
Why do I get "uninitialized value" warnings when I use Date::Manip's sortByLength?

How might this block of code in Date/Manip.pm from the Date::Manip module: #*Get rid of a problem with old versions of perl no strict "vars"; # This sorts from longest to shortest element sub sortByLength { return (length $b <=> length $a); } use strict "vars"; I get this warning: Use of uninitialized value in length at /perl/lib...

Why is this generic method unsafe?

The following method generates a warning, but it looks safe to me. I'm sure the problem is with me: public <S extends CharSequence> S foo(S s) { return (S) new StringBuilder(s); } It looks like this will always return the argument s. Can anyone show an example that would cause this method to throw an exception? Edit: I'm not p...

MSBUILD / csc: Cleanest way of handling x64 mscorlib warning 1607

I'm trying to use VS08SP1's default project system to invoke a C# compile in explicit x64 mode (as distinct from Any Cpu). When I explicitly mark a module as x64, I get a: warning CS1607: Assembly generation -- Referenced assembly 'mscorlib.dll' targets a different processor One way of removing that is with a /nowarn:1607. Based on my...

Warning: "File '../ControllerName/ActionMethodName' was not found."

We're seeing the above warning on a View's form post... <form action="../ControllerName/ActionMethodName" method="post"> Technically this warning is correct - there is no such file, but as we're using ASP.NET MVC this check isn't really sufficient. This warning isn't stopping our application from working but we have a general "no com...

Why am I getting a "Odd number of elements in anonymous hash" warning in Perl?

Help, I'm trying to create a new post in my wordpress blog with custom fields using the following perl script using metaweblogAPI over XMLRPC, but there seems to be an issue with the custom fields. Only the second custom field (width) ever seems to get posted. Can't get the "height" to publish properly. When I add another field, I get th...

How should I promote Perl warnings to fatal errors during development?

When running an applications test suite I want to promote all Perl compile and run-time warnings (eg the "Uninitialized variable" warning) to fatal errors so that I and the other developers investigate and fix the code generating the warning. But I only want to do this during development and CI testing. In production, the warnings should...

Why does Xcode warn me about title shadow offsets in xib files even though I'm targeting iPhone OS 3.0?

When I build my iPhone project, I get warnings from xcode about a few of my xibs saying: Specifying a title shadow offset in Interface Builder is not supported by the iPhone SDK for iPhone OS versions prior to 3.0. Thing is, I'm building for 3.0, and the base SDK is set to 3.0. I've done some poking around and can't find anyt...

Class is a raw type. References to generic type Class<T> should be parameterized

There are lots of threads about this type of question, but I want to get a complete answer and actually understand it without 'hiding' the problem with a @SupressWarnings ! I have the following class (from a simple Spring tutorial) public class CarValidator implements Validator { public boolean supports(Class aClass) { return Car.cla...

PHP function is_nan() throws a warning for strings

I've been using the is_nan() function (ie: is-not-a-number) to check whether a variable taken from the querystring is a number or not. However, in the case of the variable being a string (in which case is_nan() should return TRUE), the function also throws the following rather annoying warning: Warning: is_nan() expects parameter 1 to b...

Should I be worried about g++ warnings saying 'inlining failed'?

In a project I'm working on at the office, when we compile a release build (with -Os) we get hundreds of warnings from g++ saying that inlining has failed. Most of these warnings seem to come from boost, however some come from our own library headers (binary .dylibs that we're linking to). Can these warnings generally be safely ignored...

Trying to supress resource warning in Visual Studio

I want to suppress the "The resource name 'X.Y' is not a valid identifier" warnings in Visual Studio 2008. I cannot find the warning number to supress it in the project's properties. Is there another way of achieving this, or better still, does anyone know the warning number? Thanks :) ...

Visual C++: Where can I get a list of all errors & warnings?

Is there some place where I can get a list of all Visual C++ compiler/linker errors/warnings? I am looking for both the error/warning number and the error/warning text that is displayed by the compiler. MSDN has them all, but they are linked to on individual pages. ...

Code analysis comes back with suggestion about not using "out" parameters

I ran the VS 2008 code analysis tool against an object I created and received the following suggestion ... Warning 147 CA1021 : Microsoft.Design : Consider a design that does not require that 'returnValue' be an out parameter. I find "out" parameters rather useful and didn't realize that they were considered as a frowned upon...

Python Warning control

I would like some kind of warning to be raisen as errors, but only the first occurrence. How to do that? I read http://docs.python.org/library/warnings.html and I dont know how to combine this two types of behaviour. ...

include and require problem when I use it with file out of the folder

hi I usually use this line to import file from out of the current folder and it's work fine on my local host server require("../DataBase.class.php"); but when I upload the script on my website I get this Warning Warning: include(../DataBase.class.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory ...

Python: Warnings and logging verbose limit

I want to unify the whole logging facility of my app. Any warning is raise an exception, next I catch it and pass it to the logger. But the question: Is there in logging any mute facility? Sometimes logger becomes too verbose. Sometimes for the reason of too noisy warnings, is there are any verbose limit in warnings? http://docs.python....

Objective-C Warning

I am fairly new to objective-c and am having trouble understanding the warning message for the following block of code: void PrintPathInfo() { NSString *path = @"~"; NSString *message = @"My home folder is: "; NSLog([message stringByAppendingString: [path stringByExpandingTildeInPath]]); } This is the warning message I a...

Should I output warnings to STDERR or STDOUT?

I'm making a script that handles a predefined set of data, outputting to a file. I want to pop up a warning when one datum (which is always "Regular" in every set that I've had access to) is different stating that this value is unhandled (since I don't know how it affects the data). Should I output this warning to stderr or stdout? ...

How to find potential numeric overflows in Java code, using Eclipse?

Is there a way to find potential numeric overflows in Java code, using the Eclipse IDE? For example... long aLong = X * Y * Z; ... where X, Y, and Z are ints and the result may overflow Integer.MAX_VALUE. (Note that, perhaps counter-intuitively, if the result in this example overflows Integer.MAX_VALUE, aLong will be assigned the erro...

How do I get rid of this warning?

I am getting the following warning from my Java code: Lexer.java:591: warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion found : java.util.ArrayList required: java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> ArrayList<Integer> tempArray = temp.get(theToken); I've tried casting it to ArrayList but this doesn't matter, it still appears. How can I get r...