
What kinds of authentication options are there for websites and web applications?

Even though there are many good CMS tools out there, I've decided to roll my own tools for my website to get some hands on experience. The only thing that is currently eluding me is how to add authentication to secure the administrative tools. I'm the only one who will be using the administrative tools, so I don't need something as comp...

Data Entry with Linked Combos

I have a scenario where I have three combos. All three are populated with the same data, but use different fields from the data for their display text. The Extension, Name, and Room combos are all populated from the Extension table. If the user selects an extension, the Room and Name combo selections must update to the values for the ...

Two column page with fieldsets

I don't know where to begin learning about doing such a layout without tables, or at most one two column table as a simple container. Where should I start? ...

Do I need server-end knowledge (e.g. Django, Rails), if I want to do Javascript, AJAX stuff?

Hi People, I am trying to get into web development, specially interested building the front-end, UI part of websites while learning JavaScript maybe with AJAX technology. (I have a UI, HCI background.) However, I have absolutely no previous knowledge about server-end web development either. To my understanding, frameworks like Django s...

Run PHP script when a new file is added via FTP

Hi, I have the following situation Multiple cameras send images at random intervals via FTP to a predetermined folders. EG: recordings/camera1/images/ - for first camera recordings/camera2/images/ - for second camera etc Each of them save images in .jpg format and then close FTP connection. What I need to get done is to call a PHP scri...

Alternatives to JavaScript

At the moment, the only fully supported language, and the de-facto standard for DOM tree manipulation in the browser is JavaScript. I just started playing with this language, so I don't know much of it, but after reading some stuff around, looks like it has deep design issues that make it a minefield of bugs and security holes for the no...

How can i debug this ajax script for IE?

I have and an AJAX script in a page that works just fine with no bugs in firefoex, but IE6 loads the page with an ugly error icon on the status bar. What is the best way i can go about fixing/debugging this? Here is the error report: I have checked line 323 many times Here is the function: function checkAvailability(){ var card...

Good books/resources for learning web programming.

I am a beginner & wanted to know good tutorials to get myself started with javascript,html & other web programming related stuff. many thanks. ...

Assigning data-entry tasks to multiple concurrent web-app users

I'm trying to think of an efficient way to allow a group of people to work through a queue of data entry tasks. Previously we've just had one person doing this so it hasn't been an issue. The back-end is an RDBMS and the front-end is a web-application. Currently we do something like this: To assign a record for editing: SELECT * FRO...

webpage title

Hi In My Website I have main urls such as h**p://www.sy-stu.com/stu/music.php The Title of the page is Syrian Students ... Music Center But when i get into the subpages such as h**p://www.sy-stu.com/stu/music.php?module=MusicServer&page=browse&ViewType=Albums&Artistid=305 The Title still the same how can i modify it to show someth...

Whats the difference between using .Class or #ElementId in CSS?

Ive been wondering... in CSS are there any differences between creating a style class and applying it an element, or creating a style with the #elementId notation (apart from being able to assign a class to different elements)? For example... #div1 { background-color: Yellow; } <div id="div1"> Hello world! </div> Or .div1 { b...

C++ and Web Development

Hi All, Rather weird to ask, but Java has an app server, I can develop web apps in Java using JSP and Servlets and also Swing apps, can use the same java routines my web apps use, etc, etc. I love C++ is there any way I can use C++ for web development? (Not a Microsoft path...). I would appreciate thoughts! -Jason ...

Elmah not working with asp.net site

I've tried to use elmah with my asp.net site but whenever I try to go to http://localhost:port/elmah.axd I get resource not found exception. My web.config is given below. <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <configSections> <sectionGroup name="elmah"> <section name="security" requirePermission="false" ...

Finding most active topics or games

What's a good metric for finding the most active forum thread or game in your database? Imagine you run a forum like 4chan. You want the most active threads to appear on the first page. You tried sorting topics by last_updated, but the result is chaotic: the threads you see on each refresh are effectively random, and jumping to the se...

How do you organize views / controllers in a NON MVC web application?

Hi, looking for best practices in web development, when you are writing a web application in a traditional non-framework environment (core PHP or Perl / CGI), what is the cleanest way to organize or map calls from the client to server processes? The answer is rather trivial when working in a single-scope page where, for example, you hav...

Use .ascx to render content from ajax call.

Assume I have on a page an article with the possibility to comment it. I have a submit form that submits via ajax and the OnComplete javascript method intercepts the result of the form submit. Each comment is smth like: <div class="text"> <p class="details"> User <a href="http://www.mywebsitehere.com/user/3583/" rel="nofollow" class="f...

Using your own API to build your site

Hi. I'm looking to create a new site and in order to encourage myself to create a powerful API for others to use, I'm tempted to write the API and use it myself to build the the actual site. The idea being, if it is capable of running the primary site, then it will give other users plenty of options to put their own spin on things. It w...

What are the basic questions to ask a person who wants his Medium sized website done?

I wanted to know the basic question that a person needs to ask if someone wants his web app done?? It can be UI,platform,crux of the applications and many other things...Please post what one needs to know before starting to work on a app. ...

Is it possible to check if the caps lock button is active while typing in form ?

I was wondering if it was possible to know if the caps lock button is active while filling a web form ? Sometimes, when you are asked to enter your password, softwares notice you that's active, and you be careful. I would have liked to do the same in web forms. Any ideas ? ...

What is the best way getting new clients that need programming?

My question is directed at any of you that run small development shops. How do you go about finding clients that need web based development? Thus far, we've had numerous clients but the bulk of them have been for simple out-of-the-box CMS or e-commerce sites. Do you contribute to open-source projects (which I am currently doing, we just ...