
Android error with TabActivity / TabWidget

I'm trying to create a TabActivity for my android application. When my layout XML appears as follows with dummy TextView content for my 2 tabs, everything appears fine. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TabHost xmlns:android="" android:id="@android:id/tabhost" android:layout_width...

Is there any rails plugin like formtastic that makes show and index views easier to code?

I use formtastic to create new and edit forms for my resources. with something like f.inputs it fetches and displays all my fields automatically. I would like to know if there is something similar that makes life easier to write the index and show views. I tried using formtastic with 'disable' to show a readonly form but that's not onl...

Dynamique image of a view inside a button

Hi, I would like to add an image inside a button,but this image shows the current view of one of my views. If anyone knows how to do. Thanks a lot. ...

Switching from a normal view to a TabBar Controller

Hello! I build my first iPhone application and I have a problem with switching views. First, I have two views (login, registration) which switch via "presentModalViewController:animated:". But if someone logged in, there must be a new kind of view. I wanna have an UITabBar at the bottom (tab bar controller). But this does not work. I t...

Showing a view over the TabBar controller iPhone SDK 3

Hey Everyone. I have another question. Maybe its late and I am not thinking clearly but I am stuck on this. I have a navigation controller that is called into view by a tab bar which is my root controller. In that navigation controller I have a toolbar item that, when pressed, needs to bring another view up. I have the view being pulled ...

How to copy views from one database to another database

I have two databases with same structure in MS SQL server. I'd like to copy all views another database. I tried to use Export data functionality by DTS (that works with the table objects). But that executes the SQL & creates the table object. I don't want to execute that just want to copy the view so that I can open them in design vi...

Issue with Transparency

Hi, We have an issue with transparency. While writing an image to Context with gradient, transparency (which is unwanted) is getting applied. We are not sure why this has been getting applied. We need the context to be "ONLY" with Gradient but not with "TRANSPARENCY". Attaching the snippet of the code for your reference. - (UIImage *)...

TSQL foreign keys on views?

I have a SQL-Server 2008 database and a schema which uses foreign key constraints to enforce referential integrity. Works as intended. Now the user creates views on the original tables to work on subsets of the data only. My problem is that filtering certain datasets in some tables but not in others will violate the foreign key constrain...

isset() or !empty() functions on all variables in your views? PHP

Hi I'm using CakePHP and I'm wondering do you guys puts isset() or !empty() around all of your variables in the views? Or should I depend on the data validation? What would be the suggested solution? ...

ASP.Net MVC Error Validation - How to display validation message when passing a custom view model to a view

I have been adding error and business validation to my app, and when I test using a view that was strongly typed to one model, let's say locations, I get the validation summary as well as the validation messages for each field that didn't pass, plus my css highlights the appropriate field as expected... ...when I try this with a view th...

Adding sorting to a view on Drupal?

I used to know how to do this, but I can't seem to get sorting to work on a view where filters are exposed in a block. I want to be able to filter by, for example, type, price etc, but then also have sorting options to sort by these items. How do I get sorting to work like this? ...

Views or table functions or something else.

I designed 5 stored procedures which almost use same join condition but parameters or values in where clause change for each on different runs. Is it best solution to create a view with all join conditions without where clause and then query from view or work on view? Can views auto update itself if i create view? Can i do sub-queries o...

Sql Server: Execute delete against updateable view with joins

In SQL it is possible to run inserts and updates against a view, as long as the view only selects data from one table. However, deletes don't seem to work quite so well. Can anyone help out? Take this view for example: CREATE VIEW v_MyUpdatableView AS SELECT x.* FROM MyPrimaryTable x LEFT OUTER JOIN AnotherTable y ON y.MyPrimar...

Sharepoint: Modify the page template of views

Hi I have a sharepoint list with several views. I can modify the view pages (such as AllItems.aspx) via the sharepoint designer. However I would prefer to modify the underlying template instead. Now I could directly modify the default view page template located in templates\pages\viewpage.aspx but this would affect the whole sharepoint...

Second view in IB

I'm writing a game, in which I will be swapping out views. I have a loading screen which comes out in LandscapeRight mode, which is what I want. Then I want all subsequent views to load in Landscape. What ends up happening is that they load in Portrait (even though in IB I have them edited as Landscape views and the size dimensions ar...

Using sets as inparameters to function/sproc in SQL Server 2008?

Hello! Is it possible to use a set, like (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) for example, as inparameter to a Sproc, function or view in SQL Server 2008? What should I use of Sproc, function or View for this pice of SLQ? WITH Scores AS( SELECT ItemId, SUM(Score) AS Score FROM [Presenta].[presenta].[LpivScores] WHERE // HERE ...

View Called from Partial Not Submitting Form Data

Hi! I hope I am able to put this question together well. In a partial view I have a link to a create action: public ActionResult CreateProject() { return View("EditProject", new Project()); } Now this loads another view which allows editing of the blank model passed to it. But when form is submitted it is supposed to post to: [Ac...

Assign a taxonomy term to a view instance

Is there an easily managed way we can assign a specific taxonomy term to a specific instance of a view? We're using the callouts module for Drupal, and it works great for nodes/pages we have in our site. But we have a handful of Views that are displaying as a page, but we cannot assign a specific taxonomy term to a specific instance of ...

Defining views in mysql from complex queries


ASP.NET MVC : Calling Different View

I have a controller located in Controllers folder. Controllers .... CustomViewController The CustomViewController executes the following method public ActionResult DisplayPerson() { Person prn = new Person(); prn.Name = "Rama"; prn.Email = "[email protected]"; return View(prn); } I ha...