
Parameterized constructor in servlet.

Can I declare parameterized constructor inside servlet which is only constructor ? If no then why ? ...

Dump WebRequest transmissions for debugging purposes?

My application is performing numerous HttpWebRequests, and some of them fail occasionally. I would like to dump the bytes leaving my PC whenever I perform a request as well as the bytes arriving as a response. Is it possible to do this from within my code easily? I'd only like to use something like Wireshark as a last resort if no othe...

Automatic testing for web based projects.

Recently I've came up with the question is it worth at all to spent development time to generate automatic unit test for web based projects? I mean it seems useless at some point because at some point those projects are oriented on interactions with users/clients, so you cannot anticipate the whole possible set of user action so you be a...

Progressive enhancement, behavior when pages are not fully loaded yet

Hi all, I'm developing sites using progressive enhancement implemented completely in jQuery. For instance, I'm adding onclick event handlers dynamically to anchor tags to play linked MP3 files "inline" using SoundManager and popping up Youtube players for Youtube links, through $(document).ready(function()). However, if the user click...

where to find A mac virtual machine which i can run on windows to test my websites?

I want to test a website on mac, my client telling that there is something not working well on mac browsers. I have windows pc and don't know any friend near me has mac to test on it. Where i can find something like a virtual machine for mac to run mac from a pc. And if its not possible, do you have any smart idea to solve my problem ...

What is the definition of a staging envronment when developing web applications?

When developing a web application for others, multiple environments for testing are a good idea. However, different development teams have different definitions for the meaning of each environment. Currently, I like to keep it simple, and have a development environment (my local machine), a staging environment (someone before I deploy m...

When is UI eye candy appropriate in a web app?

To start with some context, I'm so annoyed whenever I get on a Windows computer that has the settings adjusted for "best appearance" over "best performance" that I instinctively turn off all fades, transitions, animations, etc. immediately. I almost can't focus until it's changed. However, when it comes to my web apps, I will very occas...

Browser refresh on AJAX with script tags in the response

I'm having some issues with a jQuery AJAX call. My code works fine when I request a page with no javascript in it, but when I have script tags in my code, things start to get weird. It seems that any script tags referencing external URLs cause the browser to redirect. In firefox, the page goes blank. In safari, the page clears and loads...

Best Technologies for AJAX Web Development

Hey Everyone, I have some experience in AJAX development, mostly on .NET and MooTools. However, I want to learn more and see what others out there thought about the various other options available. I am looking more for advise about the front end. The back end, I will most probably be coding up in .NET using c# and WCF services. Please...

Python web framework with low barrier to entry

I am looking for a LAMPish/WAMPish experience. Something very transparent. Write the script, hit F5 and see the results. Very little, if any abstraction. SQLAlchemy and (maybe) some simple templating engine will be used. I need simple access to the environment - similar to the PHP way. Something like the COOKIE, SESSION, POST, GET obje...

How to prevent Ajax/javascript result caching in browsers?

How to prevent browsers from caching Ajax results? I have and event triggered Ajax script the displays results only when the browsers data has been cleared. Tested in IE6 and Firefox 3.0.10 ...

FrontPage tags - Pain in da HTML

I have a webapplication, developed and ready to be deployed. The web part of it was designed using M$ FrontPage. None of the developers cared about proprietary weird tags that FrontPage inserts into HTML. I don't remember tags on top of my head, but I remember seeing tags such as <webbot> and etc. Now, my client doesn't want to see a bun...

What kind of characters and skills are essential for a developer who is working remotely?

For some personal reasons, have to leave the place where I live now, but still hope can keep working with the guys I am working with now. I read some articles say that need to set-up the always on skype group, but is this all and just no problem any more? ...

In a web programming environment, what are the uses of a hashtable Vs other datastructures handling Key,Value pairs

I have heard of people using them for keeping track of session variables, but I really want to know if there are many uses for them and under what conditions it would be beneficial to employ a hashtable vs any other data structure that can handle key value pairs, like a dictionary for example. eg. I have heard of people putting session ...

what points i should consider to create API for a new website i am building?

What points i should consider while building a website, and planing to support users with API to use? I see that most of famous websites are giving developers an API to deal with, such as facebook, twitter, google, .... There are any general points i should consider while building a new website to be able to support developers with an ...

How can i set window application as light weight in flex ? - still not get answer help me

is it possible can set lightweight type for window application . because i don't want window application icon shows on taskbar . so if it is not possiable ? How can i do ? anybody help me for that ...

The right approach to design a web application (design software, not graphics)

Recently I got requests from potential clients for very complex web applications. They wanted me to write a spec before the "real" works begins. The spec, as they see it should only be words describing the app and DB. Where I found the best approach is to "paint" or "build" a prototype of the screens the application will have (html is ea...

Barrier-Free Drag&Drop Pattern

Hi, In days of ajaxish Web2.0 I wonder whether it is possible to create 100% barrier-free web pages or if there are even patterns to support common Web2.0-practices. What came to my mind is drag&drop. Is there an all-round solution for this or does it depend highly on the way the technique is used? Thanks! ...

Managing a web application project with multiple viewing modes

What is the common practice to handle developing a web application that needs to be implemented in multiple viewing modes, i.e. desktop and mobile/iphone? Is it better to develop multiple applications for each mode or try to keep all the code in the same application? Does it make a difference if all the page functionality is the same (i...

Can someone point me to a really easy to understand guide to web.config?

I'm really interested in gaining an in-depth understanding of the format and structure of the web.config file for ASP.NET web development. I'd like to know if there's some really easy to comprehend material (apart from the MSDN docs) which can provide me a ground-up understanding of the web.config file and its different sections. Any su...