
How to prevent access to certain URL requested pages?

How to prevent access to certain URL requested pages? If i have form.html, processFrom.php and getResults.php in my webapp root, even though processFrom.php does not echo any content, how can i prevent the user from accessing this file by typing in the URL? ...

program for optimal performance and scalability from the start?

First question on stackoverflow. I have no previous experience of running a high traffic website and I would consider myself somewhere in between a novice and an intermediate programmer....please be gentle :) I am trying to make a social website that I ultimately hope will handle a lot of traffic and users. However, I don't know if the...

Image resize before upload

I need to provide a means for a user to upload photos to their web site in jpeg format. However, the photos are very large in original size, and I would like to make the resize before upload option very effortless for the user. It seems my only options are a client side application that resizes the photos before uploading them via a we...

Test cases for each link in a Website?

Hi guys, I have a pretty basic question about test cases in the world of Website development. Does it make sense to have a separate test case for each hyperlink for all pages in a site? For e.g. my site might have 10 pages, each with approx. 10 hyperlinks in it. Should I have 100 test cases each explaining where that link should redirect...

Problem with CSV download to IE 6.

I have a friend experiencing problems testing a web site of mine that provides a CSV export for a report. He says the CSV is output to the screen, and no file is created. It works fine on my IIS7, Vista, and IE7 setup. I can't get more details at the moment, but I'd like to at least ask: is my code, below, for sending the CSV adequate...

Xaml Layout Resources for a Web Guy

Long story short: I've been layout out UI's with Html/CSS for about 8 years now. Recently I've been dipping into Xaml/Silverlight/Wpf and really struggling with designing a UI using Xaml. I understand the basics of the Silverlight Layout Model and feel smi comfortable with using StackPanel and Grids but I'm just not picking it up as fa...

The future of web-development (RIA vs. traditional HTML)

How do you see the future of the web development? will HTML, CSS and Ajax continue to lead the web-development or do you see a shift towards Rich Internet Applications (flex, silverlight & JavaFX)? I am not looking for a clear cut answer, and I know you are programmers and not prophets, but a smart analysis of how do you see the current...

Two divs with fluid content floating next to each other. IE 7 Not displaying the correct layout.

The Case I have two floating divs next to each other. Both have "fluid" contents and I want them to stay next to each other unless they touch. Then, I want them to be stacked. The problem is that my fluid content (like text or a list) crumbles in IE 7 as soon as the two divs touch. On top of that, this only happens with some IE 7 versi...

Does the speed of a programming language matter for web applications?

I see a lot of benchmarks between PHP, Python, Ruby, etc all over the Internet. Ruby has gotten a lot of flak for being super slow, which leads to developers refusing to use it for web development for "performance reasons". But does the performance of the interpreter really matter for web applications? Isn't the bottleneck located in the...

Web developers: Implement the code or design first?

What comes first? After the design has been outlined and approved, should a designer create pages in HTML and then hand them to a developer to add code? Or should a developer build simple pages that work and hand them over to the designer? I've always done the latter, but recently worked with a designer who built an entire site in HTML ...

Web Development Frameworks: Zend Framework vs Ruby on Rails vs ASP.NET MVC

i used Zend Framework b4 but will like to know what do u think? which is better and why. lets be objective ok? Zend Framework my background with this is ~3 mths Good: Templating thru Zend_Layouts & Zend_Views Zend_Forms, Zend_Validation, Zend_Filter: assists in form inputs Zend_Tool now allows for something like Ruby on Rails's CMD ...

OS X Database Tools?

I'm looking for a database visualization tool for OS X. MySQL Workbench looks promising, but the binaries provided are Intel only and I haven't been able to get the source to compile on PowerPC yet. Are there any other database visualizations tools out there for OS X? What other tools do you use for database development/administration? ...

dynamically create radio buttons?

Referring to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/702925/creating-dynamic-radio-button-w-jquery , I was thinking how can this be handled if the input value('red' or 'blue') is retrieved from the database on a page load. Taking the same example from the above link, if Red, blue or other dynamic values, how can we build radio buttons on the...

Use a UIWebView in the background

I would like to use a UIWebView object to run custom javascript methods against a local web page. I can do that, but I would like to do it in the background, I mean, while I'm showing a navigation controller or any other content, load webpages and call javascript methods on them. How would do that? ...

How can I temporary turn off a static page?

I have a static web page that I need to turn off, I don't want to delete the file though because there is a good chance I will need to turn it back on in the future. How can I do this? Thanks! ...

How do I block Google adsense linking to files on my server?

Today I noticed that a few Google advertisements in an adsence block on one of my pages were trying to display a file called "/pagead/badge/checkout_999999.gif" from my server. I did a bit of investigating and found out that the companies behind these adverts use Google Checkout and "checkout_999999.gif" is supposed to be a tiny shopping...

Design a login form so IE will remember login data

My company website, which I develop, requires a login using a form. Firefox correctly asks for and remembers login details, but test instances of IE6, IE7 do not remember either the username or password, and IE8 will give a dropdown of usernames previously used, but will not remember the password. What is it about the design of my pas...

Web: When should I consider using Java rather than PHP, Python/Django, Ruby/Rails, etc?

If gathering requirements for a medium-to-large web-based project, at what point should one consider using Java-based back-end, JSP, etc, over a scripting language like PHP, Python, or Ruby? Hearing "use the right tool...", when is Java the right tool for web-based projects? ...

How to add sound recording to a java based website - preferably a open source solution

I need to add functionality to a website to allow users to record a short sound snippet with their microphone. I understand that this is possible with flash - but is there a free solution? Ideally I was hoping this could be achieved without using applets. Does JavaFX or flex provide this functionality? Thanks in advance. ...

Filter spam and inappropriate content

in a web application how is spam and inappropriate content filtered ... spam probably captcha and what abt inappropriate content, vulgarities etc? ...