
How to update a BindingSource based on a modified DataContext

In my application, I extract the Data of a Linq To SQL DataContext into a dictionary for easy use like so: Jobs = dbc.Jobs.ToDictionary(j => j.Id, j => j); Then I bind this dictionary to a BindingSource: bsJob.DataSource = jobManager.Jobs.Values.ToList(); I refresh the DataContext and the Dictionary regularly for when new Jobs are ...

Column not found when trying a cross database update in mysql

I'm trying to copy the contents of a column in one mysql database to an identical table in another mysql database. I'm using: UPDATE db1.table SET db1.table.name = db2.table.name, db1.table.address = db2.table.address WHERE db1.table.id = db2.table.id; I'm getting the error 1054: Unknown column 'db2.table.id' in 'where cl...

Updates to existing app

Hi, I have an App using sqlite. On first start, I copy the .db file into NSDocumentDirectory (so that I can make updates to it). In later versions, I plan to add new data to this database. How can I make sure, that with every application update (but not with every app start) the newest copy of this DB will be copied to NSDocumentDirecto...

Avoiding control paint spam (during the heavy update of treeview, listview controls)

I've got an application which adds 10+ items to a treelist every second. This causing the control and UI to unresponsive and sometimes can't even paint it enough, also consumes a lot of CPU. These new items coming from different threads so I can't use .BeginUpdate() unless I do some sort of local caching. If I do BeginUpdate() and EndU...

sql update from select statement

Sorry for the length of this, I'm trying to give a lot of info to avoid non-relevant solutions. My goal is to embed at least 1 UPDATE statement into a SELECT statement so that I have a chance to update some computed values at the instant before the select statement runs (think of it like a TRIGGER on SELECT). VIEW is not in immediate s...

How to update an SQLite database with a search and replace query?

My SQL knowledge is very limited, specially about SQLite, although I believe this is will be some sort of generic query... Or maybe not because of the search and replace... I have this music database in SQLite that has various fields of course but the important ones here the "media_item_id" and "content_url". Here's an example of a "co...

Updating a java map entry

Hi, I'm facing a problem that seems to have no straighforward solution. I'm using java.util.Map, and I want to update the value in a Key-Value pair. Right now, I'm doing it lik this: private Map<String,int> table = new HashMap<String,int>(); public void update(String key, int val) { if( !table.containsKey(key) ) return; Entry...

updating data record by record or updating a whole Datatable in web-based application?

Hi all. in web-based application, which method is prefered? I also need some examples about this issue. Thanks in advance. ...

Repeaters and DataItems

I am trying to bind a Linq to Sql object to a Repeater object and then update my DataSource. My question is, can binding persist, or do you have to use the CommandArgument to retrieve the record and FindControl to get the updated values everytime? If the former is the case, will someone please provide an example? ...

Refresh image with a new one at the same url

I am accessing a link on my site that will provide a new image each time it is accessed. The issue I am running into is that if i try to load the image in the back ground and then update the one on the page I only get the same image. If i refresh the entire page then the image is updated. var newImage = new Image(); newImage.src = "ht...

How do I maintain session state with a Google Earth client?

I'm playing with dynamic updates to Google Earth KML files. The updates are of the form <kml...> <NetworkLinkControl> <Update> <targetHref="..."> <Change> <Placemark targetId="..."> ...stuff to update... </Placemark> </Change> </Update> </NetworkLinkControl> </kml> And it all work...

PYTHON: Update MULTIPLE COLUMNS with python variables

Hello everybody, I'm trying to write a valid mysql statement that would allow me to update multiple columns in one record with values provided as python variables. My statement would look like this: db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="user", passwd="password", db="dbname") cursor = db.cursor() sql_update = "UPDATE table_name ...

Algorithms for Updating Relational Data

What algorithms are known to perform the task of updating a database by inserting, updating, and deleting rows in the presence of database constraints? More specifically, say that before images of rows to be deleted, after images of rows to be inserted, and both images of rows to be updated are in memory. The rows might be for several t...

What are the effective ways to exchange files on different servers with Shell Script?

I want to update some file in a server, with an automated script and the target files on a different server. Haven't started yet, but I think there will be authorization and connection issues during the process. Any suggestion on how I could approach? Thank you ...

Java 6 Update - Mac OS X application crash related to QuickTime libraries

I currently am looking at a bug related to an application crash when running on Mac OS X. The crash only seems to occur when using Java 6, with the Mac OS X 10.5 Update 1 (64 bit mode). The problem does not show up on 32bit Mac Java installs. From what I have read via google, the issue seems to be related to the fact that the applicatio...

Table doesn't respond to second jQuery request

Hi All My PHP script generates a table with rows which can optionally be edited or deleted. There is also a possibility to create a new Row. The PHP is activated through jQuery Events. Now all works well, I can edit delete and create an Item. After each action which makes use of the PHP script the HTML table gets updated. But when I ...

Where can I see when Ubuntu updates were actually applied locally?

I've been seeing a lot of as-yet unexplainable "now it works--now it doesn't" issues with a project. (It works on 8.10. Mostly it doesn't on 9.04, except for a few days in June.) Just would like to rule out that any changes from updates are having an effect. Is there a way to tell which updates were applied when? ...

Why isn't my datagrid updating?

I have an object that has as one of its properties, a List. I want to bind a datagrid to that list, such that when I add objects to the grid, the datagrid updates. I tried: myDataGrid.DataSource = myObject.MyList; but when I update the datasource with new rows, the grid doesn't update. Then I tried: myDataGrid.DataSource = null; m...

Batch update on Exchange WebDav

Hi Guys, I am trying to update a bunch of items in a shared Exchange calendar, using WebDav. What I want to do is rename events, similar to what I would do in SQL: UPDATE appointments SET subject = 'New Name' WHERE subject = 'Old Name' Is there a way to do this in a WebDav query? Thanks. ...

Updating a http parent page from a https page via Javascript

Hi, I have a unsecure page which opens up a secure (https) page. The secure page needs to update the parent page via a javascript submit() while still remaining the current window. However when I try to do this via javascript I get an "Access Denied" javascript error because the parent page is unsecure. Any idea of how I can access th...