
Run a silverlight unit test inside of nunit-console.exe

What is the best way to do this? I want to get this working with nCover. ...

How to best present unit testing to management?

I am preparing a presentation about unit testing to managers. My team has been writing unit tests for years now but other areas of the company seem to have a hard time adopting it. I can get developers excited about it, but if there is not a buy-in from management, it will not become a standard. Do you guys have suggestions how to best...

About unit test, I want to ask that what kind of function/method we can use as unit testing object.

I am beginner of unit testing so I want to ask what kind of function/method we can use as unit testing object. I want unit test sharepoint code which written on C#. By the way, I don't ask about unit testing framework. I want to know that what kind of function I can use as unit test object. Ex: // function that return a value. ...

Rails rake: test are slow

I've been developing RoR apps for about a month in my Windows Laptop, however everytime that I run the tests it takes forever to finish (10+ minutes). On a MacBook Pro with similar hardware it runs in a fraction of the time (2 minutes). Can you guys give me any tips for speeding the whole thing up? or should I consider switching my RoR ...

Which UnitTest framework to learn for Java now?

Hi all: Although I have programmed with Java for roughly 3 years + now (not day-to-day but at least I understand the fundamentals), haven't really come into the field of Unit Testing... My work is now more Testing / Problem Analysis oriented, so I reckon a good Java Unit Testing Framework will be quite helpful to this role. Obviously ...

How to mock web service call in a WF workflow?

I'm implementing a WCF web service based on WF. This web service consumes other web services which I'm not in charge of. So basically my service workflow contains several Send activities. I'm following the TDD approach, so the service implementation is to be covered by unit tests. I want to test proper invocation of 3rd party services. ...

Simple Question: Cocoa Unit Tests and MVC

I am new to unit testing, I understand the basic concepts, and I am able to get unit testing setup correctly in my Cocoa projects; however the thing that is giving me a hard time is what exactly I should be writing unit tests for. For example, I know that you should write tests for model objects, but is that all I should be writing tests...

Database cleanup after Junit tests

I have to test some Thrift services using Junit. When I run my tests as a Thrift client, the services modify the server database. I am unable to find a good solution which can clean up the database after each test is run. Cleanup is important especially because the IDs need to be unique which are currently read form an XML file. Now, I h...

Unit testing Java Classes with EasyMock Framework

HI, I have to unit test a Java class which implements DocumentListener interface. We are using Eclipse and Junit with EasyMock Framework. I'm a newbie to Unit testing and hence would appreciate a sample code using EasyMock. The java class is: public class ClassToBeTested implements DocumentListener { private static final Co...

testing assertion error in python

I'm doing a test suite in python based on the code provided by selenium and i get strange assertion errors when checking for the actual page like this: sel.click("link=Overview") sel.wait_for_page_to_load("30000") self.assertEqual("Naaya testing - Subtitlu testare", sel.get_title()) sel.click("link=Portal properties") sel.wait_for_page...

Should controllers in MVC web applications be unit-testable?

It seems to me that web developers of different programming languages often share different opinions on this. For example, Ruby web developers (with Rails being the dominant framework) appear to think of controllers as glue code, which should have functional tests, but not unit tests. A similar attitude dominates in the PHP world, yet th...

How to use web.xml or call servlet init() when using GWTTestCase

How do I get GWT to read web.xml file when doing unit testing. I'm of course using GWTTestCase class and I have to specify any servlets to use in module.gwt.xml file using <servlet path=.../>. The actual requirement is to load other servlets that initialize resources (using GenericServlet.init() method) in order to make the tests run...

unit testing EJBs with Maven 2 and Glassfish 3

I've been trying to set my application up so that I can unit test it's EJBs all day but I can't seem to get past what seems like a really simple problem. I have a standard Maven web application set up in NetBeans 6.9. I've automatically generated a unit test for one of the EJBs but whenever I go to run it I get the error message: Testc...

Unit testing on a build server : Release or Debug code?

In .NET(C#) is there any advantage/disadvantage to go with debug/release build for unit testing? Which target configuration do you usually use for unit testing on a build server? Does it matter? What about code coverage (for this one I'm guessing debug versions are needed). ...

Unit Testing method independence

So, I was not totally sure this was true: [TestClass] public class UnitTest1 { private int i = 0; [TestMethod] public void TestMethod1() { Thread.Sleep(5000); Assert.IsTrue(i == 10); } [TestMethod] public void TestMethod2() { i = 10; } } By the results of the test, it looks lik...

What testing framework for c# is the most similar to Junit 4?

Mainly from feature-set standing point, as well as similarity of method names/working logic/verbosity ? ...

Zend PHPUnit not initializing layout

I am new to testing and trying to set it up in a Zend Framework application. The app is only available to logged in users. The login page uses a different layout than the rest of the app LoginController.php contains: public function init() { $this->_helper->layout()->setLayout('loginlayout'); parent::init(); } However, sett...

JWebUnit to test File Upload

I am trying to test a File Upload field with JWebUnit but I do not know how to do that. I see that JWebUnit has a dependancy on common-fileupload so I expect that this is possible but I can see nothing documenting it so the feature may as well not exist. I have done some extensive searching and looking so I think soon I might even go as ...

File.Delete error "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process"

I have written a DotUnit test suite for testing some data import functionality in my application. It works by making a backup of some local Microsoft Access Database, let's call it 'Test.mdb', to 'Test.mdb.bak', performing some data import (and subsequent Assert checks) and then restoring the original from the backup. The SetUp() functi...

How to test scientific software?

Hi, I'm convinced that software testing indeed is very important especially in science. However, over the last 6 years I never have come across any scientific software project which was under regular tests (ok most of them where not even version controlled). Now I'm wondering how you deal with software tests for scientific codes (numeric...