
NHibernate Transaction fails with Insert and Update on Oracle

Hi, Post Update: I have tracked down the problem at the command "ExecuteNonQuery". That's the one that fails during an update or hangs during an insert. Trying a simple example using plain ADO.NET and their transactions works perfect. Also... it works great on my local home computer connection an Oracle Express edition. Pointing it agai...

SubSonic Update 2.1 to 3.0

Hello, is it a big problem to uopdate form 2.1 to 3.0? Are there any changed features/metods, or only new added features like Linq-Support and so on? Regards, Martin ...

slow update (primary key)

update auditdata set TATCallType='12',TATCallUnit='1' from auditdata auditdata inner join Auditdata_sms_12 a_sns on auditdata.ID = a_sns.id when I above query it takes more than 10 minutes to execute. what wrong in this Auditdata.ID is primary key.. if i run Update command is that also update the indexes??? is this reason...

Updating php version on windows with apache

I wonder what I should be carefull of updating PHP on Windows(with Apache). My current version is 5.2.9-2 My php folder is simply under C:\php If I simply download and unzip the new version, 5.3, which is a little more significant than going from 5.2.8 to 5.2.9, I'm thinking I need to be carefull not to overwrite some files. I'm think...

Facebook update like feature.

I want to implement a Facebook updates(user action and notifications) on my web application as well. I am using LAMP. Should I make a db table where I store duplicate data or should I make calls to different tables to show user his updates. Is there a better way to do this. For Example: When someone comments on user's profile then that...

TStatusBar flickers when calling Update procedure. Ways to painlessly fix this...

So, here is the discussion I have just read: http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg02315.html BeginUpdate and EndUpdate is not thi procedures I need ... Overriding API Call? I tried to get Update procedures code from ComCtrls unit, nut did not found... Maybe you could post here a code to fix thi flicker of statusbar comp...

Is there a better way to update UI Element with Dispatcher?

Hi guys I'm a newbie with WCF services, and I'm trying to figure out if is there a better way to update a WPF UI element (like a Label control) when I'm calling asynchronously my WCF service. Here's a piece of code: private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int result; CalculatorServiceCli...

Check for update (compare remote XML file with a local variable)

I have an InnoSetup for my C# application. And I'd like the setup to check for updates before installing (to make sure the user always gets the latest version). To do this, I need a bit of C++ code to parse an xml file from a remote location (which contains a version string) and have a method return it. From InnoSetup I can call the DLL...

MinGW - Update GCC version 3.4.5 to version 4.4

I've successfully install MinGW from the directions located here (Automated Install). But, I wanted to get the gcc version updated to 4.4. Do I simply overlay the files in my installation directory (C:\MinGW)? If not, how do I properly install this new version of MinGW/gcc? If this has been asked before, I'm sorry. I searched but was u...

CRUD Operations with join table using LINQ and Telerik radGridView

What is the best CRUD design pattern for an editable grid that will be databound to a joined query derived from LINQ? Background It's probably irrelevant whether I'm using Telerik's radGridView because this situation may pertain to any list control but I thought that I'd mention that if it helps. At any rate, I have two tables. One tab...

What about task lists and other web parts in Sharepoint?

I have the Ajax working on a custom web part written in Visual Studio and it works fine. Question - I created a task list on the site and added it as a web part to the default page. I would like that web part (task list) to also refresh asynchronously. I have opened it in Sharepoint designer, but I really don't know how to apply Ajax to ...

How to update a column adding 1 to the current value

Hi guys, i can't do a relative simple update query in access or sql server. My simple task is: adding 1 to the current value of a column. I'm using this syntax: UPDATE MyTable SET ColumnA = ColumnA + 1 WHERE MyPrimaryKey= 100 But it does't work. Someone can help me ? Thanks bye! ...

UISlider smooth update problem

Hi, I have a tableview with 2 labels and 1 slider on each cell. Now, the problem is when I change the value on the slider, I want to update one of the label on respective row. I tried attaching a selector [mySlider addTarget:self action:@selector(sliderAction:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged]; and I set [tableView reload...

Is there a way to upgrade Rails in an SVN repo in one step?

Right now, whenever Rails is updated and I upgrade the frozen version in my application (by installing the new gem and refreezing it), in order to commit it into my repository, I need to do two steps: first delete the old version, and second add the new version. This seems to be because when the new version is frozen, the old version (al...

Mysql Update or Insert with empty values

A quick question. I'm using php to insert new records in a database table - if the record exists, an update command is run instead. My question is, if the incoming record has fields that are empty but the data already in the database is not empty, does the update command overwrite the existing data with the empty values? Much appreci...

Update base template and apply to all sites who reference it - MOSS 2007

Hello! More SharePoint questions from me again today! I thank everyone that has helped thus far! Here is my situation: I have to create a custom application inside of sharepoint. I am using a document library which hosts web part pages and i am using Web User Controls to do all the manipluating and displaying of data. Once I build the...

Update SQL with consecutive numbering

I want to update a table with consecutive numbering starting with 1. The update has a where clause so only results that meet the clause will be renumbered. Can I accomplish this efficiently without using a temp table? ...

How can I update multiple columns with a Replace in SQL server?

How do I update different columns and rows across a table? I want to do something similiar to replace a string in SQL server I want to do this but the value exists in multiple columns of the same type. The values are foreign keys varchars to an employee table. Each column represents a task, so the same employee may be assigned to severa...

Jquery- Modify Element Value after ajax call

enter scenario: I want to do an ajax call to update the image shown. Example: click to activate, click again to deactivate. Now, image can change correctly when click for first time. After that, if I click the img again, changes won't reflect anymore. Reason, the onclick status still= yes How do I access the hyperlink element to rew...

Auto-updating USB Key Marketing Materials

Marketing development isn't my strong suit by any stretch of the imagination, so when I was asked about designing a marketing USB key that could update itself I ended up doing quite a bit of searching around on Google. Building some HTML that hosts some (say, not married to the idea) Flash and presents the information on the USB key is e...