
How do I suppress Eclipse 3.5's warnings of dead code

I use a class for detecting email addresses which uses static final booleans to configure the matching behavior. Since I upgraded to Eclipse 3.5 I get warnings about dead code, since Eclipse notices that one branch in this can not be reached: private static final boolean ALLOW_DOMAIN_LITERALS = false; private static final String domain ...

alternative to deprecated UITableViewCell setText?

Code in the book Beginning iPhone Development (by Dave Mark & Jeff LaMarche) assigns to the UITableViewCell text property: UITableViewCell *cell = ... ... cell.text = ... This assignment brings up a "'setText' is deprecated..." warning. What should I use as an alternative? Also, how do I open the long URL in the warning (in Xcode) w...

Disable warning in VIM?

Is there a way to disable warnings in VIM? In particular, I want to disable Warning 12 when a file turns from read-only to writable. I have a script which opens the file for edit in perforce, but vim thinks the file has changed and issues a warning. Thanks ...

Is there any way to show, or throw, a PHP warning?

I have a select() method in a database class, that has an optional boolean argument $sum. This argument is used to say if the method should or not use COUNT(*) too. I would like to show a warning, like those normal PHP errors, if I try to access class->sum if the attribute is not set (i.e. when I call select() with $sum = false. Is the...

How to avoid unchecked-conversion-warning in Java, if you use legacy libraries?

I like the generics-feature in java and use it often. But I have a problem, if I use libraries that aren't yet aware of generics. An example are servlets. If you use ServletRequest.getParameterMap() the result will be a raw map, but it includes only String as keys and String[] as values. So I want to assign it to a Map. But for this assi...

Disable warnings when loading non-well-formed HTML by DomDocument (PHP)

I need to parse some HTML files, however, they are not well-formed and PHP prints out warnings to. I want to avoid such debugging/warning behavior programatically. Please advise. Thank you! Code: // create a DOM document and load the HTML data $xmlDoc = new DomDocument; // this dumps out the warnings $xmlDoc->loadHTML($fetchResult); ...

How to Disable a warning across projects in Visual Studio

I know this sounds bad but how can I disable/suppress a specific warning for all the projects in a solution. All of my projects are VC++ projects. Is it possible? If yes, how can this be done? Environment is Visual Studio 2005 ...

Compiler warnings in others' libraries

I link my C++ code against several libraries (a couple of which are heavily header-based), some of which haven't been updated in a while. I've been compiling my code with -Wall and Wextra on GCC 4.0 for a while with no warnings or errors. However, now that I'm using a newer version of GCC (4.3), a number of my files have been printing wa...

How to get rid of the "Warning: trimming empty div" in Eclipse?

How do I stop this warning showing in Eclipse? Warning: trimming empty <div> No, I absolutely cannot make the div non-empty, I cannot change the code. ...

Why do I get "redefine" warnings with "use constant" under mod_perl?

I run CGI script with apache2 and I have this warning lines in error.log (I removed all similar lines from the output): [Thu Jul 30 09:39:37 2009] upload.pl: Constant subroutine ModPerl::ROOT::ModPerl::Registry::home_stanislav_cgi_perl_upload_2epl::UPLOAD_DIR redefined at /usr/share/perl/5.10/constant.pm line 115, line 133. Constant s...

What is the list of valid @SuppressWarnings warning names in Java?

What is the list of valid @SuppressWarnings warning names in Java? The bit that come between the ("") in @SuppressWarnings(""). ...

Why does Module::Build's testcover gives me "use of uninitialized value" warnings?

I'm kinda new to Module::Build, so maybe I did something wrong. Am I the only one who gets warnings when I change my dispatch from "test" to "testcover"? Is there a bug in Devel::Cover? Is there a bug in Module::Build? I probably just did something wrong. I'm using ActiveState Perl v5.10.0 with Module::Build version 0.31012 and Dev...

Disable warning messages in GCC through header files?

I am using the function gets() in my C code. My code is working fine but I am getting a warning message (.text+0xe6): warning: the `gets' function is dangerous and should not be used. I want this warning message not to pop up.Is there any way? I am wondering that there might be such possibilities by creating a header file for disabli...

php warning - headers already sent after server move

I’m moving the website to a new server and I’m now getting this error! Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/com10002/public_html/bank/index.php:29) in /home/com10002/public_html/bank/includes/quickform.php on line 5 I have put session_st...

Xcode seems to not want to include my class

So, I have a class called MazeCell which is declared in "MazeCell.h" #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> enum { MazeCellEdgeWall = 0, MazeCellEdgeGate = 1, MazeCellEdgeExit = 2 }; typedef NSUInteger MazeCellEdge; @interface MazeCell : NSObject { MazeCellEdge left; MazeCellEdge right; MazeCellEdge down; MazeCe...

PHP "Warning: usort() [function.usort]: Invalid comparison function" on sorting

i have following data as an associative array array 'abc' => array 'label' => string 'abc' (length=3) 'weight' => float 3 'wsx' => array 'label' => string 'wsx' (length=3) 'weight' => float 1 'qay' => array 'label' => string 'qay' (length=3) 'weight' => float 1 'http://test.com'...

Why do I get a warning everytime I use malloc?

If I use malloc in my code: int *x = malloc(sizeof(int)); I get this warning from gcc: new.c:7: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘malloc’ new.c:7: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘malloc’ I'm new to C. Am I doing something wrong? ...

Visual Studio 2008 css warnings

I have a Visual Studio 2008 .NET 3.5 Web forms project that constantly shows warnings for my class tags in the html. I have the CSS file included in the master page with the following link: <link href="/Css/Site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> The warnings I get are: The class or CssClass value is not defined. At run time...

What effect does the "new" keyword have in C# and why is it only a warning when not employed?

Consider the following code: public abstract class Test1 { public object Data { get; set; } } public abstract class Test2<T> : Test1 { public T Data { get; set; } } This will generate the following warning: 'Test2.Data' hides inherited member 'Test1.Data'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. Why is this only a w...

Netbeans: Is there an option to show icons not only for errors, but also for warnings on files|packages|... ?

Hello! Is there an option in Netbeans to show icons not only for errors (which is the default behavior), but also for warnings on files|packages|... in the "Projects" view? I have to use the (somehow outdated and inconsistent) SQE plugin, just to get all warnings together! ...