
Get data from sql datasource into asp.net controls

I have a sqldatasource with a very simple select statement that should always return one row. I have textboxes on a page that i want to fill with that data from the datasource. how could i do this for textboxes? If there is no data in the database then i want the textboxes to remain empty. How can I accomplish this? <asp:Panel ID = "Pan...

GridView AutoGenerateColumns and sorting

Hi, question about gridview sorting in VB.NET: I have a gridview with autogenerate columns = true <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" FooterStyle-BackColor="Aquamarine" AutoGenerateColumns="true" AllowSorting="true" OnSorting="Gridview1_Sorting" AllowPaging="True" PageSize="12" OnRowCreated="GridView1_RowCreated" RowStyle-Wrap="true" ...

Export Multiple Crystal Reports ASP.NET

Hey all, I want to export 2 different reports when I click an Export button. The problem is the routine only fires once and I only get one report to print out. Am I doing something wrong? I think it has something to do with the HTTPResponse, but I'm not sure. Here's my code: Dim badgeSize As Integer = 0 'Drop Down selection Dim...

The right file name for an enum?

I have a DataType (text, numeric, date, boolean, money) enum and I need to put that in a file. How should I call the file and where in my DataAccessLayer.Generic namespace should I put the file into? Right now the file is called enum.vb and is in the DataAccessLayer.Generic.DataTypes namespace. The Result is DataAccessLayer.Generic.DataT...

Windows Service not showing up when installed with Setup project

Hello, I have a simple windows Service developed in VS.net 2008 and VB.net. When I install the service using Installutil.exe from the command prompt it is working like a charm. When I try to add a setup project and set the output and build and install it though it says successfully installed, it is not showing up in the services. The e...

Code is causing crash (vb .net)

I have some code and it crashes upon execution, what seems to be wrong? Imports WMEncoderLib Imports WMPREVIEWLib Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form #Region " Windows Form Designer generated code " Public Sub New() MyBase.New() ''//This call is required by the Windows Form...

Test if an object implements an interface

I have an object parameter and I need to check if the object implements a specified interface in vb.net. How to test this? Thanks. ...

Aspect oriented Programming?

How can we apply attributes to class fucntion using AOP in C#? UPDATE: I am slightly not clear in what context AOP should be used? As we can use AOP for logging purpose, security(Authentication), please suggest some other scenarios where we can take benefit of AOP Is AOP can be use to share data among different running threads in appli...

.NET Regular expression for time 24 hr format

Hi, Can I please have a regular expression in .NET, which will allow only 24 hr time format in the textbox. Thanks. Best Regards, MS ...

finding Image shift

Hi, How to find shift and rotation between same two images using programming languages vb.net or C++ or C#? Please help urgent ...

ASP.NET 2.0: User-Control in a FormView needs to save user-data (for dummies ;))

Hi, I have developed a user-control which gets bound to an id-field and then enables editing of records from (various) other sources (linked via this id). This is working fine, but I am struggling to save the data when the form is saved - obviously there's more to be done than "just" writing the id back. I wouldn't like to add extra bu...

Application Framework Compatibility Issues and COM/Webbrowser Controls

SetOleClientSite() is not working as intended (*doesn't call IDispatch_Invoke_Handler()*) when enable "Application Framework" in VB.NET 3.5 We created a test example exact same code. When we enable "Application Framework" IDispatch_Invoke_Handler works when we disable, it doesn't. There is no mention of COM incompatibility of similar i...

References missing when I checkin files to VSS 2005

Hi, I have added reference to few dlls in my VB.net Project. When I check into Visual source safe and get latest version from another machine, VS.net 2008 throws errors. I have to add the references again in that new machine. Is there anyway where I can keep the references in spite of files checked in to VSS? I need to send copy all t...

How can I use strongly typed lists as the datasoruce for a Crystal Reports

I currently have Class A property x as List (Of Class B) End Class Class B ' some other properties End Class When I create crystal report to use Class A as datasource the field explorer doe snot show property x? Is it possible to use strongly typed lists with Crystal Report? ...

Saving Non-VSTO copy of VSTO Workbook

I am trying to save a ListObject from a .NET 3.5 Excel 2007 VSTO Workbook to a new sheet (done) and save that new sheet to a new workbook (done) without that workbook requiring the VSTO customization file (!!!!!). Has anyone had any luck with this? The only way I've had any success is just saving as a CSV file but that's not exactly ...

VB.NET/COM Server code way slower than Excel VBA code

Background I have a client who needs Excel VBA code that produces formula values moved to VB.NET. He is in the business of providing financial analytics, in this case delivered as an Excel add-in. I have translated the VBA into VB.NET code that runs in a separate DLL. The DLL is compiled as a COM Server because, well, Excel-callable .NE...

Regex expression challenge

Can somebody put a regex expression that will: find a chunk that starts with [% and ends with %] within that chunk replace all xml special characters with: & quot; & apos; & lt; & gt; & amp; leave everything between <%= %> or <%# %> as is except make sure that there is space after <%# or <%= and before %> for example <%=Integer.Max...

calling vb dll in python

So I have a function in vb that is converted to a dll that I want to use in python. However trying to use it, I get an error message this is the VB function Function DISPLAYNAME(Name) MsgBox ("Hello " & Name & "!") End Function and this is how I call it in python from ctypes import * test = windll.TestDLL print test print test.DISPL...

What are the differences between VB.NET and previous versions of VB?

I'm reasonably familiar with the various forms of VB that existed prior to .NET (VB6, VBA, VBScript...), but have yet to delve into The Sweet New Flavor that is VB.NET. So I would very much appreciate it if someone would provide a quick summary of the major differences in the language brought about by VB.NET. ...

Keydown event for entire application VB .Net

I want to make it so that no matter which control has focus, it will do my event. So that I dont have to write a keydown event for all 137 of my objects. Is this possible? Thanks ...