
Empty alt text in title link outputed by view with CCK field

I have this fields in a view: Node: Nid Content: text1 Plain text Node: Title Node: Teaser (text1 is a CCK textfield). I want to output "Content: text1" as a title in link "Node: Title". For "Node: Title" I checked "Output this field as a link" and in "Alt text:" I have input pattern [field_text1_value]. In admin mode title...

Defining views in mysql from complex queries - Try #2

Hope this format is better... thanks to OMG ponies, Peter Lang, and astander for their patience in answering my first attempt. I'm setting up a game in which each USER selects one CONTESTANT every WEEK, kind of like picking which football team you think will win. I need to create a view that has, for each combination of USER, CONTESTAN...

Use URL to show new activity?

Inside my app, I was wondering if it was possible to make a certain URL in a WebView, when clicked, to redirect to a new activity view outside of the WebView? Thanks! ...

Changing Views Example?

I'm new at this, I have not seen any examples on changing Views, what I want to do is when a user presses a button I want to show a map view based on their input on the first view. The examples seem to show only one view. ...

Argh! Why does System.Web.Mvc.HandleErrorInfo get passed to my views?

I'm experiencing a rather frustrating problem. My MVC site runs fine for the most part, but randomly throws an error (which shows a friendly error to the user). When I check the logs, this is what I get: System.InvalidOperationException: The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Web.Mvc.HandleErrorInfo' but this dicti...

Changing text color in Drupal Views admin pages

Hope this is the right place to ask this question. I am new to the forum (and to Drupal!). I am developing a site using Drupal. Am using Zenophile Midnight and have created a Zen sub Theme. This has three columns, each with a black background. I am trying to edit a View but when I open the views/edit node I find when I try to create a F...

Drupal Views Arguments

I know how to successfully use arguments in drupal's views module, but when it "filters" based on those arguments it uses "=" in the where clause of the SQL statement. However, I would like to use "like" instead of "=" in the where clause of the SQL statement so I can pass in, say the title of a node, as an argument and then show all nod...

Django forms: reload view after post

Hi all, I have the following view code: def activate( request = '', actkey = "" ): message = "" if len( actkey ) != 40: message += str( len(actkey)) if request.method == 'POST': form = ActivateForm( request.POST ) if form.is_valid(): actkey = request.POST['actkey'] ...

How do you modify the fields output in Drupal's RSS Feeds

Trying to modify the RSS feeds created by Views module in Drupal. Since there are no 'theme_' hooks for the RSS feeds (rightfully as XML is theme-less), I need an alternate way to modify the fields that are output into the RSS, preferably using template.php if possible. looks promis...

Best way to place data in the view (MVC)

In the framework I am working with, if I want to present data in a view I do this: <h1><?php echo $this->header ?></h1> Recently I discovered xTemplate and noticed it uses string placeholders, so the above code in a xTemplate would be: <h1>{HEADER}</h1> I always thought that a little php in the view was ok and was also faster than ...

VIEWs in Entity-Framework?

Hello! I have a table called Item. I have a view called ItemView, that returns all the column of Item + one more aggregated column, that I want to be read only. I need to use it in Entity Framework, and I don't know how I should use it, since when insert the view in the designer, all the fields become entity-keys, besides no relations...

service broker catalog views - permissions required to query

Hi, I have discovered that querying catalog views (e.g. sys.conversation_endpoints) under my non-sa/restricted user will succeed but always return an empty set. What permission(s) do I need to grant my SQL login to be able to successfully query service broker catalog views..? Thanks in advance, Tamim. ...

Where is my Drupal View pager?

Hi, I have a Drupal 6 site where I've created a view that shows a list of nodes. Nothing complicated -- except that when I choose "use pager" --> "yes" (and choose the "full pager" option), the pager doesn't show up on the page. The first page of nodes shows up, but there's no way to get to other pages. Through googling, I saw that som...

Drupal exposed date filter: remove "-Year" from select

Just what the title says, I can't figure out why "-Year" is being added to the top of my exposed filter select box. What do I need to do to make it go away? ...

Multiple views in codeigniter

Hello, I am working on a codeigniter site, in which a page is built using multiple views, I have come to a point where I need to work with a variable that is being set in another view is it possible to access it from another view? This is code I have Controller: public function index() { // $this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE); ...

Dynamic Background images advice

I am creating a site where users can upload there own background images, after upload they see each background they uploaded in a menu represented by a number, clicking on the number will in theory load in the new background, however I have noticed that does this calls in the view again as well (the view is already loaded from another fu...

Linq to SQL (views or tables)?

I initially thought that using a view would be the best option because I've already encapsulated every column that I want in it. However, after closer inspection, it seems that adding just tables (and using the built-in relationships that are already created) is a much cooler way to do it because those relationships cause LINQ to SQL t...

Drupal automatic glossary for specific terms

Greetings all helpers! I have been reading and testing Drupal features recently and I find this CMS very scalable and interesting. I began working with themes, views, content types and ect... but I am looking for something I cannot find on the internet. Context : I am creating a new website for one non-profit organization of mine for t...

Rails views inconsistently rendered

I like how Rails gives me flexibility in naming view files, ie index.erb or index.html.erb essentially do the same thing. The problem is that I've merged two separate projects, where one uses filename.erb for all its views and the other uses filename.html.erb. It seems that Rails expects only one naming scheme as I keep getting missing...

What is the difference between a View and a PartialView in ASP.NET MVC?

What is the difference between a View and a PartialView in ASP.NET MVC? At first glance the need for both seems non-obvious to me. ...