
Discover if .NET family update is installed

Microsoft has released a family update for .Net. It can be found here. Is there a way to find out if this update is installed on a PC using the .NET framework? ...

Update label location in C#?

I have a method that returns a value, and I want this value to be the new location of a label in a windows form application. but I'm being told that a label's location is not a variable. objectA is the name of the label. objectA.Location.X = (int)A.position; objectA.Refresh(); how do I do this? ...

What is wrong with my update statement with a join in Oracle?

I am working with an Oracle 10g Database. I have the following two tables: T_DEBTOR : - ID_DEBTOR - HEADER T_ELEMENT : - ID_ELEMENT - ID_DEBTOR - INSURER These two tables are joined using the ID_DEBTOR field. I want to update the T_ELEMENT.INSURER value with the associated T_DEBTOR.HEADER only if HEADER is not nu...

SQL update query using joins

I have to update a field with a value which is returned by a join of 3 tables. Example: select im.itemid ,im.sku as iSku ,gm.SKU as GSKU ,mm.ManufacturerId as ManuId ,mm.ManufacturerName ,im.mf_item_number ,mm.ManufacturerID from item_master im, group_master gm, Manufacturer_Master mm where im.mf_...

How do I update multiple tables using prepared statements with mySQLi?

I have a form with two fields with the name attribute of 'photo_title' and 'photographer_name', and a hidden field named 'photo_id'. When the user pushes the submit button, i want it to update two separate tables in the database. I can get it to update a single table, but as soon as I try to leftjoin the second table, it doesn't like it....

Anyone know of a good free patch creator?

Does anyone know of a good patching program that is free? You know, one that can take a directory with your old program in it and compare it to a directory with your new version, and spit out a patch that is only the difference between the two? Also, I am looking for something that can patch the entire directory, not just one exe. EDIT...

Are Update/Delete/Insert on the Linq Roadmap?

Like SQL, Linq is a great way to retrieve data from various sources, but to date I haven't heard anyone talking about the other elements that SQL provides, specifically update/insert/delete. The various DLinq providers all offer their own mechanisms, but it seems like at some point modification of a data source would become part of the l...

Update the results of a SELECT statement

Oracle lets you update the results of a SELECT statement. UPDATE (<SELECT Statement>) SET <column_name> = <value> WHERE <column_name> <condition> <value>; I suppose that this could be used for updating columns in one table based on the value of a matching row in another table. How is this feature called, can it efficiently be used fo...

How to automatically call a method after popping a view controller off the stack on the iPhone

I need to update the parent view on an iPhone after popping a child view off the navigation stack. How can I setup the parent view to be notified or receive an automatic method call when the child is popped off the stack and the parent becomes visible again? The user enters data on the child page that I want to display on the parent pa...

Update multiple columns in a TABLE from another TABLE (Oracle)

I would like to update multiple columns in one table based on values in another. I think I know how to write an update statement in T-SQL that does what I want (haven't tested the below). Problem is I'm trying to translate this for an Oracle database. Does anyone know how to do the following in Oracle: UPDATE oldauth SET AUTHUNIQUENA...

Updating an entity with NHibernate in Asp.Net

Hi, What's the recommended way of updating an entity? So far, I figured out two ways: Just create a new entity with the existing Id and updated property values, and use session.SaveOrUpdate() Use a DTO, retrieve the existing entity using session.Load(dto.Id), assign new vaues from the dto, then save. No1 requires much less effort, b...

Getting Hibernate to do simple updates, instead of enormous select then updates...

Lets setup the question first. What I have is >4 tables: Customer, Address, Order, OrderItems. Each are mapped using Hibernate Annotations and accessed through a Spring DAO/Services layer. What I am trying to do is merge duplicate customers together. So all that really needs to happen is all orders and addresses associated with custom...

Problem updating Gridview row by pressing Enter

I have a gridview that uses an imagebutton as an update button. When the user edits a row I would like the user to be able to update the row by pressing Enter. The problem I'm having is that though the RowCommand event is fired, the CommandName is still "Edit" instead of "Update so my update code never gets executed. What I've done is...

Zend DB Framework examine query for an update

So you can use something like this: $query = $db->select(); $query->from('pages', array('url')); echo $query->__toString(); to examine the sql that the Zend Db Framework is going to use for that SELECT query. Is there an equivilent way to view the SQL for an update? $data = array( 'content' => stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_de...

Update to 2.2 and update commands don't work

Hello! I updated my ASP.NET/C# project to version 2.2 of Subsonic, before it was 2.0.3. After this update all Update commands don't work! There is no exception, nothing, but the database is not updated! Someone know how to resolve that? I need to modify something in project or to resolve I have to modify all update commands? Example, ...

MySQL: Updating all rows setting a field to 0, but setting one row's field to 1

Is there an efficient way to update a selection of rows' field to 0, but set One of these rows to 1 based on an ID. Basically, I have multiple objects in a database, and I want to toggle between which one is "inuse", so the query will set one of the rows (by id) to inuse=1 and the others to inuse=0. Thanks :) ...

update sql syntax - reset a field to itself with a concatenation - sql server 2005

I'm getting and error using this syntax: update table set field1 = (field1+' - '+field2) where field1 = 'somevalue' It's not too happy with doing this for me. I know that the '+' for concatenation works in my select statements, so that is the right syntax. There is something else at play here... and I tried removing the parenthesis ...

Update a column of a table to be a sequence

I want to update a table's column using the results of a stored procedure create procedure seq as DECLARE @NextValue INT; INSERT SequencesTable DEFAULT VALUES; DELETE SequencesTable WITH(READPAST); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY(); go I can't use a UDF since it is nodeterministic. Something like this won't work UPDATE [dbo].[t1] SET [c1]...

nested update panel with update progress

I have nested update panel and I set the updatemode to 'conditional' for both parent child update panel. While the child panel is refreshed, the parent panel is not refreshed but the update progress associated with the parent is getting displayed as well as the child update progress also. I just want to show only the update progress of c...

How to update assmebly version info with new build and revision during build?

I have to update the build number in assembly version of assemblyinfo.cs file. I have written a custom tasks which updates all the assmeblyinfo.cs under a solution before starting build. But when i change this file and try to build then some of my dlls which has reference of other dlls not able to compile as they dont find the specific v...