TestFixture) [Test] CreateAndDelete() { Foo foo = getFoo(); a(foo); // depends on ...

Orchestrating cancellation in long-running unit test

I am writing unit tests for the "glue" layer of my application, and am having difficulty creating deterministic tests for asynchronous methods that allow the user to cancel the operation prematurely. Specifically, in a few async methods we have code that reacts to the cancellation of the call and ensures that the object is in the prop...

What did I do wrong here when trying to unit test a class that references a web service

So I had a class that referenced a class that referenced another class that called a web service. So I learn how to create an interface using partial classes. I inject the web service through the constructor. Then my unit test fails because I am newing up the actual web service in the second level of the class. So I end up modifying ...

Unit test with Authlogic on Rails 3

Hello, I would like to write some unit test with a logged user using Authlogic. To start right, I used some code hosted in http://github.com/binarylogic/authlogic_example. But I get an error after rake test, because of "test_helper.rb" and the following class: class ActionController::TestCase setup :activate_authlogic end Here is...

Unit Tests Architecture Question

So I've started to layout unit tests for the following bit of code: public interface MyInterface { void MyInterfaceMethod1(); void MyInterfaceMethod2(); } public class MyImplementation1 implements MyInterface { void MyInterfaceMethod1() { // do something } void MyInterfaceMethod2() { // do something else } void ...

junit mock objects

i am new to junit so any help is appreciated. I have a class called sysconfig.java for which i have written a junit class file called TestSysconfig.java that tests some methods in the sysconfig.java. The method that i am testing in sysconfig.java calls another class file "ethipmapping.java" i have created a mock of this class file as T...

How do programmers work together on a project?

I've always programmed alone, I'm still a student so I never programmed with anyone else, I haven't even used a version control system before. I'm working on a project now that requires knowledge of how programmers work together on a piece of software in a company. How is the software compiled? Is it from the version control system? Is...

Debugging Nunit Tests inside VS2010 Express

I have written a bunch of unit tests inside VS2010 Express and tests being tests they sometimes fail. Since the express editions of VS don't allow plugins to run I can't simply spin up TestDriven.Net or an equivalent and debug the tests. To try and work around this I've converted my test assembly into a console app and made the main meth...

Symfony test that runs before any other tests?

Is there a way to create test that is running before any other tests in the 'test' folder. I'd like to create a test that checks the php.ini settings before any other tests are run. Thanks Ralph ...

Select 'Test Target' disabled in New Android Test Project wizard

I am trying to build a new Android Test project, following along with Hello Testing Tutorial on the android dev site. http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/testing/helloandroid_test.html The problem is that when I do File--> New--> Project-->Android Test Project, the screen that comes up does not let me select a test target. ...

How to disable/enable network, switch to Wifi in Android emulator?

I'm working on a Push Notifications library for Android (http://deaconproject.org/) that needs to take action if network connectivity is interrupted or changed - namely, it needs to re-initiate a server connection or pause its operation until network connectivity is available. This seems to work fine using and Android BroadcastReceiver f...

Creating a System.Windows.Controls.Image throws an exception - how do I use the dispatcher to instantiate it?

I'm running my unit tests on a piece of code that does the following in the test: Assert.IsNotNull(target.Icon); Inside the getter for the Icon property, I'm doing this: System.Windows.Controls.Image img = new System.Windows.Controls.Image(); That's throwing this exception: System.InvalidOperationException : The calling thread mus...

Django Fancy String Diff During Test Execution in Console

Anyone know of any pre-existing tools out there what will highlight differences in output when running Django tests? I'm comparing some JSON output and it's tough to find things like extra spaces. I was about to just copy and paste this into an existing diff tool but I figured this might be on someone's radar. Currently I see somethin...