
ASP.NET UserControl Caching

Hi, This thing is driving me nuts. I have a UserControl that is called WebUserControl. I need to cache this control, so I put the following in the WebUserControl.ascx: <%@ OutputCache Duration="240" VaryByParam="FeedName" %> Then I have the Default.aspx file in which I have: <div class="divInnerLeft" id="L1" runat="server"> ...

WPF: How do I bind a Control to a formula composed of several dependency properties?

Hi all, I'm working on Expression Blend and I'm currently designing a custom control which has a Grid with 5 rows inside, and also has two Dependency properties: "Value", and "Maximum". Three of the rows have fixed height, and what I'm trying to do is set the remaining rows height to "Value/Maximum" and "1-Value/Maximum" respectively. H...

"Rebind" or page_load a usercontrol on a page when a property of the usercontrol is changed in the parent page

Hi all, i have a usercontrol.. and i'd like to set one of it's property's from the parent page and at the same time "reload" the usercontrol so it's updated. formally the usercontrol was picking up a querystring parameter and setting itself up with the querystring parameter.. now i'd like to set this from within the parent page.. open ...

How to load single user control on selection of a tab in

I got 15 tabs and 15 user controls assigned to each tab. All are loading at once which id delaying the process. I want to load one user control on selection of a tab in tab container. ...

Free WinForms image editor control

There are a lot of image editors in C#, but I need only the control, that encapsulates the editing and that I can place on my own host form. Does anyone know of any such controls? Thanks you in advance. ...

Could not load type from assembly when trying to add a user control with dependencies to toolbox

I implemented a VB.NET user control that integrates features of the Microsoft Enterprise Library 5.0. The DLLs of the EntLib are not registered in the GAC - as suggested by MS. When I try to add my user control DLL to the Visual Studio 2008 ToolBox, I receive an error that basically tells me that it wasn't able to load a type from an ass...

User Control's Page Init Event Not Firing After Another User Control Using

I have an user control. I add dynamicly control to this control on its Page Init. This user control's parent Page's every postback, its page init works fine. After I added an different user control to Page. In Second User control, user select photos and uploads them with asyncfileupload control(AJAX). And I save all of them with a butto...

Partial page caching (user control caching) and Button Events

I have a page with a number of user controls, In one of my user controls I have a button event. I turned on output cache for the user control that has the button and did vary by control using the ID property of a hidden field control in the user control. whenever I turn on the output cache my button event doesn't fire. ...

How to WelCome control in Webpart code?

I need to place a webpart on the page. The webpart need to change Welcome control title. I need to change "WelCome UserName" to "UserName". I tried , But it did not worked in Webpart. If anybody have idea to change this control. Please share with me....

Asp.Net - UserControl - Inherit from MasterPage

Is it possible for an user control (ascx) to doing something like herit from a MasterPage ? My point is, in one of my user control (only use by one kind of MasterPage), I would like to use an <asp:content> tag, but I can't, I can only in the page that use that user control... So, I have to repeat some code into each of the page that us...

Accessing "current class" from WPF custom MarkupExtension

I'm attempting to write a custom MarkupExtension to make my life easier by giving me a better way to specify bindings in XAML. However I would like to know if there is any way I can access the object that represents the file the MarkupExtension is used in. In other words, suppose I have a UserControl that defines a particular rendition ...

Changing the direction of a Combo box dropdown in SWT

Hi, I'm building an Eclipse plugin in SWT, and I have the following problem: one of my fields is a combo box, and in some cases it may have fairly long items as selection options. My plugin runs on the right side of the screen, so when you go to use the combo-box, the right side of the combo box is cut off. So, my question is: is there...

ASP.NET UserControl Uri property

I want to pass a property of the type System.Uri to an WebControl from inside an aspx page. Is it possible to pass the property like that: <MyUserControl id="myusercontrol" runat="server"> <MyUrlProperty> <System.Uri>;/System.Uri&gt; </MyUrlProperty> </MyUserControl> instead of: <MyUserControl id=...

ASP.NET Custom Control - Template Allowing Literal Content

I want my User Control to be able to have Literal Content inside of it. For Example: <fc:Text runat="server">Please enter your login information:</fc:Text> Currently the code for my user control is: <ParseChildren(True, "Content")> _ Partial Public Class ctrFormText Inherits UserControl Private _content As ArrayList <P...

How do I get ASP.NET login status controls to display a Log In option?

I have the following log in status controls on the top of my master page. It displays the logged in as, manager log in, and Log out options. However, when a user is not logged in, there is nothing displayed there. When the user is NOT logged in, is there a way to display a "Login" text link that takes you to the log in page and then ...

VB.Net code Works on IIS6 DevServer but not on IIS7 Server 2008. Failed to load viewstate.

I have an ascx usercontrol acting like as a standard createUser formular. Code is written in VB.Net 3.5 The control also has some radiobuttons with the property autopostback=true set. The Radiobuttons controls if the member should be a Company or an Individual. If a radiobutton is clicked, the formular will display or hide certain text...

Cant assign values to variable in a user control on ajax postback... or something like that!

Hi everyone, I have a simple user control which toggles between the visibility of a few images depending on the UserId. When the page is loaded for the first time, the userID is being assigned correctly (I'm debugging). However, there are two other buttons on the page for filtering the type of users, they are perform their functionality...

Modal dialog focus problems on WPF application

Hi, I have a problem with my wpf application where a modal dialog will appear behind the main application causing it to hang. It is very inconsistent, where most of the time the pop-up works correctly and is shown in front but occasionally it will pop-up behind, which stops any interaction with it. I can still close the dialog using t...

Can't pass a variable to a user control

I am using the below example code and have a problem where I can't pass the Request.RawUrl value into an object that extends the Control object (class Test below). When I use the line: <Test1:Test runat="server" ID="testControl" Target="<%# Request.RawUrl %>"></Test1:Test> I find that the Target property is never called. If I use th...

WPF Usercontrol interaction with parent view / viewmodel

Hi I have a mainView window which has its dataContext set to it's own viewModel. On that viewModel is a DateTime property which in turn is bound to a datepicker on my main view using 2 way binding. <toolkit:DatePicker DateSelected="{Binding mainDateTimeProperty, Mode=TwoWay}" /> This is all fine so far. On the change of my datetime p...