
SQL view outputs duplicate rows

I am creating a new query from an old query and I'm getting duplicate rows in my result. I have absolutely no idea why this is happening? Here is the old SQL codes which does not produce duplicates: XtraViwStock SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.qexp_detail.in_date AS inDate, RTRIM(dbo.qexp_detail.stock_locn) AS stockLocn, { fn LCASE(RTR...

PHP MVC: Where to Put Dynamically Generated Javascript

Most PHP MVC systems follow a pattern where a request is routed to a specific controller action, and then the controller sets a bunch of variables for use in the view. When you're in an agency/services work environment that uses a lot of dynamic HTML for UI elements, this patterns leads to a lot of javascript being generated with view v...

Rails: What is the best way to seperate two very similar views?

I have a controller that has two actions: "show", "show_modify". These have very similar yet slightly different views, i.e show_modify has different div classes, has extra links/buttons and so on. From what I've seen there are a few ways to approach this in rails: Make one template for the two and just add conditions inside: <% if par...

Drupal gallery with thumbnail made of first picture

I have drupal6,cck,views,imagecache. category_type gallery contain a CCK node reference to a category_type images and In this Images there is a cck file (image) field. I know how to create a view which will display a list of galleries. BUT question is .. HOW can I display a list of galleries with a THUMBNAIL that is made of first imag...

Can different Views for different User Categories be created in SharePoint?

I need to limit different Users to view only the information assigned to them in their View. For exapmle (Sales will only see what is in Sales's View). Thanks, ...

Sharepoint 2007 Custom Template Doesn't Persist List View Selection

I have a Sharepoint site with a List which has a complex View on it. When I save the site as a template and made a site from it the List contents are preserved and the View is available for selection but it is not selected by default. I have checked the "make this View default" checkbox when adding the View and if I manually go in and se...

Drupal6 - Web File Manager : How can I access the web file browser within a panel node via views or a block?

Or, how can I send the user to a specific directory from a link? Basically, I have groups setup as project and on the site there will be many projects associated with groups and they will each have their own folders within webfm that are automatically creating. I would like to show the files for that group in a nice fashion. I would like...

Advantage of using Views in mysql

I've learned that views can be used to create custom "table views" (so to say) that aggregate related data from multiple tables. My question is: what are the advantages of views? Specifically, lets say I have two tables: event | eid, typeid, name eventtype | typeid, max_team_members Now I create a view: eventdetails | event.eid, eve...

How do I eliminate the views/scripts folder?

Let's say I'm tired of having to put my page template folders under views/scripts and want to just put them under views, leaving out the "scripts" part of the path. How can I alter the config of ZendFramework to permit me to do that? ...

Table-Valued Functions in ORACLE 11g ? ( parameterized views )

Hi all, I've seen discussions about this in the past, such as here. But I'm wondering if somewhere along the line, maybe 10g or 11g (we are using 11g), ORACLE has introduced any better support for "parameterized views", without needing to litter the database with all sorts of user-defined types and/or cursor definitions or sys_context va...

How do I switch between Access Form and Datasheet views, and remain on the same record, without filtering ?

In MS Access 2007, I want to switch between datasheet and form views, without filtering, and remain on the current record. Should I use a bookmark ? How ? or How might I place a button on the ribbon to switch views, without having to search for the record or use a filter. I need this to run Access 2007 Runtime, since it will be impleme...

How to auto-redefine view when underlying table changes (new column)?

We've got a view that's defined like this CREATE VIEW aView as SELECT * from aTable Where <bunch of conditions>; The "value" of the view is in the where-condition, so it is okay to use a Select * in this case. When a new column is added to the underlying table, we have to redefine the view with a CREATE OR REPLACE FORCE VIEW aView...

ImageButtons in a ViewGroup

My app's underlying view has bitmaps, lines, etc drawn on a canvas. I want to display images (icons) on top of this which will respond to Touch events. The number and positioning of such images will be variable depending on data in an SQLite database. Am I correct in thinking that the way to achieve this is to have a ViewGroup to which ...

Passing nested data from Controller to View in ASP.Net MVC (LINQ)

I'm using LINQ to SQL (SQL Server) within ASP.Net MVC. My page needs to display all Regions and all Offices within each Region (nested). Offices belong to a Suburb, which in turn, belong to a Region. I.e. Within each Region, I need to grab the Offices which exist inside Suburbs which belong to the current Region in the loop. (Pseudo cod...

Switching Views

I have two XIb files and I need to switch between them with the swipe of a finger, like the native iphone weather app. does anyone know how to do this. please give some sample code if possible. thank you. P.S I am programming in Objective-C. ...

iPhone app views logic

I have an iPhone app in development that requires three slides (views). The problem is, since I'm kinda new to this, I'm not sure what's the most logical way to approach this situation. I was going to use a UINavigationController, but then I noticed that the UINavigationController is meant for hierarchical content, which means that it s...

Drupal Views conditional link

Using views and Views custom field...I want a link to change depending on if a file was uploaded [upload_fid-path], or if a URL [field_url_url] was given. If a file was uploaded that takes precedance over the URL...If no file is attached, than link to the URL...If no URL exist, then link to node. Any help would be appreciated, thanks...

SQL Server Best way to create a summary view from multiple views

Given I have the following view where N=1..100 detail_view_N Pant Quantity Fieldx ... A 20 A 13 B 4 Currently we have summary views which insert to a table like summary_view_N Report_Name Plant Count summary_view_1 A 2 summary_view_1 B 1 The table is then used to create an overall summary l...

I need a book/tutorial/etc to help explain iphone view classes

I'm pretty much through "programming in Objective C" and I am working through the stanford class as well, but I'm really am having a hard time understanding how to deal with views (especially how it relates to drawing, paths, subviews, pretty much all of it actually(I understand the concepts but the implementation is where i get confused...

drupal views: how to create a web form for each user

in my website each manger(role) needs a webform, to get enquiries from users.. the webform which have created is for complete website... how to do this... ...